I don't remember having any substitute words. I was taught that they were just as bad and I might as well be using the actual word. But I was dragged into the back room on more than one occasion for both, the actual word and the substitute. Boy, if I had the guts back then that I have now....I would've used my mother's "word" (she ran them all together and use to spew it several times each day).
JoinedPosts by sweetone2377
Words you used instead of cussing
by JH inwitnesses must always have a clean and pure language to honor god, and must never cuss.
now imagine an elder accidentally hitting his finger with a hammer...
what words may he exclaim in this moment of pain?
Desperate Housewives.......
by ScoobySnax ini love this programme,.......we get loads of crap from the states, but when they make a good show....wow!!
along with friends and simpsons.....this has got to be right up there with the classics!!!!.
go edie!!!!
I absolutely love this show. I watch every sunday night.
What kind of JW response do you think I'll get?
by Bubbamar inin my moms last letter she stated that me, my sister and her should all just "move on" meaning put our hurts and anger behind us and work towards having better relationships.
however, in the same letter she clarified that disfellowshipping is "discipline" and she intends to continue shunning me.
so i wrote back asking her what "moving on" means for her.
We cannot convince them to come out from the darkness they are in. I've had problems with my mother since I disassociated myself nearly 5 years ago. I send periodic photos and notes to let her know we (my children) are still alive and living a great life. I keep the lines of communication open but don't expect anything from her. I will recieve something from her every once in a while (well, my kids will but....) and she will be using her usual methods (guilt tripping and blaming) to try to convince to come back. I simply ignore it and keep living my life. I'm tired of always trying to make sure my life is up to some one else's standards. Eventually she will get it and back off. You can't let it keep you down. My mother just sent me an entire photo album filled with photos and updates on all of my old JW friends, her way of trying to guilt me into coming back because she knows we were really close and that I would probably miss them. But I value my freedom so much more and can always make new friends.
Let sleeping dogs lie. You cannot convince her that their way is wrong. She has to decide that for herself, the same as we all did.
Speaking in Tongues
by Pinned Blouse ini have visited several churches with family and friends and this is something that i cannot get used to.
i do not know if this is basically done in black churches or not ( i am aa) but it makes me a little uncomfortable.
i will say that i have had feelings in these churches that i have never felt in the kh.
not wanting to dissappoint these 2 hopping around me and stuff.....I FAKED IT....
Oh my goodness Sweetp....this reminds me of my Pastor when he talks about c.d.'s.......courtesy drops! LOL When you end up with a crowd around you everyone praying, then you look around and you're the only one still standing so you wonder if you should toss around a cd, a courtesy drop, so as not to disappoint the person praying over you. LOL This happens overseas alot, where entire churches just drop like flies in the prescence of God.
Speaking in Tongues
by Pinned Blouse ini have visited several churches with family and friends and this is something that i cannot get used to.
i do not know if this is basically done in black churches or not ( i am aa) but it makes me a little uncomfortable.
i will say that i have had feelings in these churches that i have never felt in the kh.
I go to an interdenominational charasmatic, proudly pentecostal church. I haven't yet spoken in tongues or been slain in the spirit. I think it's because I'm still a little warry of it, I haven't allowed the Spirit to flow through me in that way. But I love my church. I remember reading about the Israelites taking their instruments, dancing, singing and praising God. But in the KH, we stood there like logs, were quiet, and silent during prayer. I'm glad that when I can feel the Spirit moving in a church, and when I can see the annointing on my Pastor I can audibly agree with him "Amen", so be it. As a matter of fact, he'll keep on preaching till 1 or 2 in the afternoon if we're not lively enough LOL. But I love it. I love that I can now raise my arms to God and really get involved in it. That feeling you felt is the Spirit. If you've never been able to experience the annointing like that, then man.....you are missing something great. To actually feel the prescence of God in the chair with you, in the isles and in the room. To hear His voice echoing through the sanctuary. It's an experience like no other. I could never go back to the quiet sad ways of the JWs. I would really miss feeling God's prescence in my life, in my church. When I first came here I would cry during service, every time. Just being able to be so open to everyone and to God was amazing to me. The entire, just the whole of it all was overwhelming for me. I could feel God touching my heart, whispering in my ear "I am here, fear no longer, I have never left your side" It's just amazing.
I have NEVER heard it confirmed that a wacko tongue speaker ever said ANYTHING in another language that was understandable by someone of that particular dialect.......EVER!
