Reproach: n - the expression of disapproval or disappointment.
I think part of the problem is that the term is used incorrectly by the bORG. What they mean is that you're making them (or GOD- same thing?) look bad, but notice that is not what reproach means.
for what reproach means:
It is strictly of a person's OWN doing to give an expression of disapproval or disappointment.
That is to say, a person is solely responsible for giving reproach, noone can make them do it.
For what THEY mean:
Personally, I would say that unless you are lying about someone (slander for example) then there is nothing you can do to give someone else a bad name or make them look bad. Your actions do not reflect on an individual 3rd party (i.e. GOD) but they could be a reflection of your group (employer, family, religious group etc) but even then I think most normal people realize that every group will have one-offs - the crazy guy, the stalker nut, the drunkkard, the racist, the klepto-maniac etc etc. If there are few compared to the many, then the group's reputation will generally fare just fine. The bORG is so self-centered and self-serving though, that every. single. thing. is about the bORG, therefore any 'bad' thing you do is seen as giving the bORG a bad name. The rest is just invoking their version of the name of GOD as a reason to punish you and make you feel guilty.