Anony Mous
and how they would run it (hierarchy of uneducated and unelected top-down dictators), the intentional undereducation of children and their critical theories on science, race, gender and general underlying antisemitism (although that has been toned down in modern times, early on they were more clear) you end up with basically early 1900s socialism - Marxism, Nazism, Trotskyism.
Wow, I never took the time to look closely at how the WT functions. You're right, they are very liberal adjacent. They like the hand-outs but don't want to serve for the Country that gives them the handouts. They want to act like Kings with the lowly class doing the work for them. I always thought they were very Conservative, but in reality, they "Act" Conservative, but are far-far-far-Left. They don't want to work for the good of humanity, they want humanity to bend to their will and work for them. I believe they have said the GB will be Kings over the Universe and all the Elders will be Princes over the earth. That means regular people will be the Slaves.