These are gifts of the Spirit, gifts given to people by God for ministry usage. Once a gift has been given, it doesn't get taken away (which is why you have so many preachers who are given a gift and they can still do it even after they've become corrupt). Gumby, you seem to still be trapped in the JW mindset on the subject. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinions. But I've found that most people who do in fact, speak in tongues, do speak languages. But they are more ancient languages. I've heard something similar to Arabic mostly. These people who have been given this gift can use it at any time. It's not like some crazy feeling comes over them and suddenly they blab uncontrolably. A lot of people prefer to pray in the tongues, unless they are praying for/with someone else. At one timie, DH was given (by the Spirit) the translation for a paticular subject that one lady in our church kept saying over and over again one week. Most times, it will be taken to the Pastor. It will be prayed over and prayed about. And once God sends confirmation, the rest of the church will be told what the translation was. We always wait for confirmation becuase the enemy is like a wolf in sheep's clothing. We do not want to allow ourselves to be deceived.Besides....even if they DID say anything that meant something........the apostle Paul said if nobody was there to translate it so that OTHERS may benifit......it was just a bunch of hooey(crashing cymbols) that meant nothing
Kingdom Hall Destroyed By Fire
by Kenneson inthe denbigh, virginia kingdom hall was destroyed by an accidental fire begun by a member who was welding and soldering pipes in a bathroom.
the insulation ignited and although he tried to extinguish the blaze, he was unsuccessful.
3 congregations used the building; now they have nowhere to meet and will have to rebuild.. http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/dp-36592sy0jun30,0,4261948
It does make one think.........
Accident? I think not. Arsen? Insurance Fraud? Maybe. Just maybe.
"But you don't want nothing like this to happen," said Alan Cross, a member of Denbigh South, one of three congregations that met in the Kingdom Hall. "Truly tragic," Cross said, looking at the darkened, exposed roof.
Check out that grammar. "But you don't want SOMETHING like this to happen" -
Ever start a BS?
by PopeOfEruke indid anyone here ever start a bible study while out in field service?
from scratch, all by themselves?.
i had a couple of studies but never started one from cold.
The only studies I ever conducted were friends from school or the neighborhood that my parents wouldn't let me play with unless I studied with them first. I had to explain to them that we had to read the bible if they wanted me to come over. Talk about an abnormal childhood.
I remember my best friend from high school. I would go visit her alone and count her as a BS, but we would just visit and talk and such. I'd drop off magazines when someone insisted on going with me, knowing she was just going to trash them as soon as we left. I also had to tell her that I could only come to see her if we "studied".
Latest Watchtower study... Still discouraging higher education!!!
by Doubtfully Yours inone of the paragraphs read that 'if in the area where you live you need higher education after you graduate, then the young person must speak with the parents in order to help them balance the schedule so that he/she doesn't neglect spiritual things'.
alright, i thought, that's a somewhat balanced point of view; i thought, good they're coming along with the times we live in.
yeah, right!!!
What's it with JWs and WINDOW CLEANING??? I knew a Bethelite who supposedly did that as well. Why of all mediocre professions is that one always mentioned?
I did know of a family of window washers in my congregation. But our congregations was made up of floor cleaners, those on welfare and some kind of disability. But it was ok for them to live off the tax dollars of others who were actually making a real, honest living because they didn't have to spend time at a job, instead they could spend thier time recruiting. IT's called free labor.
I understand both points of view. I understand the higher education pro view and the view that not everyone needs college to suceed. Some people are natural born leaders. Some have the know how, they have a business sense. Others don't have that and need to be taught through colleges and universities.
Would like to meet.........
by Gadget inthe following ad in the atlanta journal is reported to have received the most calls ever on a singles ad:.
single black female seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant.
i'm a very good looking girl who loves to play.
OMG! that is hillarious!!
Ever start a BS?
by PopeOfEruke indid anyone here ever start a bible study while out in field service?
from scratch, all by themselves?.
i had a couple of studies but never started one from cold.
I actually only started one, which is why I wasn't allowed to regular pioneer, or even aux pioneer after a while, becuase I didnt' have enough Bible Studies. The org. has enough BS for everyone though. I just ddin't feel right teaching someone else something that I just did not believe myself. So I didn't really try to start any. I also cheated on my time reports every month, adding an hour here and there LOL Some months I'd turn in 20 - 30 hours and have never said a word to anyone about the Bible. LOL