Hotdogs: Yes, that sounds pretty correct. As close as we will come to agreeing, anyway :-) You can certainly acknowledge the ambiguity and say on your site that the teaching *was* 7,000 years per day at one time, and that they have maintained the "thousands" remark for a while now rather than confirm or deny the 7,000-years-per-day teaching.
When it comes to the final day, however, I am pretty sure that the Society still thinks day 7 is precisely 7,000 years and that the delay in creating Eve (and thus ending day 6) is simply much more than Franz thought. After all, why would the day be something like 7,040 years or 7,235? The Society wants to believe it's precisely 7,000 because it's a nice round, Biblical number and because it means the end is coming any time now.