The Jews control their own people... even when persons do not know they are of Jewish blood, they are found and looked after. I've met two people who never knew one of their parents was a Jew, who stated that they have been followed from time to time and no matter what they want to do in life, the very best opportunities get offered to them, on a plate with the answer always being; it's not luck, it's your bloodline. So, is it prophecy or are the Jews controlling their bloodline? From the statements I've heard from first hand experience, I would say the latter! So, that kind of rules out any prophecy.
Isreal repeatedly calls the Jews to come back to Isreal under all kinds of guises. The latest instance of this was several days ago when after the Ankara and Istanbul attacks Isreal advised Jews to get out of Turkey. As far as I can see, there is a select number of Jews who want to bring this ''prophecy'' about by manipulation. So, read into that!