Posts by 2+2=5
"You Can Do Just Enough Ministry To Dislike It"
by pale.emperor inwhen you were "in" did you ever actually enjoy the ministry?
and i made no secret about it.
instead i would joke about me feather knocking, and made sure i had my bible in hand so as they come to the door they know what im about so they can shut me down before i even start.. i always wondered how or why there were people who enjoyed it.
I hated it. Probably not as much as my wife. Weekends are infinitely more enjoyable without theocrapic activities. -
ls homosexuality really normal?
by atomant inl know animals do it but their animals.they dont live by a moral code.the thought of 2 men going for it is not normal.what are your thoughts?.
I'm not gay, some blokes are.
That's normal... what's the problem?
What were Jesus's 'Miracles' supposed to prove?
by nicolaou inthe healings, feeding the five thousand, walking on water, resurrecting the dead.
none of it happened of course but let's take the bible literally and say that it did.. so?.
didn't magic practicing priests perform 'miracles' in a contest with aaron?
I'm not sure what more God could have done to prove his existence, and his love of a good party trick.
Moses had some good ones, but Jesus was the personification of Gods awesome party tricks. Jesus proved beyond all doubt and verified that Jehovah is the God of party tricks.
Inappropriate Behavior
by rebelfighter innow i know i am getting older or of the older generation.
i have had a very strange day with a lot of strange dealings with people with strange behavior today but this one incident was just over the top.
so i came out of a store in a busy shopping center.
If he did that in front of my daughter, I would put my daughter in the car, and then go over to him, and toss him a beating. I keep an aluminum bat in the trunk of my Chrysler. Most likely, I would wrap the bat, around his head, with one swing
I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.
Will the UN turn on Religion?
by no-zombie inas all witnesses know, the opening gambit of the great tribulation will occur when the united nations turns on organized religion to devastate them and leave them naked of people and resources.
however, as jehovah's judgement day has been spoken of as being "imminent", the question that can be fairly asked ... 'is the united nations organization actually in a position to act as god's destroyer of false religion?
while i have no doubt that most within that organization had in the past tried to make the lives of the desperate better, the united nations has unfortunately now become a weak and underfunded political eunuch.
This is easily one of the most stupid ideas that the WT promotes.
The JWs think that the UN will just pull the plug on religion, leaving only the Jws who stand out as the only group that refuse to stop practicing religion......mmmmmm.... seriously?? WTF? Islam???? Please...
So the solution to solving religious conflict is as simple as a bunch of suits saying, "No more religion!"....and just like that..... ISIS gone, the Palestine/Israel dramas finished and Christian fundamentalists everywhere renounce Jesus and embrace logic and facts. Those who are in hell best be wearing their winter clothing on that day, it's going to be chilly down there.
It's a typical idea that promotes the JWs as being far more significant than they really are. When they thought up this crack pot bullshit 100 years ago they were not counting on Islam becoming the force it is. The JWs seem to focus on the Catholics and Christendom getting judgment from the nations and not so much Islam or other eastern religions.
Keep on the watch! The day is drawing near! The time left is reduced! Jesus is coming... soon!
The Cult Guide To Raising Children
by pale.emperor insomething you're not likely to see in the "secret to family happiness" book.
the borg's guide to raising children:.
put the borgs needs, desires and agenda before the children every time, all the time.
It's a sad place for kids, no doubt.
Are Gods true worshippers on Earth today? If they are not JWs then who are they?
by Formerbrother inis there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
James Brown - I see you have been reading some crazy bullshit since you last visited the forum.
Like Kent Hovind wasn't enough.
I guess some like their bullshit spread thick.
The Blood Transfusion Act 1960 - Australia
by OrphanCrow inaustralia passed an act in 1960 that allowed doctors to give a blood transfusion, if necessary, to minor children.. i am curious as to whether this act - the blood transfusion act 1960 - is still in effect in australia.
and i would also like to know if any australian jws are aware of this act.
are australian jws still told to resist blood transfusions for their minor children?.
In my experience I would say that JWs in Australia would resist blood for thier children, at the instruction from their leaders at world HQ, and most are not aware that doctors will give blood to a minor anyway....
Back when I was still in the cult, I had one elder try and tell me we can refuse blood for our children, and I was trying to tell him otherwise but he had a WT education. My child had been under intensive care for a week, and received multiple transfusions, so I didn't argue with the fool I just left him in his ignorance. He like many others, are under the wrong impression about laws regarding blood transfusions and children with cult parents.
How Will Armageddon Begin?
by Cold Steel inand how long will it last?
and who will come after that, yahweh, as the old testament says or jesus, as the new testament says?
the scriptures say he'll come to the mount of olives, but surely that's a spiritual mount of olives.
It begins with Trump being elected President of the USA
The most sick statement put in JW print
by Chook inwt 1973 p568.
"did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers that stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become maturbators later on?".
what sick fu... writing this article thought the the average person did this to keep kids quiet..
I dont believe it , show me the article in question in print.
It's legit. I remember being astonished at this when I came across it here years ago.