If you were born and raised a JW, I’m sure you could understand...
It’s not fucking normal.
is it because we were in the cult watchtower compound that we talk about being ex-jw's when we stop being active?
i have never heard anyone say that i was an ex-catholic or an ex-lutheran or an ex-baptist.
they just stop going to their church and don't talk about it.. years after not stepping inside a kingdom hell, many of us still have to talk about being ex-jw's.
If you were born and raised a JW, I’m sure you could understand...
It’s not fucking normal.
confidential items are of most interest of course, just curious what they're talking about there in general and what are the newest things everyone is being warned about, etc.
Porn is bad and don’t masturbate. Watching porn and masturbating simultaneously can turn a straight man into a raging homosexual after one money shot.
Seriously though, I have heard from someone that pornography gets a mention.... again.
please tell me how not to think too much and get a good night sleep.
when i was a jw i didn't think too much because i knew everything, but now my mind works overtime.
how in the hell can i shut it down and stop the anxiety???
at a bible study when i was younger i read this scripture out loud and totally did with a straight face realising what they were talking about halfway through it.
i think i start reading in verse 12 "when evening falls, he should wash with water, and then he may return to the camp at sunset.+ 12 a private place* should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
The lord sayeth, “don’t shit where you eat”.
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.
You could write the WT article. You are that good.
i believe the gb's takeover of the fds was an illegal coup - not illegal relative to the laws of land, but illegal according to jw "laws" or doctrine.. according to jw doctrine, the fds is god's channel of communication between heaven and earth.
before the coup, the fds was defined to be all the anointed on earth, and the gb was part of that group and merely the spokesman for the group - individual gb members having no more authority than non-gb members of the fds.. however, a few years ago, the gb, independently of the other members of the fds, decided that it alone was the fds.
that, to me, was an illegal overthrow of the body (fds); it was a coup.. suppose the u.s. president decided that he has all power, and that he removed the powers of the u.s. congress.
In theory all anointed were part of the faithful slave. But in practice only the GB had the authority of the faithful slave. Everyone kind of realised that anyway.
Everyone, except the especially delusional JWs probably realised it... aka the anointed.
While you explained the old doctrine in a few sentences, it would take the GB at least one entire WT article with scriptures referenced in poor context, convoluted reasoning and crazy assumptions to explain the same thing.... I think they do this on purpose, it comes across as intelligent and thoroughly researched to the brainwashed masses.
The JW theology is a mess and it’s getting exponentially worse as time passes.
latest perspective of the san diego reader on wts loosing its $4000 per day sanction appeal.... https://m.sandiegoreader.com/news/2017/nov/10/ticker-jehovahs-witnesses-withheld-info-4000-day/?templates=mobile.
$4000.00 a day is nothing for the Billion dollar rich WTS
You can say that. I could find 4000 hard working JWs here in Australia that would say otherwise.... and this is the GB’s problem.
They cannot let the people get word of this vast waste of money. I would say JWs have even been mentally conditioned to believe this donation money couldn’t ever be wasted. They haven’t been tightening control on the people over the years for nothing.
i'm tyoing this up on my phone, so forgive me if i don't give all i do or spell anything correctly.
today i saw in the local newspaper in skagit valley washington a local man was sentenced to prison for child pornography.
at firat i wasn't i terested in the article until i saw the defendants name.
*He took meth so he wasn’t a true JW... at the time he raped that child*
*Bad people take drugs and rape all the time.*
No need to respond Fisherman. I’ve got you covered.
looks like trump wants to take out the scientologists.. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-scientology-tax-exemption_us_5a04dd35e4b05673aa584cab?vpo .
as a cult, could the watchtower be close behind?.
There are about 3 million JW in the US (knocking on every door they see).
about 10.5 million people study the bible with JW. That's a lot of JW!
Hahaha! Turn it up. This isn’t the 60’s. The door knocking has slowed... hiding in the shadows in obscure public places is now the best way to preach.
Anthony Morris admitted those numbers are phoney... can’t be trusted. Not bible studies... actually just magazine drop off points.
It’s mostly been a waste of time, money and people’s lives.
Keep up with new light.
looks like trump wants to take out the scientologists.. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-scientology-tax-exemption_us_5a04dd35e4b05673aa584cab?vpo .
as a cult, could the watchtower be close behind?.
JWs are nothing like Scientology. I don't like equating the two.
Because it’s not fair on Scientology.