Enore the cranky peeps! lol
i would like to thank william powell,jgnat,rabbit and shera for making me feel welcome my first day here and not jumping to any paranoid conclusions because i have lurked here for a while and had to change my old alias because for some reason it would not log in.lol.
( i got some very strange responses my first day here).
i was also the laugh of the place for a few people here because i accidentally resurrected a very old post (couldnt see the itty bitty tiny numbers of the date)i guess they did not notice (except for one) that i was a newbie and i am getting use to the features here.i guess they forgot what its like to be new.. .
Enore the cranky peeps! lol
at my old hall, after the new sound system was installed, it would pick up am radio.. i have never known so much about the seattle mariners as i did in the 3 months it took them to find a fix for it.
The coolest thing about my old hall? Is that I'm not there any more!
Really tho...nothing was cool about my hall.Fluorescent lights,no windows....bad music...two faced sisters...smacking children.Sounds like fun to me ,EH?
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has cancer.it is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
I may not post here much but I do think of you often Ian.
Do as much as you can to get yourself better and keep that postive attitude up!
i am feeling pretty negative today.
i got a call from a family member (a successfully faded family member) who asked me if i was going to another family member?s wedding.
i told him i had not been invited.
i've posted a few times about the troubles with my poor mom and the &*!
@# elders telling her she can't talk to her daughter.
being that i'm the only family she has here to take care of her.. anyways - i've kept my distance out of respect for her....that is...until a few weeks ago.
Good for you! You get em!
i am feeling pretty negative today.
i got a call from a family member (a successfully faded family member) who asked me if i was going to another family member?s wedding.
i told him i had not been invited.
Time to start evaluating who really are your friends and who really care.People who cause emountional hurt are not worth your time.You deserve to be cared for,the way you feel you deserve it.
yup, 2 dubs.
they came to her house asking if she wanted to learn about "the bible" cult material.
she then responded "no, i'm a christian".
Hehehe,that was gooood.
take the test: http://robertandtim.topcities.com/quiz/minority/minorityquiz.html.
i'm european (musta been something in the water watour) .
Hippy here.
Thanks LT
sometimes, there is nothing you can do to stop people....
manchester news
So true Lawrence.