Wake me up, thanks for sharing! Think there would be any takers for this new "book" at a KH?
Maybe if there was a JW .org logo at the top..
Wake me up, thanks for sharing! Think there would be any takers for this new "book" at a KH?
Maybe if there was a JW .org logo at the top..
ive asked my jw friends that 3 times and never got an answer.. and can someone explain the jw class system?
and or point me to info on it..
In JW land, the faithful & discreet slave is now taught to be 7 guys at worldwide HQ who are the Guardians Of Doctrine for the entire religion. (their words, not mine, although they don't teach that at the meetings)
The "lay people" as you said it, are what many here call the R&F or rank and file - that's your everyday JW person, male or female. Sometimes just referred to as Publishers
From the Publishers, though, come the pioneers (preaching hour quotas for these people), elders (men who need not be elderly nor older, nor mature - from my experience), ministerial servants (men who help the elders)
As for the Class system, locally, the elders are at the top, followed by their wives, then the ministerial servants and pioneers. Organizationally, the 7 guys at HQ (aka Governing Body) are on top.
With so many men "on top" its a bit hard to not get a bit screwed.
If you're studying or considering studying, my personal recommendation is to RUN - fast.
The truth is supposed to set you free, not enslave you.
Considering the possible subliminal message intention back in the Sergei video series of a glass of some colored liquid being full in one scene then empty seconds later - I would be highly suspicious if there was ever 'New Light' on who partakes of the wine and bread - especially if they change it to be everyone. Even more so if all the wine and/or bread comes from a central source.
It would be doable, just have it all done at the same time worldwide or even 1/2 world at a time. This would minimize the potential that the news would spread far/wide before the rest of the 'sheep' get 'fed.'
Could make up some nonsense about doing it at the same time worldwide and spiritual unity and how it's all symbolic anyways and Jesus didn't specify a time or date so we are free to adjust if we wish. Now that we will have the memorial talks beamed in from HQ, they could all have already eaten/drank the unkool-aid by the time they encourage everyone else to do the same - perhaps one last joke on the masses - the dead speaking to you!
"thou shalt spy on and report your brothers and sisters to hq.".
editor's note: due to the nature of this story we've changed the names of the parties involved.
After quoting Leviticus 5:1, the article mentions: This command from the Highest Level of authority in the universe put the responsibility upon each Israelite to report to the judges any serious wrongdoing that he observed so that the matter might be handled. While Christians are not strictly under the Mosaic Law, its principles still apply in the Christian congregation. Hence, there may be times when a Christian is obligated to bring a matter to the attention of the elders. True, it is illegal in many countries to disclose to unauthorized ones what is found in private records. But if a Christian feels, after prayerful consideration, that he is facing a situation where the law of God required him to report what he knew despite the demands of lesser authorities, then that is a responsibility he accepts before Jehovah. There are times when a Christian "must obey God as ruler rather than men."
Lev 5:1 states: “‘If someone sins because he has heard a public call to testify and he is a witness or has seen or learned about it and he does not report it, then he will answer for his error.
Now I don't know about you, but I don't consider there to have been any public call to testify against the female colleague and frankly the JW guy (the John, in this case) was probably specifically searching for goodies, not just stumbling upon this info/pics. How the *bleep* can you use the scripture above, which is clearly a call for witnesses to a crime, to say that being a tell-all John is a command from the highest level of authority? If someone accused her and asked for anyone with more info to come forward, at least that would make more sense. (but not leave him guiltless for the crimes he committed)
P.S. also note the double-speak in the WT quote above: "While Christians are not strictly under the Mosaic Law... a Christian "must obey God as ruler rather than men." considering they are talking about Lev 5:1 on both parts here.. wait is it law or not? only when MEN say so, it turns out. So obey these men rather than those men.
Some sick sick ppl in that org, esp at the top.
"thou shalt spy on and report your brothers and sisters to hq.".
editor's note: due to the nature of this story we've changed the names of the parties involved.
If you want to be serious about the cleanliness of the cong. then you have to burn every org bldg to the ground and free the captives.
I am not advocating destruction or violence here but if the WT god wants to clean things up, that would be a great start.
Jesus essentially called Paul a liar @ John 5:31 "If I alone bear witness about myself, my witness is not true" since there is no witness given for Paul's claims except Paul himself. There is a reference to some Paul (suppose it could be the same one? Maybe? or not..? No one bears witness to that fact)
And given that Paul teaches some contrary things to Jesus words, I would have to say that Paul is grade-A apostate. Not like folks here, like actually trying to get followers after himself, away from Jesus. Unless the whole Book is made up as a way to control the masses - in which case none of the above matters.
As a side note, how many books in the Bible? Compare to the WT explanation of 666 - I guess the Bible is only corrupt/wicked to an incomplete degree? or maybe there's 11 more books to come, in which case - "Yay"
why i am now a faded apostate after the ridiculous overlapping teaching!.
i was raised in the trooooooooooth and both my parents were pioneers.
over the years i pioneered, was an ms and finally an elder.
Step 1: Ask If the due time is near (or appointed time, or if the time is at hand etc)
Step 2: Ask "is that an official belief/teaching of JWs?"
Step 3: Read Luke 21:8* to them (use the interlinear or other translations too, if they are open to it)
*He said: “Look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them.
some things i just didnt notice at the time which now seem so obvious:.
the bible tells us that the end will come like a thief in the night, when we least expect it.
(matthew 24:44).
How bout the questionable number of angels at Jesus' tomb when the women went there..? Was it 1 or 2? was it inside or outside, on the left or right (head/foot) where he was laid down? was it on the rolling stone or not? Or.. did they (women) run off and tell everyone..? Or No one?
I was trying to hold out hope... but I'm a truth seeking missile.
And what about this Paul guy? Is he an apostate or what? Telling you to obey those taking the lead, when Jesus said that he (Jesus) is your only leader.. then there are the other multitude of direct contraventions of Jesus words too (by Paul, I mean) Who da heck let Paul in with the rest? But seeing my first point above - it really doesn't matter.
I like how a recent WT study (maybe 2 weeks ago?) mentioned that we don't know who wrote one of the Bible books (dont remember which but it was in the 'Hebrew Scriptures') and yet somehow we can say that it's inspired...?
I Swear they they are rolling on the floor laughing at the clueless mass of followers they have for themselves.
my conscience is so split now!.
if i sit, i am taking part in a political movement and getting involved in satan's system of things!.
if i stand, i am showing that i agree with satan's system and i am worshiping idols.. in all seriousness, witnesses loved this one because it made them "stand out".
I think the last official stand on this (no pun intended) was that you may stand but not sing. Could be wrong tho
here is an article in the current study copy of the wt.
tell me your thoughts and i will tell you mine.!
this is a topic that i am very sensitive about, as i could never see not protecting my family, even if that meant using whatever means at hand to do so!