There were a whole sh*tload of different reasons why I left - I guess you could call it the flowering of reason, I guess. It was at that point in time when I was just starting to learn how to write really decent code, and I had virtually no spare time anymore, in between high school, the meetings, Feeled Disservice, and programming, so something had to go...
All along, since I had turned 13, I had always wanted to do things that all the other normal kids did. That, and I was constantly shunned by all the 'cool' JW kids, so I figured, screw you people, I'm leaving.
The coolest thing was that during my Judicial Meeting (or whatever you want to call it - I sure felt like I was being judged ), the elders asked me to write them a letter of Disassociation. They forced me to do this while they waited, and I can tell you this, my folks were sitting there too, and I was SWEATING! These two powerful old men, who back then still had a complete grip over my mom and dad, were watching me like eagles. I nearly burst into tears.
To this day I still laugh about what I did after that though. Towards the end of the meeting there was so much venom running through my brain from the unjust way I was being treated (and had been treated for the past years of my life), that I casually mentioned that I had spoken to other JW teenagers in our Hall, and I said that they had told me all sorts of naughty things which they had done.
The eager look on those Elders' faces was the best indication I ever had that if there was a God, this sure as HELL was not his organization. They looked like kids about to get fed candy, honestly. My revenge was incredible!
For some years, ever since we moved into a new congregation, I had been generally ignored and mocked by the 'cool' JW kids, never invited to any of their numerous social occasions, nothing like that - needless to say I was as lonely as all hell. Plus back then I looked like crap too, what with not being able to buy the clothes I needed to wear to look like them, pretty bad acne, *horrific* hairstyle, ad was a bad time, and those people treated me like a low-life. I was always nice to them, especially at the school which they and I both attended, but in return I was just shunned.
So when those elders asked what I knew about those kids, I started making up all sorts of nonsense, and they fell for it, hook, line, and SINKER. I concocted all sorts of drivel about how immoral those kids had been, that they smoked dope, anything I could think of, and the elder d00ds wrote it all down. Idiots.
Followup: About two weeks later one of the 'cool' JW kids came running up to me at school (it was a girl, probably the worst of the lot, and the one I had flamed the best in the Judicial Meeting), and slapped me squarely across the face, screaming at me! She was SOOO pissed!
Strike Three! OUT!
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age