The gospels were written after or around the same time as the temple was destructed... it wasn't a prophecy but a interpretation of an event that was or already had been taken place.
JoinedPosts by DeWandelaar
Preterism vs The Rapture??
by DATA-DOG inin the preterist view, all scripture is fulfilled.
when jesus said to his disciples, " this generation ", he meant it.
they would not pass away until they saw the destruction of jerusalem.
Question for people more intelligent than me
by Monsieur indo we have concrete evidence of how the pyramids at giza were built?.
or is this still an unexplained 'mystery'?.
i've read that the stones used to build these things are monolithic?.
I think the dinosaurs did it...
Letter I wrote to the person the caused me to be disfellowshipped
by jwfacts ina thread on another forum reminded me of a letter i wrote to the person that went to the elders and started the proceedings to have me disfellowshipped.
i stopped believing in the religion when i was 25 but continued going for about ten years.
i finally started to fade at 35, but about 6 months after i had stopped going to meetings, a person wrote a letter to the elders about my website, which at the time was anonymous.
Give this man a cookie!
Unconfirmed 2014 Year Book Numbers - Peak Pubs, Baptized, Hrs, Reg Pio & Studies
by OwnAccord ini bethelite sent this email out - can't really give out names.
we wrote these figures as quickly as possible, but could not keep up 100%).
you get to check these figures out when you get your 2014 yearbook.
Maybe they count the "server" time of people who visit as well... you never know with these clowns
I'm tired of atheist vs theist, let's some god-on-god action!
by marmot ini've noticed that whenever there's a discussion about god or belief on this forum it's invariably the christian god that gets center attention.
why does yahweh get a free pass and all the other other gods get short shrift?.
surely the monotheistic tradition is just as silly as any number of deities out there, i want to see some deist bashing coming from other deists to liven things up a bit.. why should i believe in the god of the bible that made a man out of clay and let a talking snake convince the first woman to eat forbidden fruit over other equally ludicrous creation myths?
A deist looks further then a bible, koran or other "holy" book... I believe there is "something"/"someone" ... but it does not mean he is stirring in our events. He probably created everything and it should work according to certain predefined laws. The laws of nature are good enough... it is people fucking it up that makes for chaos. But the earth will eventually puke us out and will continu to stay. That is how I see it
I'm Returing To Become A Jehovah's Witness Again
by Space Madness ina little background, i faded in 2007 and have been out ever since.
i started studying at 18 and have no jw realitives.
i'm returing because my life is heading in the wrong direction.
In my opinion you must do all you can to be a better person. If you truly think you will feel better being a witness and able to be a better person then do it... I do not agree with that choice but it is your life :)
Who wants to live forever?
by Doug Mason inwhat will living be like after 5 billion years?.
The gods envy us. Because we are mortal, because we are doomed, each moment is so much more precious.
So what if they were wrong?
by DS211 inthis is a reply ireceived from a poster on another forum.
"actually the vast majority of interpretations of prophecy are absolutely spot on.. .
people harp on over this and that that was wrong 50 years ago, but today jehovah's witnesses have all the bible's prophecies pretty much figured out in their entirety.. .
A prophecy that is going backwards is not a prophecy... a prophesy is ment to help avoid a disaster and not to be explained afterwards. :P
Elders receive a report that I am openly displaying false religious symbol
by confusedandalone inwhen you look at the image above what do you see?
a sneaker or an outward display that i am now following after another religious group?.
well yesterday i had a 10 minute conversation with an elder who finally got the balls to call me.
Well... He should have played a reggea song in the background when the elder called him... or "by the rivers of babylon" lol!
Is JWN an unforgiving place
by usualusername inover many years i have looked at jwn.
in fact barely a day goes by without my fix.. .
it is a site of contradictions.. .
It is contradicting because everyone on board has a different load and a different perspective. Thing is we all thought we were the wisest asses on earth.... We aren't and we (humbly or not) need to accept that. At the end we need to learn that respect for everyones view of this world is actually the utmost important. Why?
- if we ever get back on this planet post-mortum we will know we did our best
- if we don't get back we made life for everyone as best as we could.
imo it does not matter if you were or are jw or not... you are human.
the JWN community is filled with humans cause yet that is what we are. The only thing we really have together is our JW-past. For the rest it is peoplebusiness like in all the world. Grow up.. Have a life... Care for people around you