Well Mr. HenryP, (I assume it's Mister, otherwise I doubt that there is any way in hell you'd have posted that), if you can justify the SALE AND PURCHASING of women, then I think a lot of other hopelessly chauvinistic behaviour (such as being an Elder for instance) can't be very far behind.
Man, you need help, in a big way. I wish you could be one of those women being sold like a slave to their husband who they've probably never met and will hate, but be forced into marriage with for the rest of their lives. I wish you could be an oppressed pioneer woman in a strict JW Congregation, having to wear a dishcloth on your head in order to say a prayer in the presence of a 2 year old male child, even though you've been serving longer than most of the Elders in the Congregation. I wish you could be in the position of a woman abused by her Dub husband, forced to stay quiet and not go to the cops, while every day your face gets pounded in for the slightest transgression. I wish you could be a woman who would have to sit in a puddle of mud in the rain if your husband ordered you to do it, in order to show "wifely submission". I wish you could be a female Dub who gets raped by a newly converted male Dub and gets AIDS, and then gets disfellowshipped because she "didn't cry out", even though a gun was being held against her head as she was forced to have sex with a man she knew had AIDS, and after the disfellowshipping is not even allowed to speak to her own mother or sisters to help her out in her time of intense emotional distress and depression. I wish you could be that same Dub woman's child, who gets born nine months later only to die at age 7 from the same disease, while the mother receives no support from the Society or even her own Congregation because she is "marked". I wish you could stand in front of that Judicial Committee and be that same woman, and be judged to have "excited the man and made him sin" by wearing a dress that was about four inches above your ankles. I wish you could be a Dub woman forced to "render her wifely due" even though she was having serious menstrual cramps, in order to be "submissive to her husband". I wish you could be a Dub woman of nearly 80 years of age, sitting on the stage and telling the vast crowd at a Convention about your experiences as a Witness of God for nearly 70 years, when you are being asked questions by an Elder who is only 23 years old, and know that you are never ever allowed to stand up in his presence on stage unless you are coming or going.
Our personal opinions don't count in the face of slavery either, HenryP. Sorry about the lack of formatting, but you have just truly TICKED ME OFF!!!
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age