You remind me of Ralph Smart (infinite waters) on you tube, my first exposure to the ideas.
I'm leaning heavily to the Maya side of things based on my own observations as well as experimental evidence but at this point I can't quite make the jump over to the spiritual side of things (but I don't rule it out either, just can't find sufficient evidence)
I was wondering though, in your regression that you mention, do you thing there will be any long term effects of repressing the memories as you led her to do? Or is this a permanent overwrite of those memories?
Also, with everything being energy/brahma how would you feel about guiding a person through mind-over-matter type healing or other physical changes that should be impossible? (hair or eye color changes for example) just my idea of reality tampering/experiments.
Not really sure what any of this has to do with JW-land but incidentally, my awakening to the Maya was concurrent to my bORG awakening. I wonder if some dmt would help my eye at all.