Money can't buy happiness but it sure makes misery easier to live with.
Posts by 2+2=5
Money and Happiness
by berrygerry inwt has made a number of references to this alleged quote by j. paul getty:.
“money doesn’t necessarily have any connection with happiness.
nothing in my wt life brought more stress and anxiety than not having enough money.. this quote makes far more sense:.
A Believer....... A naughty, naughty sheep....
by DATA-DOG in"a believer" seems to be our new apologist/disobedient sheep.
"a believer" ignores the "spirit-directed"/"bible-based" commands of the gb/fds!
shame on you, "a believer"!!!!
From where do you guys get that I shouldn't be here?
You're full of shit. Don't try and weasel out of it. Most of us were raised in the filthy JW cult. You are not ALLOWED to be hear according to the shit you subscribe to.
You're not winning anything or anyone by being hear,you just come across as an extreme tosser. Fucking off would be the best option straight back into a KH.
Pay more attention at the meetings dickhead.
When you stop & think about it ,why would Gods chosen people in the Old testament need an army ?
by smiddy inas the op states why would israel /jewish nation need to have an army at all ?
if they were the chosen people as the bible states under a theocracy , why would the men of israel need an army .?
to protect them ?.
Sometimes when the magic tricks weren't enough, Jehovah would require some physical support. And if the opponents had fancy chariots, Jehovah was screwed either way.
Why is religion in general so obsessed with what people choose to do with their willies and vaginas?
by jambon1 inwhat was it in the evolution of religion that got them so hung up about what people do with their genitalia?.
i mean, the (mis)use of genitalia is up there with murdering another human being in terms of badness.. and in the 21st century, we have a situation where in the jw religion, it's deemed as acceptable for three middle aged/old men to sit a teenage girl down and ask her the details of her use of her genitals.
to any normal person this is intrusive, completely inappropriate and bordering on deviancy.. why they so obsessed?.
Jehovah required his followers to mutilate each other's genitals. That's quite a commitment.
Extra-Ordinary Meetings taking place at Kingdom Halls at this hour....???
by AFRIKANMAN inin south africa there are meetings taking place at the kh's at this time involving video hookup as well......anyone know anything or is similar occurring in your neck of the woods this week-end ??
all involved not just the elite elders ..
I'd be cool with just spelling extraordinary as one word. Extra-Ordinary causes waves of panic to spread through the community.
Jehovah's Witnesses Crime Against Grammar
by Simon inso this is really starting to grate on me the more i think about it because it's just wrong grammatically.. one of my friends always refers to me used to being "a jehovah witness" which used to grate whenever she said it but now it seems more correct.. think about it this way: bruce springsteen has fans.
they are fans of bruce springsteen or, bruce springsteen's fans.
but each of them isn't a bruce springsteen's fan.
I am one of Jehovah's witnesses. I am a witness of Jehovah.
Said nobody ever.
Excellent use of language in comments on this site compared with WT publications
by Deltawave ini think it's great.
when i read posts on here i have to use a dictionary because of the high level of intellectual words yet, when i read a wtbts publication, i have to ignore all the bad grammar and punctuation!
A salubrious place indeed.
If you can get past all the frothing at the mouth, you will notice apostates have high standards of grammar.
Just curious about how faithful women are these days. Anybody know?
by Alostpuppydog inso being someone who is not, however still believes around 70% of what the jw's talk about as far as the bible goes, ignoring the fact of no blood transfusions, shunning, etc.
wt doctrines, i got this question.
anybody really know how faithful 'worldly' (i use this term lightly 😉) women are these days?
Wordly people are dangerous, usually infected and are always eager to deceive.
Jws are squeaky clean. Lousy blowjobs though.
November JW broadcast is up, this time on not telling the truth, shunning
by bohm innovember broadcast is up:.
we learn interesting things.
It's double speak 1984 style with these morons, constantly.
More bad news for the Organisation in Australia
by no-zombie init appears the the commonwealth government is bringing in a national compensation scheme for victims of institutional child sexual abuse with individuals able to claim up to $150,000 each.
it's clear that the australian government will not be able to fund this program without serious money from the offending churches.
so it's bad news for the organization today..
This is coming soon. Not WT soon either. Unlike their bullshit message, this is legitimate.
20 million dollars would be a conservative estimate, this will take years, and it's all downhill from here for the filthy WTS.