I have plenty of shotguns and rifles, but I don’t need a gun that could kill dozens of people in a matter of second
Good for you Riley, listen to Daddy's advice
history is full of examples of governments disarming their citizens , only to be brutally betrayed.
what follows is a litany of blood that happened after disarming citizens.
1911: turkey; citizens disarmed – 1.5 million armenians were slaughtered.
I have plenty of shotguns and rifles, but I don’t need a gun that could kill dozens of people in a matter of second
Good for you Riley, listen to Daddy's advice
history is full of examples of governments disarming their citizens , only to be brutally betrayed.
what follows is a litany of blood that happened after disarming citizens.
1911: turkey; citizens disarmed – 1.5 million armenians were slaughtered.
Riley; We really need to lose the fantasy that’s civilians need military style assault rifles
Riley, since you don't know difference between an ASSAULT MILITARY RIFLE vs an AR 15.............here's a quick lesson on what an ASSAULT MILITARY RIFLE IS.
history is full of examples of governments disarming their citizens , only to be brutally betrayed.
what follows is a litany of blood that happened after disarming citizens.
1911: turkey; citizens disarmed – 1.5 million armenians were slaughtered.
History is full of examples of governments disarming their citizens ,
only to be
brutally betrayed. What follows is a litany of blood that happened after disarming citizens
In America, Democrats continue to try to disarm citizens, but citizens fight back.
most of my friends have gotten the vaccines and are quite confident that it’s just what the doctor ordered.
i’m not confident with dr. fauci.
i don’t like the fact that the makers of the vaccines are not held responsible if someone taking the vac develops an illness or even death.
New Congress Covid Report Exposes the Lies and Cover up of the vaccine.
Also Bill Gates is exposed as using India as a lab experiment.
Information starts at the 10 minute mark
i was reading an anti cult reddit post where a woman (ex mormon) was trying her hardest to discourage the mormons from visiting her and trying to convert her back.
a few others chimed in about their various methods (coming to the door naked, pretending to be practicing black magic, etc.
) which they claimed would have the mormons and jws running away as fast as possible.. somehow, i doubt it.
Just tell them NO, NOT INTERESTED. And close the door.
That always works for me.
the watchtower—study edition | february 2024.
''we are pleased to inform you that two additional brothers have been appointed to serve as members of the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses: brothers gage fleegle and jeffrey winder.
both brothers are anointed christians who have a long history of loyal service to jehovah.
So how many GB members are there now.........11????
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
God's birthday will be coming up in a few weeks. Can't wait.
no wonder the left was furious when elon musk bought twitter.. someone leaked some of the names of the epstein files before they went public.
the complete list is still pending.
doesn't matter if it's the governing body, celebrities, politicians, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, the royal family, and more, are just ordinary humans who lust for sexual ..............!!!!!.
Being named in these documents does not indicate any wrongdoing related to Epstein or anyone else.
I agree. Documents don't indicate wrongdoing.
Neither does the Hunter Biden tax fraud accusations , illegal drugs accusation , Illegal gun accusations, laptop accusations, etc. etc. etc.
That's up to the DOJ to uphold the rule of law and the Courts to prosecute
Oh Wait..........who does the DOJ work for??????
no wonder the left was furious when elon musk bought twitter.. someone leaked some of the names of the epstein files before they went public.
the complete list is still pending.
doesn't matter if it's the governing body, celebrities, politicians, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, the royal family, and more, are just ordinary humans who lust for sexual ..............!!!!!.
No wonder the left was furious when Elon Musk bought twitter.
Someone leaked SOME of the names of the Epstein files before they went public. The complete list is still pending
Doesn't matter if it's the Governing Body, Celebrities, Politicians, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, The Royal Family, and more, are just ordinary humans who lust for sexual ..............!!!!!
Everyone is going to court! If you have millions, you might be able to settle with the victims and keep it hush - hush. If you are not a Millionaire or Billionaire.......YOU'RE SCREWED!
vicky and mike hobbs are ex jehovah’s witnesses and ex beroean pickets members their personal statements and experiences within the beroean pickets bible study groups wasn't pleasant.
and vicky was likened to the antichrist because of her differing views.
spiritual abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe.
But something to be concerned about, is that there already have been followers who commit suicide because of how they been treated in the Bereanos Pickets.
It’s unfortunate that some people get involved in religious cults that lead their members to a point of suicide. Bereanos Pickets is just of of many cults that destroys people’s lives.
There are several studies that try to estimate how many religious cults there are in the USA. And it is a very difficult task But according to a collection of studies compiled by the International Cultic Studies Association, back in the 90s if I remember correctly, there were over 10,000 religious cults in the USA. Members were anywhere from the hundreds to millions.
Besides religious cults, there are Political, and other different cults that trap people, and many of these cults coerce people to commit suicide, like the People’s Temple did.
The way many
Governments structure their laws on freedom of religion to avoid
conflict among the masses, is they allow anyone to worship anyway
they want. And they base this assumption on the fact that ADULTS
should know better than to get involved with a religious group that
can harm them in one way or another.That's why in the USA, if an adult refuses a Blood Transfusion even though he will die if he doesn't get one, the Government allows him base on the fact that he is an Adult and should know better.
The Government can’t behave like parents when dealing with adults. Adults should be mature enough to perceive dangerous groups and stay away from them.
There is no way you or I or anyone else can convince the members of Bereanos Pickets that they are in a dangerous cult. More than likely they will die for their leader. All we can really do is protect ourselves and try to protect our families. But that's about it. We have to let adults make their own choices.
Bereanos Pickets is no doubt responsible for a few suicides. But Just imagine how the Watchtower has been responsible for the death of millions with their policies on Blood, Neutrality, preaching to strangers, disfellowshipping, which has also led to many suicides. Yet it is practically impossible to convince the members they are in a dangerous cult. But they are Adults, and the repercussions lay on themselves.
I know it sounds cold, but that’s just the reality of life.