I know I'm going to get red arrowed but... I have to disagree. I think the organization known as ''Jehovah's Witnesses'' will be over within the next 30 years, possibly a lot less. Within the next 10 years I think they will be almost gone from the West and will have relocated their foothold, to Africa and South America where internet access has a lot more growing to do.
One of the reasons why is because they only exist whilst people still believe Armageddon will come. Just how long can they keep that going? Really??? Watchtower built their business model thinking followers would live in a world as they knew it back then. Now there's the internet. Every new person who gets a witness will google them. It's already happening and look at the result. Empty Kingdom Halls except for a few crusties. Young ones, witness or not, google everything. No new members!
Another reason why I think they will be no more is due to the amount of laws that are now in place and are now coming into place. Undue influence - how long before the net is widened to Religious/cult mind control? Human rights laws, the right to a family life - how much longer will they get away with shunning policies? People are no longer suffering at home in silence. Everything is outed on places like Youtube and lawyers are only too eager to make a name for themselves by winning ground-breaking cases. What about discriminatory speeches given in public places like Anthony Morris' homophobic talk as just one example? Ok, you might say but religions are different but how long before society rebels and says no, the root cause of the hate is coming from these religions? The JW's are out of date with their teachings and it's a sorry affair when even the law of the land has to ban their practices. What will keep people in if mind control and shunning aren't used?
We have yet to see what happens in the UK's national inquiry into child sex abuse. After the ARC with 1006 cases, be sure that with the UK JW's who are hiding an archive containing more than 23,000 unreported paedophile cases, will cause a media frenzy, wait and see. This news will be covered internationally and seen by current witnesses internationally. And then what? Other countries will follow suit opening their own inquiries. And it won't end whilst ever the two-witness rule exists. JW's might be told not to read apostate stories on the internet but the old JW's who are propping up the org. still read daily newspapers! It will be hard not to know about it. Think of the relatives who want their loved ones out taking the clippings round to aunty Sally and nana Pat. And if the vigilantes start protesting, whoof. Smashed windows at the hall. Graffitti everywhere. Repair costs spiralling. The ARC hasn't mentioned compensation for victims as yet. How much will that be? What about the UK victims? Thousands of them, in hard currencies... and will this bring more victims forward in other lands like USA? Germany? Canada? New Zealand and other E.U. countries etc. We've all been telling our families where their contribution money is going but they haven't believed us... but the ARC hasn't started paying out yet. Never mind the UK inquiry! They're finished! Brother Lett saying it's all apostate lies on repeat... big mistake!
Ok, the org. has a lot of property. They're already selling some off and down-sizing because they suspect what's coming, be sure of that. But the fact is, they have endless, regular bills to pay. What will happen when the contributions are not enough to cover the bills in the local kingdom halls and they have to ask for a loan every month to pay the costs of running from the branch office? This could start happening overnight and altogether at once if the CSA inquiry breaks with a storm. This could lead to a situation where yes, they've got property but no cashflow and if it's anything like a company, at this point they will have to take out loans secured on their portfolio. That portfolio could be ceased for the CSA payouts - frozen assetts! Another big story to hit the headlines. And any whiff of money troubles, be sure the jdubs will whip any money they've loaned to the org. straight out. The whole house of cards could fall at this point.
And then we have the charity status being questioned. All these things are happening now and instead of Watchtower pre-emptively changing tact and adapting to the modern world, they're not. They're pissing the wrong people off and digging their heals in. Also this clergy debate - do they even have the right or not to with-hold information about crimes?
And for every Jdub who leaves, it's another exjdub trying to bring them down because we're all angry. (Some work needs to be done on looking at their accounts.) The fact is, the internet has made their publishing company redundant. Great, say the jdubs, our contributions cover the hall costs and our publications don't need printing anymore so the ever bigger elephant in the room is, why is Watchtower trying eagerly to make big money from real-estate and stocks and medical companies and care homes etc? Are we the truth or a money making scam?
This organization is in big trouble. They know it! The signs are all there! They've even tried to (too prematurely in my opinion) re-brand under
JW.org. The question is, will they hide money, fold it and restart back up (noooo)... will they move their operation to surviving on places like Africa and South America or will they dry up to nothing and disappear? The latter would tell me that the operators of Watchtower thought they honestly had the truth... but I won't hold my breath - not with looking at the accounts and seeing how much money they're transferring to South America and Africa! But the evidence will remain of what they did and any jdubs left in the West, in my opinion will be left feeling redundant and able to see. The final nail will be, what happens when the third world starts looking into the history of the org. A nice chart should explain it with breaking news, timeline'd.
All of the above is just about the Org's failings. Whilst they're still stuck in the dark ages, the world who doesn't think the end is imminent, lives on. As much as the org hates it, they can't control the media, the government inquiries, the law or the ''APOSTATES''! And to change in order to keep going, is detriment to their manipulations keeping members in. Their business model sucks! IT suuuuucks! It's the equivalent of Disney world keeping customers at the front gate waiting for their entire life to get in when their's nothing behind the wall and then the government and apostates turn up and start knocking holes in the walls saying ''look, nothing to see ere!'' It's a doomsday cult with old news when people are feeling very optimistic about the corner we're turning in loving our Earth more and campaigning to help it and everything that lives on it! What they gonna do, change to a non doomsday cult?