Have a blast,that is something I want to do as well! Mabey this summer!
Posts by shera
If you don't hear from me, it's because I'm a wet spot on the ground...
by Elsewhere ini?m taking the leap, literally!
on saturday i?m going sky diving for the very first time!
i?m going with a group of about 30 people (we will be getting a group discount) and will be doing a tandem jump.
Hi Shadow.Welcome!
Did You Ever Wish That The Truth Wasn't True?
by Englishman ini did.. there wasn't any aspect of jwism that i actually really enjoyed apart from the "apres ski" when the meeting had ended.. meetings bored me silly.. i couldn't abide door to door work.. i never studied voluntarily, just a 5 minute skim the through the watchtower before the meeting started.. worst experience ever was door-knocking on christmas morning.
god, i hated that!.
as for the restrictions as to what you could and couldn't do....ye gods!.
You don't need to teach us the truth hon,we already know.Your the one that is in the dark.Pitch darkness that is.
take care
Who Is Your American Idol Pick?
by wednesday ini am crazy about the red headed john.
he is so cute and just has such a cool way about him.
he's a frank sinatra dean martin type singer.
I was sad to see Amy go,she was awesome when she sang the country week.
Who Is Your American Idol Pick?
by wednesday ini am crazy about the red headed john.
he is so cute and just has such a cool way about him.
he's a frank sinatra dean martin type singer.
George Huff ,he just seems like a sweety and he glows up there! I like his dip too.
Favorite Online Games?
by Scully in.
do you have any favorite games?.
my current favorite is adventure elf and also a few others from www.kewlbox.com
Unreal and the older quake games. I havne't really been playing them lately tho.
Hi Wolfy,sorry to hear about your job.
Thinking of you and here is a big *******************hugs******************* for a great guy!
friends forever Heather
The good in Jehovah's Witnesses.
by ScoobySnax ini don't think i've made any apology for my leanings here towards jws, whilst i don't imagine most here will agree with me, i just think its good sometimes to redress the balance on this forum in a small way to let people who might be reading/lurking/ know that.. despite feeling messed up a bit in my own head about which direction i want/have to take in my own life, and despite many struggles as deep and traumatic as many have experienced here, i still hold jws as a group in the highest esteem.
i can remember what it was like to try and do the "right" thing and follow the way of the truth, it was bloody hard, and i fell down many times.
i always used to try and pick myself up dust myself down and start over again, sometimes with success for longer periods than others.
I wouldn't have anything to do with a religion that is based on lies and is still lieing.
Would you ever shun?
by ozziepost ini was asked that question today, or words just like it, is it ever right for a christian to shun?.
don't the scriptures instruct it?.
well, what would your answer be?
Well,I wouldn't shun people,but like blondie said,I wouldn't have anything to do with a child molester and a rapist.I just watch who I have in my company.
If someone is a serious drug addict and they were hurtful to other people,I would show love but be tough about it,until they cleaned up their lives.Other wise I wouldn't "hang" with that person.I would never turn my back on my children,always be there and love them.If they hurt another child when older,I would have problems with that but as a parent I would always love.
No sex or marriage for Great Crowd
by cherjcd inhello folks,.
the watchtower has promised a special group of people that they will have sex, marriage and children in the new earth.
no resurrected person will have these privileges because you have to live through armageddon to get the privilege to procreate.
Was this always taught?I donot remember this as a teaching.I left the JW's around 93/94 and I recall sisters saying she is going to have children in the "new system".Or was I just missing something? LOL