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Posts by shera
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #93 (Time for some reflection, folks!)
by ozziepost inhow's the weekend going for you?.
i know some are feeling a little low - pompey lost ...........to leicester!!!
!man city ......
I'm attracted to Minimus
by findingme inis it just me, or are there others who find the mystery behind the shades and red uniform irresistable?
Funny how people will post in something and read it when they are tired of a subject.Enore it...lol
The red M&M is mine I say!!!!!!!
One of these days we will know the answers to the mysterious of Min!
Bullied JW Child
by desib77 ini know this has been shown once before but when i read it again today and saw the boy crying in the courtroom it just made me sick with anger.
i'm so angry that the jw's let their children stick out so much that they get teased and picked on.
i'm angry that this boy was punished when defending himself.
And yes I read the school brochure.......by the way there is a newer one.
New as in new light/rules?
I find the JW's have changed much over the yrs,since I left.JW children "seem" to be able to do alot more now.One way to keep the young in I guess.
The bulling is wrong,children have to be taught to be tolerant of differences.
Beyonce vs. Britney
by Funchback inboth have endorsed pepsi.
both are excellent entertainers.
both have appeared on "punk'd".
My opinion,many of them don't look that bad without makeup at all.
Beyonce vs. Britney
by Funchback inboth have endorsed pepsi.
both are excellent entertainers.
both have appeared on "punk'd".
Beyonce vs. Britney
by Funchback inboth have endorsed pepsi.
both are excellent entertainers.
both have appeared on "punk'd".
I don't think britany looks ugly,but what is up with that hat and makeup.She looks like she just crawled out of bed.
I must say ,I find she looks much older than her age.Kinda sad.
I don't think ither would look as beautiful without makeup and airbrushing.
I used to think Britany was adorable but she has turned a little slutty,I guess she wanted to get rid of that teenie image.
Do you still preach?
by Theocrat inmany here are not jehovah's witnesses anymore because of one reason or another, but do you still preach?
do you still think that it is important for a christian to preach?
just wondering.
A witness should NOT ALLOW their cat to eat a bird!
by gumby inwitnesses believe it would be a transgression against jehovah's sanctity of blood to give your pet a blood transfusion....even though it's an animal, blood is to be poured out on the ground and not used in any manner.
one time, a notable brother who left the borg and was visiting with some friends to encourage them out of the cult, saw the wifes cat eating a bird out the window.
he said "maggie!
I'm new here...
by sniperdoc inhello to all on this website.
a brief intro...i am 30, was df'd at 26 (on my b-day no less) should have been df'd a long time ago.
i have no complaints about being out of the organization now, however the initial shock going through the loss of friends and family took some time to get over.
OMG,I totally missed that! I'm sorry as well.
Gesssh,wonder whats up with that?
Do you lie about your age in your profile???
by frankiespeakin inwe all have to be careful about how much information we give out over the net,,it is wise and prudent in some areas,, but what about age???.
now i know many women don't like to admit they are over 29 what do you think is the percentage of correct profiles in reguards to age??.
this is private information and i don't want this to be a prying type of thread just reasonable discussion.
I know you probaly can't say your age,but now I'm very curious to know your age!!! LOL