JoinedPosts by Skedaddle
Watch Tower's ridiculous Defence in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice queen’s bench division .
frank kofi otuo .
jonathan david morley .
I wasn't aware of any previous info on this case so was taking it as is. Sorry nelim! My apologies! Cheers akromo. -
The Particulars of Claim in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice claimno: hq14d02898 .
queens bench division.
1. this is a claim in slander against the first and second defendant..
@Akromo - I've only read the two threads you've posted today but in my opinion the Watchtower is screwed. The Claimants lawyer can nail this if he knows what weapons to use. -
The Particulars of Claim in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice claimno: hq14d02898 .
queens bench division.
1. this is a claim in slander against the first and second defendant..
@dot - yes it was 20 years ago or so. I'm going to the other thread to respond further. -
Watch Tower's ridiculous Defence in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice queen’s bench division .
frank kofi otuo .
jonathan david morley .
@nelim, it doesn't speak of what evidence they based the disfellowshippng on as it is not part of the case. I would suggest that they would have had two witnesses or, maybe some kind of paperwork was provided as the second witness. I'm speculating, the point is, it's irrelevant to the case and that's why it isn't listed. -
Good article - Are Jehovah's Witnesses a religious Ponzi scheme?
by defender of truth
Wow, scathing! But, all true! Thanks for that DOT. They are a ponzi, pyramid scheme. An international one! They are a fraud! -
The Particulars of Claim in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice claimno: hq14d02898 .
queens bench division.
1. this is a claim in slander against the first and second defendant..
Jeff you're right, the lawyer representing would have asked those questions first. I think we know the police weren't called but the lawyer on hearing this would know he has a slam-dunk case. No police investigation but then executing punishment... game over.
I took a JW to court years ago in a very similar scenario and won the case. I was innocent. There were others involved who didn't want to go to court but were innocent of the accusation also and the judge hinted to open more cases for the others because there had been no legal investigation done by the police and therefore it was an open and shut case.
They're screwed!
This case could be landmark - human rights act is up in two sections. If they win on either or both of them, this could open a floodgate for anyone who's being shunned.
Any other teenagers on here?
by BlackWolf ini'm 16 and it seems like most the people on this forum are adults.
i would think since most teenagers have tablets/smartphones there would be more on here but maybe not?
it would be nice to meet some other young people.
Ah, I see what you did there with your handle - Disillusioned2, Dis3. Cute!
We should bump this thread to catch more friends for you guys. When I remember I'll bump it for you. You guys should do the same.
Calling all teenagers - introduce yourselves!
Whats the one thing
by MrTheocratic injw's are constantly trying to prove they have the truth.
they always point to matthew 24:14 and say "who is accomplishing this work today?
this proves we have the truth and gods backing".. for those of us in this community looking from the other side what is one thing that proves to you that this organization does not have gods backing?
What is one thing that proves to you that this organization does not have Gods backing?
One thing? This needs a rant...
God doesn't need a publishing company printing literature that people in some way have to pay for or a property empire or an organization that requires cash contributions. God wants life to live! Being loving, kind, respectful and honest is free and is in harmony with survival and encourages others to reflect your actions leading to peace, balance and harmony - the state of optimal progression for life.
Most religions are a manmade guilt trip to control and gather money and power. If the witnesses used their collective contributions to go out and feed people, house people, bring water, provide clothing, provide education, provide companionship to people who are alone before talking about God, their actions would speak louder than any word uttered from their mouths. God supports that. Actions.
Instead they are a disgraceful, disgusting, pius, pompous, self-righteous, unloving, lazy, greedy, parasitic organization. Their works are dead! Sitting on your back-side and occassionally distributing literature and attending meetings while you wait for the end of the world is of what use? When you learn what a pyramid scheme is, it's not hard to see the truth of the Watchtower. It curtails otherwise loving members into ignorant, lazy, brainwashed, robots who have no use and contribute nothing positive, to society - they exist merely as a cash machine to the org. It's a parasitic organization that causes the opposite of what it professes to be. A cancer to society. It dishes out fear and rules with an iron-fist. No wonder it's members are depressed and their energy is negative. The perfect, ignorant slave needing a master (in the new world order - there's a clue).
That's what the little voice of doubt inside your head knows - it's not Satan, it's your subconscious telling you to wake-up and live, help, contribute something, bring happiness!
Provided for all is this beautiful world and universe to discover and interact with, in all it's glory and intricate detail and endless beauty and humankind is journeying to find that optimum state of harmonizing with it but the witnesses decide to sit on their backsides and say, ''we'll wait this one out!''
God's backing? Nobody backs a dead horse!
Three reasons why I may have to back.
by Crazyguy ini look back over the last two years of my life with all the experiences i have read about here and other places and these are three experiences that stand out to me.
recently in another post a girl relates her experience of being in the borg and her mom literally threw her away by giving her over to the state after she accused an elder of groping her.
two; i met the man that wrote the insight books for the borg and even though he was at the time the brians of the borgs doctines when he faded his family , brother and his kids are shunning him.
Crazyguy - I see you as a hero! I totally get it.
A few questions; You say your relationship is hopeless with your wife. Are you still married? Living together? Do you think going back will give you the chance to re-kindle your relationship with your wife so as to plant seeds and get her out? And the kids, how old are they?
by fulltimestudent inif someone commits financial fraud, they commit a crime, and can be punished (jailed).. but if someone commits a religious fraud, western society does not see that as a crime.. on another thread, a poster pointed out that the jws, "literally steals peoples lives and causes horrendous damage.
of course, the jws are not the only religion to practise religious fraud.
all sorts of large and small religions make unverifiable promises and ask for financial support on the basis of their promises, which is precisely what financial defrauder does.
At the end of the day, jdubs do not steal peoples lives. Individuals choose to follow a set of beliefs.
I was born-in and so are many others. My young brain was brainwashed before I knew of any other notion. Where was my choice?
Individuals choose to shun family members. Individuals choose to withhold blood related medical treatment. Very painful i know but this is where personal accountability comes in and why it is so important to either get out completely and/or actively work at helping others to get out.
JW's shun people and refuse blood after they are brainwashed. I never heard of a new JW or a non-JW say oh, shunning is a very reasonable thing to do and the no-blood policy is no biggy, tell me where to sign. BRAINWASHING and emotional manipulation happens first.
Religeous freedome is extremely important. Even more important though is the ability to question and rebel against religion.
Religious freedom is a seperate issue to what defines a credible religion. A religion, who's members are not afforded said freedom to leave, who's brainwashing techniques and hushing about certain beliefs that get drip-fed in time are used in order to attract and retain followers, is not a credible religion, it's a fraud and as such should be challenged by the government to change before being banned. You think that's harsh? My government is paying the bill for the clean-up operation for each member that is damaged by said religion that's tricked them, with tax-payer money. A religion that is brainwashing members into not working, not getting a good education, asking for excessive and expensive medical proceedures, not partaking in society, not following certain laws, not letting it's members talk to non-believers, ostracisizing ex members etc. causes a huge burden on tax-payers and a damage to society cohesion - Tax-payers which the government represents. I have no problem with people believing whatever they want to but when damage is caused by misrepresentation and emotional blackmail and brainwashing, that is a threat and needs dealing with for the very country that is supposedly free, would be sustaining an environment for a suppressive regime with no limitations if not. While you may pussy-foot around your rights, leaders are dealing with religion being used as a weapon against the peacefulness of their country. It's not always about the individual. Sometimes it's about fighting for survival of the group. So leaders should have the right to question and rebel against a damaging religion that's a burden on society. I hope I've made sense.