anyone know of a good site to map the path of sattellites, multiples at a time? i found a bunch of iss trackers and some limited individual trackers that werent very goid but im trying to get them mapped on the same map. no particular satellites, i know there are a bunch, just trying to get a feel for things if anyone is familiar with a good site.
JoinedPosts by MrRoboto
Flat earth vs round earth
by Jrjw inmy brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Stealing From The Worldwide Work Fund.
by Charles Gillette inall the money paid out by the watchtower to the child abuse law suits comes from the worldwide work fund or the contributions from the monies given for the kingdom hall real estate.
so,when we were actively involved donating funds for this purpose,and the watchtower used those funds for purposes other than the worldwide work are they not guilty of stealing funds that were donated for jehovah's kingdom.
can anything legal be done about this?
I suppose you can look at similar situations for other donation based companies. has redcross or salvation army etc ever been sued? probably.
one possible defence would be that the court ordered the payment, for those that went that far. that wouldnt apply to settlements though.
interesting indeed, maybe a lawyer can comment on this?
I dont want my money back, just 1 brick from the buldings at HQ, if all 8 mill + us could do that.. ahhhhh
Little mindmines in the Oct. 2017
by days of future passed init is difficult for me to say exactly what i mean on this subject.
my sister sent me a link to the oct, 2017 wt simplified article (which has been discussed about the shunning) and i found it disturbing of course, how the wt gives advice, different for each sex, along with the "unbelieving" mate dissing.. wt - although an unbelieving husband may not take the lead in spiritual matters, he should be respected because of his position as the head of the family.
likewise, an unbelieving wife should be shown self-sacrificing love and tender affection by her christian husband.—eph.
smiddy had a worldly girlfriend? Im telling!
I found this article surprisingly less culty than the usual drivel, mainly because they didnt push for the wife to override the "unbelieving" husband if he didnt want her teaching the kids (from the bible), taking them to meetings and herself doing service on a particular day if he wanted her not to.. so say Saturday is the usual day and he doesnt want to spoil weekend family time, maybe she can pick another day.
My experience is in agreement with other comments that the fam is really just concerned about the cult you just joined as well as not being able to do the usual family customs (birthday/xmas etc) not so much your everlasting life, but ymmv as my fam wasnt religious anyway.
And I was so utterly sure that it wasnt a cult, how perposterous an idea! Go back to your pagan tree worship, mother!
How the Governing Body breaks people
by krismalone inwe all have likely heard the expression "to break a person" and usually it's in relation to kidnappers, bullies, pimps, human traffickers and cult leaders.. when a person is broken, their spirit, goals, aspirations, pursuits, self esteem, critical thinking and dreams are taken away.
what fills that vacuum is despair, depression, low self esteem, lack of self confidence and individuality.
the victim now believes that they are not worthy of enjoying life and following their dreams and personal satisfaction through personal achievements.
I wonder if being born in vs coming in later will have a baring on whether someone feels they were "broken".
As a person who fell for the bORG in my mid 20s, I can look back and see exactly how I was broken and how my thinking changed. Pretty much everything OP said applies to me but I wouldn't have a frame of reference (before bORG) to compare to if I was born in.
Oh yes, Im just so glad that god has, through his Governng Body, extended such wonderful undeserved kindness. /puke
SKE, and other acronymic crap
by MTSman inso, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
Oh I so wish I had seen that OKM but I was not around yet, missed it by <--> that much!
What could be other alternative names for the Jehovah's Witnesses ?
by Finkelstein inhow about .... the international brotherhood of stupidity.. the righteous zombies club .
I think the best one would be "the now defunct religion, formerly known as jehovahs witnesses" but heres a few more ideas
Supreme Council for Thought Reform
Jehovah and the Armageddonettes
Jonah's Brothers ( something fishy about that one)
IBEW - International Brotherhood of EWwwww
International Cult & Religious Concern
Better Future, Inc
Singing todays WT
by road to nowhere inthe jist was that we all should sing.
then the first 6 or 8 paragraphs describe how early bible accounts have trained and set aside musicians to do the singing while everyone else listened.. the songs they have put out have no soul, rhythm, or soothing melodies as a whole.
the old hymns are some real music, even if you don't agree with the "teachings".. there is no admission of poetry using archaic language at times for affect or to add to the rhyme, they have to have everything agree with the grey bible.. anyone speak foreign languages?
on the upside, its a slightly veiled admission that the songs are not about worship. you are not singing to god, but to the people around you.
so no more "sing, sing, sing!" then?
or "listen, obey and be blessed"
oh and we had better vet the sisters comments first, to make sure they arent going to say what we "should" or "shouldnt" be doing. and also the non-ppointed boys/men since they shouldnt be telling anyone what to do either.
Conspiracy theorys
by atomant inits great to see new subject matter being injected into the room of late and would be good to see others contribute by opening new threads on their favorite topics.heres a few examples.9/11.
atom bombs are they real?
are there any conspiracy theories that turned out to be correct?
yes, but whether you accept the truth is up to you.
heres a big one involving litereally millions of people. they should all go public right? wrong, most of them think they are on the right side and they are only involved in doing their small part to keep it going. The teach false knowledge to people and virtually enslave them, altering their personality, thinking and mindset in the process. they destroy families, friendships, lives. the are involved in human sacrifice (blood issues and others)
you may have heard of it, its called Jehovahs Witnesses.
Appealing to the authority of MythBusters is really quite silly. The myth of the infallability of MythBusters has been debunked but the best part is the who dunnit. It was on their own show, admitting they were wrong after a viewer proved it to them. So lets not appeal to them to prove anything beyond how entertaining TV really can be.
This next item doesnt fall into the realm of theory since it is self admitted by the perpetrators. False flag attacks. Im not going into the "CT" ones but just look back at history and the ones that are publically admitted and the ones that are publically admitted to have been planned. That should tell you something about the willingness of people to do these things. lets not extrapolate that to mean more though.
Lastly, just because you reject an idea does not in itself make it false or theory.
Conspiracy theorys
by atomant inits great to see new subject matter being injected into the room of late and would be good to see others contribute by opening new threads on their favorite topics.heres a few examples.9/11.
atom bombs are they real?
vw, thats not the only use for it, there are better ways to use li-6
Conspiracy theorys
by atomant inits great to see new subject matter being injected into the room of late and would be good to see others contribute by opening new threads on their favorite topics.heres a few examples.9/11.
atom bombs are they real?
hah I was just trying to break the ice. besides, I prefer my lithium in the form of li-6