Impale him!
Posts by 2+2=5
Why does this forum tolerate Cold steele and his mormonism beliefs ? Who`s next ?
by smiddy ini thought this forum was for people who were ex jw`s and pro jw`s and the like to debate ,discuss and reasonably talk about our differences ,and sometimes drift off into politics world events and whatever.. however over a period of time i have come across cold steel `s many posts which are nothing more than promoting his mormon religions point of view./beliefs what has that got to do with jehovahs witnesses and the concerns many have with the jw religion.?.
it seems to me he is using this forum to promote his religion and is getting away with it over a long period of time.. how long before other cult religions see this as a springboard for promoting their own religion such as .
sda`s ,christian scientists , christadelphians ,beroean bible students ,etc.etc.. where will it end if he is able to keep doing this ?.
How Knowledge is Dissipated in Talks
by Cold Steel inlondo111 » each congregation has a “talk coordinator”.
talk coordinators will coordinate with other talk coordinators in order to find speakers to give the public talk on sunday.
typically, they come from the general area: the circuit or a nearby circuit.
The South Park episode on Mormons is fantastic. Covers the religion well without exaggeration.
Is there anything recent in the publications about Jesus only being the ransom for annointed?
by NikL ini was trying to find something recent that i can show "still ins" in my sphere but it is proving harder than anticipated.. most of what i am seeing is couched in confusing goblygook wt style prattle.. my wife argues that it's not even true and i think that's the case with most jaydubs.. so i guess if it is a teaching that is being allowed to fade, maybe it's not worth pursuing?.
any of you scholars out there got anything recent clear and handy?.
Won't they be surprised when God smites them?
Believe me, I'll be as shocked as anyone.
Whether Jesus was a historical figure or not matters not
by venus inwhen i suffered some loss what jesus said came to my mind: “if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.” (mathew 5:40) principle behind this statement made flash to me: ‘here shirt is only a symbol of material things/comfort.
if you suffer a loss, have the mind-set that i have no problem even if i suffer some greater loss,’ and my worry immediately disappeared.
whether jesus was a historical figure or not matters not if what he (supposedly) said happens to be of great practical help..
The practicality of what Jesus supposedly said, has no bearing on Jesus Christ being a real historical figure.
Where do I go now?
by Libby inso i thought my purpose was to serve jehovah and get baptised.
where do i go now to get baptised?
is baptism even a requirement for serving god or was that just for the disciples and people of that time.
I don't pray, neither do my friends, mostly.
Praying is so old school, nowadays most people have iPods, play video games or enjoy other forms of technology and forget all the Jesus stuff.
I'd suggest you keep researching. Good luck.
How can angels be sexually attracted to women?
by Island Man inthe nephilim account in genesis is utterly ridiculous when you consider that angels are sex-less beings and would therefore lack sex-drive and romantic attraction.
think of how difficult it is for humans with a sex drive to be sexually attracted to animals.
now take away that sex drive and it becomes literally impossible.
It's as if that bible account were completely made up, by a group of ignorant and morally repugnant men. -
Breaking News, London: Van Ploughs into Pedestrians
by Simon in3 male passengers then get out and start stabbing / shooting people according to early reports.. but it could have been anyone for any reason, who knows, possibly jehovahs witnesses or amish.. maybe we'll never know the reason but i'm sure there will be people praying for those involved and hashtags.. thus solving the problem once and for all.. just "life in a big city" according to the muslim mayor of london, sadiq khan..
We just need to embrace diversity and become a more tolerant society..... but first, rid the world of Islam.
Broadcasting live from the belly of the beast
by NikL inwell unfortunately i was unable to get out of today gracefully so here i am in sacramento california at what i fear may be the most boring convention to date.. heck there aren't even any entertaining apostates to watch .
anyway,i am just posting as a quiet f.u.
to the org..
Only mentioned Jesus once so far. During talk about protecting kids. Used it as an example how Jah protected his kid Jesus.
How can a father who nominates his son for a brutal execution, set an expample of protecting kids?...
Religion, I guess.
How do I get you to Visit my house
by I have question inokay simply put i am not of your faith however my faith allows me to learn and study other people's beliefs and faith's.
now i believe at least from what i have seen that you people are humble and respectful, when interacting with me.
and that watchtower book thing u hand out has actually helped me in the past.... taught me that resentment only hurts me and not the person i resented, that was really needed at the time.
Put simply, the Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult.... steer clear.
Proverbs 17:28
Compelling stuff, yet again..