Hi Hillfy333,
I am very interested in what you write as I'm currently in the same position with my mother, who is just a little older than yourself. We've exposed ''the truth'' and recommended the same books for her to read in private but she's resigned to staying ''even if it is a load of crap'' because to think otherwise would mean to give up the idea that she will see her baby, my sister who died, in paradise. How ironic that she can live with the thought that I will die at Armageddon and my other sister who is out and we'll not be there. She says she is pioneering and doing everything she can in order to hopefully have mercy from Jehovah on my sister and my life, like it shows in the bible Jehovah has done before (hufffff!). We're all living a life of torment - even if we leave, our loved ones are still in which affects our lives immensely. I'm sorry that you're in a similar position with your wife. All those years wasted. So, it's time for my sister and I to change tact. If my mother won't get out, then we have to try all we can to bring the ''house'' down. And as Millie210 said, the org. is doing it for us anyway but I for one will be here waiting to see how I can stick my boot in, on it's way down. So, hang in there as we might see the whole thing go up in the not too distant future. Thank goodness you have got out and can now enjoy your life! Well done you!
Good luck and lots of love.