Why Did the Clock Stop When Grandpa Died? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101982770#h=23:0-23:399
enjoy that enlightening article lol
remember when we were jws and all loved to hear demon stories?
and then there was always that paranoid person that would shut us up "in case they're listening"?
and the resident crazy every congregation seems to have that claims to have been possessed at some point?.
Why Did the Clock Stop When Grandpa Died? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101982770#h=23:0-23:399
enjoy that enlightening article lol
remember when we were jws and all loved to hear demon stories?
and then there was always that paranoid person that would shut us up "in case they're listening"?
and the resident crazy every congregation seems to have that claims to have been possessed at some point?.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
I think its an attempt to remove from the witnesses consciousness, how can the organization be "spirit directed" yet change those "spirit directed" teachings on the regular? Sort of similar to the question I'm sure all of us had at some point, What is the difference between saying the Org isn't "inspired" but IS "spirit directed?" I think this coupled with some legal reason caused them to inadvertently remove the holy spirit aspect from baptism all together! Shows where the leaderships real priorities are.
you mentioned a little while ago that you were going to post something from reinhard lengtat.
i was wondering if that was still in the works?
i'd sure like to read what he has to say.
I still hope that something written from him comes out eventually. It's a shame to lose the knowledge and experience of some of those who have been on the inside and seen things firsthand.
hello my exjw/pimo/pomo friends,.
i am working on penning my da letter and wondered if i should use it as a tool to maybe wake up individuals as the boe will have to read it.. anyone have any advice on what i should say versus what i should leave out?
i am not going to fade as my family can either be loyal to blood or loyal to a man made religion.
While the decision is a personal one and everybody has to do whats right for them. I strongly feel that the most good can be accomplished by those who stick it out as "faded" for as long as possible. I allows enough communication open that those who still talk to you will almost inevitably as why you don't go to meeting any more and boom you've got an in to drop just a few pieces of information on them they probably wouldn't have come across with open ears otherwise.
Choose your topic accordingly to whoever is asking as well. Some people its going to be U.N. association or the ARC. Others it will be doctrinal, "How can we not have Jesus as our mediator?" "How could there have been a first century G.B. if the "slave" wasn't selected until 1919, and that was in the middle of the gentile times when Jehovah had no earthly representatives?"
i like learning about obscure charecters in watchtower history.
anybody have more info about this g. m. ukoli?
in nigeria, there was, among others, g. m. ukoli, who at first showed zeal for the truth but then began to see it as a means of material gain and personal prominence.
Thats from the Proclaimers book.
i like learning about obscure charecters in watchtower history.
anybody have more info about this g. m. ukoli?
in nigeria, there was, among others, g. m. ukoli, who at first showed zeal for the truth but then began to see it as a means of material gain and personal prominence.
I like learning about obscure charecters in Watchtower history. Anybody have more info about this G. M. Ukoli?
In Nigeria, there was, among others, G. M. Ukoli, who at first showed zeal for the truth but then began to see it as a means of material gain and personal prominence. Afterward, when thwarted in his aims, he turned to roasting faithful brothers in the public press. And there were others.
https://vimeo.com/331344272 .
for those interested to see how the free bible students conduct the memorial service for the lords evening meal.
also before there is an actual meal with lamb served and home cooked food where everybody gets to enjoy the meal and fellowship together.
I haven't seen video of one a black mass but I'm sure we've all heard that it's part of that ritual to reject the emblems as well, which is creepy, and makes you wonder if Anton LaVey took the idea from the witnesses!! lol
I really enjoy reading about the early Watchtower history now as well ironically that's how I found the Berean Bible Students in Lombard, and have enjoyed their association and the fact they won't invade your life.
A really good history book that covers the first 3 presidents of the org is Tony Wills - A People For His Name and of course Jim Penton's - Apocalypse Delayed. Lots of interesting characters in those early days, P.S.L. Johnson and his antics in England which unfortunately was the catalyst for Rutherford takeover, W.F. Salter in Canada trying to take the branch's assets and sending letters to congregations worldwide in the name of the Org, and E. C. Henninges and the New Covenant schism and him actually walking away the the Orgs Australian assets and most of the Australian "ecclesia" leaving.
anyone curious about our i.b.s.a.
Very interesting. They mentioned the "Cicero class", that's essentially a group of the "free bible students." I posted a video from their memorial just a few days ago. The term bible students scares people off often, I know it did for me, but I have found the "free bible students" super doctrinally non dogmatic and enjoyable. Ive never even heard anybody mention Russells name lol! It blows my mind that some of the other I.B.S.A. groups and the Dawn and that STILL hang onto dates and teachings about pyramids, and 1874, and invisible presence stuff.
also to slimboyfat
I know there is a group in London that meets because I have a friend that travels to visit them regularly. Ill see if I can find anymore info.
https://vimeo.com/331344272 .
for those interested to see how the free bible students conduct the memorial service for the lords evening meal.
also before there is an actual meal with lamb served and home cooked food where everybody gets to enjoy the meal and fellowship together.
Also for any curious there were prob about 80 or so ppl there. The camera angle makes the place look kinda empty. . .