Very good post! A bit heart-wrenching, but there you go!
Posts by SYN
Thoughts from the inside
by ezekiel3 ini can?t believe it?s going to be 30 years.
june 1974 was the year i really dedicated myself to jehovah.
because, although i had been baptized two years before, it was this moment in time that i really saw the love and power of jehovah?s organization.
The Dead Generation (Monty Python Spoof)
by Scully inthe dead generation.
gbm: "no it isn't".
jw: "yes it is, look at it!
Oh, that was very we just have to get together and do a nice sound recording...
by wannaexit inrecently the local congregation had the visit of the c.o.
the local needs talk he usually gives was replaced by a talk he said will be given to many congregations around the world.. this talk is targeting th very young.
kids are being strongly encouraged not to put off baptism and that children as young as 10 can make an informed decision to get baptized.
Great thread guys!
This talk is targeting th very young. Kids are being strongly encouraged not to put off baptism and that children as young as 10 can make an informed decision to get baptized. Parents were told that if their young children want to get baptized, they should not stand in their children's way.
Somebody that young can hardly make an informed decision about what kind of chocolate to eat, let alone something purportedly about "eternal life".
Also, the congregation was urged to simplify their life and to follow the example of the governing body. He said that the FDS is getting rid of property they don't need for pupose of simplifying things and that they are freeing up funds to better promote the good news.
This made me choke on my coffee. The FDS is SIMPLIFYING? That's the biggest load of bull I've ever heard in my life! I'll believe they're "simplifying" when they stop wearing Armani suits and stop flying around in very expensively appointed private planes! Simplifying? Huh.
"The governing body feels that we are very close to the end" This expression is being tossed around freely recently . i have personally heard it from C.O. and bethel members here in Canada.
Nothing new here people, move along, the show's over.
Governing Blunders - Part 1
by hillary_step ini thought i would start a weekly column of wts inanity, inanity serious enough to have affected peoples perceptions and negatively changed their lives.. .
one famous wts myth that i have heard uttered more times a minimus question is that ?women feel while men think?, did you ever wonder where the wts dug that thought up from?
apparently from an unamed woman psychologist and the famous department of ?many authorities?
Unfortunately I havna time to read this whole damn thread (good post though Hillary), but I just wanted to say that I'd like to see some of those self-righteous GB members try to raise 3 kids on welfare.
I bet they'd get real far.
Governing Blunders Part II - Women and Cranial Capacity.
by hillary_step inpart i of governing blunders in which the wts used a quotation from an anonymous psychiatrist and the department on 'many authorities' attempting to prove that woman feel, while men think, and that the tow actions are mutually exclusive, reached this conclusion in part - "thus the supervision of women by men seems to be nature?s plan, however desperately women may fight it.
as we all know, it takes as little as this type of statement for groups of men with shiny pants and briefcases to begin herding their women like cattle, trying to convince them that cooking endless 'nutritious' meals really is fun, and that holding a microphone just so, is a real mans work.
i thought we would continue in like vein, reminding the reader once again that many of the writers and editors of the wt and awake are still writing atricles for these magazines as we speak.
I've known women who were smarter than the entire Governing Body put together, multiplied by ten.
That's the way I like 'em.
Governing Blunders Part III - Pornography and Cancer
by hillary_step inall men over forty should have their prostate examined regularly, especially those who view pornography without ejaculation.
*** g90 4/8 27 the prostate and its problems ***.
bible?s moral standard a protection.
2) Always ejaculate if you view pornography.
Yes indeedy! Good to see you posting again young man!
Circuit Overseer Explains How The Internet Is A Trap!
by minimus inmy mother told me that the co gave a talk on how a spider spins his web and it can take a very long time for the web to be made but just like that--- before you know it---it can catch its prey and devour it.
it's the same with the world wide web, the internet.
there are reports, according to the co, that in new york, a very prominent "anointed" man was disfellowshipped and he has his owm website where he has answered many jws questions.
This was simply a veiled attempt at stopping loyal Dubs and Dubettes from attending Apostofests.
In light of awesomely cool people like Valis and his ilk in Texas, I can only sympathize with this Circuit Overseer. If more Dubs were to meet the REAL Apostates, sheesh, the BOrganization wouldn't last very long
Make up your own Young People Ask titles
by doodle-v input yourself back in a dub's kids shoes and make up your own young people ask titles.. here's mine:.
young people ask:.
why do i have to go to these lousy meetings five times a week?.
FMZ, ya beat me to it!
Wish I had enough time to respond properly to this thread...urgh...
Why I think Bush is scary
by Simon in in woodward's portrait, president bush is single-minded, and possibly simple-minded, in his resolve.
he seems to have relied more on divine guidance than the considered opinions of his top advisers.
bush told woodward that as he approached the final decision to go to war, "i was praying for strength to do the lord's will ... i'm surely not going to justify war based on god.
Ashcroft is much scarier than Bush. He has this fanatical gleam in his eye that gives me the shivers!
signs that you may be apostate, part 1
by in a new york bethel minute inif you went to an assembly as one of the bad people who carry apostate signs, what would your sign say?.
pretend you had a bag on your head, and nobody would ever recognize you.... i think mine would say, .
"young people ask... very carefully, so as not to arouse suspicion that they might be apostate"
Or, even better:
"I Was A GB Member For Years And All I Got After Being Busted Molesting Kids Was This Lousy Presiding Overseer Position!"