I can't speak from the POV of anyone but myself. However, I can tell you what my thoughts are on what I see around me (being pimo, I get semi-regular exposure)
In my opinion, most of the JW's cant possibly be actually full-in mentally, believing the things they are told. If they were, the elders would indeed be refreshing and kind, love would abound (and not just "among yourselves" but with "your neighbor" as well) I know there are some who are really sweet and deluded and really try to act like a good Christian and think it's "The Truth" but that's pretty rare. So while I cant take an honest tally at the hall, I would have to say no - most people at the hall are a-holes that A) are just in it for themselves (and family/prominence) and B) dont want to lose their family/friends. As for elders, I know some have a different view of them (and I know that they aren't ALL of them like this) but they are bunch of venomous vipers, much like the pharisees of the Bible. And the GB and helpers have told so many obvious OBVIOUS! lies - even on JW broadcasting.. its appalling.
Take all of that above and blend with a fair amount of double-thought and hypocrisy and brainwashing - for a clearer picture of what's going on.
If there is a loving and just and perfect and powerful creator, now is waaay past due to put mankind out of the misery that is JW .org (and some of the other religions too) (can we remove the auto-URLizing feature PLZ? I had to edit this so as not to help their SEO/backlinks)
Sorry for the bit-o-rant but it may (or may not) be meeting night and cortisol is bad for you at this dose.