For all those that think I'm evil and hate Lloyd just know that I put a bug in some ears about televising it at least in part. I have no way of knowing if that will happen but I did my part.
Like I've said since go, his on camera persona is superb.
let's set aside our differences for the moment and appreciate this excellent documentary cedars put together that should prove to be an invaluable tool in helping to expose the child abuse issues in the organization.. i was humbled to be able to help with this project on such an important subject, though my part in it was insignificant..
For all those that think I'm evil and hate Lloyd just know that I put a bug in some ears about televising it at least in part. I have no way of knowing if that will happen but I did my part.
Like I've said since go, his on camera persona is superb.
i have seen a lot of new posters intro stories on here, also updates from those who have been around for a while.
i just want to take 1 post to beg those reading to speak up.
it was a big turning point for me and one of the best decisions i made.
Well @Simon generally speaking I'm not shy nor am I fragile but early on in this journey I'm not embarrassed to say I needed this forum. I needed it more than I realized.
Very serious when I say I'm more than thankful that it's here. I get super busy here and there you would understand why, however I do my best to give genuine comfort and let folks know I'm here if they need something.
A handful of you guys did that for me. Don't want to get overly sensational here but if we can't be decent to one another what the hell is the point?
the catholic church case study28 is currently a major news item here in australia.
mum phoned last night to see how we all are.
after fifteen years away from meetings and my old jw life you'd think my fade could be called 'successful' and for the most part it is.
.. my resentment at being lied to and having wasted over thirty years of my life has left me like a glass of water full to the brim, it only takes a tap to make a mess.
@nicalaou things for the bright outlook LOL.
It's been less than a year and I've already realized that's exactly what we're facing. It will never end sadly. I've resorted to carefully pointing out watchtower literature that is just nutso to get my shots in. I figure they can't say much if I say "I wonder why we printed this?".
This accomplishes two things. Allows you to safely force them to accept the nut job stuff they're essentially supporting or have supported. Secondly gives them pause to think badly of you as if they are even remotely reasonable they'll be able to see how it could cause anyone to stumble.
when you found out all the sins of fellow witnesses did it effect how you treated them?
it was shocking when i found out the range of bs these people did to each other.
i don't mean sexual abuse, i mean fraud, theft, infidelity and more.
..ha ha don't ask how I know this :)
to your question. yeah it is tough. the big fornication isn't remotely the most difficult things to be aware of. ppl blow it.
The fickle things are what make you wonder about folks. You mentioned some of them. it is an eye opener for sure when you come to know the happs. you quickly realize most have two personas sadly.
when you found out all the sins of fellow witnesses did it effect how you treated them?
it was shocking when i found out the range of bs these people did to each other.
i don't mean sexual abuse, i mean fraud, theft, infidelity and more.
some people had a penchant for posting their topics directly into the "best of topics" area.
it seemed more than a little arrogant to me that some imagined their every utterance was immediately a greatest hit but maybe people weren't clear on what that area was intended for .... from now on you won't be able to start new topics there.
if anyone wants to submit a topic to be added there (perhaps an index to a curated list of other topics by a user or on a certain subject / theme) then just start one in "suggestions" and pm me and, if it is suitable, then i'll move it into there.. existing topics posted there recently have been moved to more appropriate areas..
@Simon no offense my brother but I always thought it odd that you could post there in the first place. So this is a great move in general.
I don't know what limits you have on "likes" if any but if you do it could be as simple as most liked within some timeframe or something. Weighted by some sort of dating so you don't always have those from 5 years ago or something always at the top.
So yeah if you could just jump on that and get it done that would be greaaatttt (Lumbergh Voice) lol.
it is rather clear that the internet is to put it mildly, wrecking the world of the watchtower bible & tract society.
if not for foreign language i doubt there would be much growth at all.. digital trends and analytics are very real.
i live this analytics world i assure you to some degree you can take it to the bank.
No what you are showing there is a target area which is a third world country. Absolutely it is going up in those areas without the ability to do research on the organization.
In the more modern world though no traffic is at a decline. They are absolutely less relevant than in years past.
Well that is of course unless you include things like JW Lawsuits, JW Child Abuse and so on. Then there's plenty of traffic.
A word to the wise though trends shows based on a given target area. So notice the target area of your link there. Meaning your trend is not the same as the one I posted.
Hopefully I made that understandable :)
none of you are old enough to have been there, i suspect.
i had been in prison two years as a jw conscientious objector when the exciting news about 1975 spread like wildfire.i was paroled from prison in 1969 and immediately began pioneering.
the pressures began mounting throughout the organization.
@MadIrishman it was that way largely in our hall as well. That said many friends absolutely left over this issue. Zero doubt.
Secondly where did this concept sprout from? Did the brothers go rogue and stir this up on their own or was the concept presented by the society as only a few years left and in the autumn of 75 it could all end?
Bottom line this originated with the organization..nowhere else. Although it was absolutely said many times over as it got closer that it may or may not happen that was categorically not the feeling in the latter 60's. On the contrary it was highly likely.
If it was so unsure then why did the organization say anything at all? I don't see how we can in anyway pin this on the brothers. The only nutjobs here or overzealous ones were clearly in Brooklyn.
none of you are old enough to have been there, i suspect.
i had been in prison two years as a jw conscientious objector when the exciting news about 1975 spread like wildfire.i was paroled from prison in 1969 and immediately began pioneering.
the pressures began mounting throughout the organization.
I was just a kid when this all went down but old enough to remember it all rather clearly. At the time it didn't hit me why so many had left. Of course now it is pretty clear.
Anytime something looks disparaging toward the org a new spin is made. This was no different as described. The friends were called overzealous, presumptuous and so on.
Over the years I can't help but wonder if some of us might still be in had the GB owned up to its mistakes more. Saying they got it wrong would have actually strengthened the faith of many.
Instead they're hell bent on protecting their authority that's the only game here.
I kick myself every day now for once supporting all the harmful nonsense.