BEROEAN PICKETS:- VIcky And Mike's Story. "Judged To Be Like The Antichrist "

by buzkid 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • buzkid

    Vicky and Mike Hobbs are ex Jehovah’s Witnesses and ex beroean pickets members Their personal statements and experiences within the beroean pickets bible study groups wasn't pleasant. And Vicky was likened to the Antichrist because of her differing views. Spiritual Abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe. People, like Vicky and Mike have decided to start coming forward as a result of personal experiences which have impacted them individually

    #cult #abuse #exjw

  • buzkid

    I experience that kind of abuse in the Spanish group with my compatriot Ezequiel the Vice-Dictator of Bereanos Pickets. It is very harmful to come out of one high control religion only to fall into another from the pan into the fire like that.

  • liam

    Nothing to be concern about.

    Isn't the founder of Beroean Pickets like hitting 80?

    The current life expectancy for males in the U.S. in 2024 is 79.25 years, a 0.18% increase from 2023.

    The Jehovah he worships is not going to extend his life to continue the work.

    Just like Jehovah didn't extend the life of Charles Russell or the entire Generation that saw and understood 1914.

    Because Jehovah is a character created by ancient people. No different than Captain America being created by Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby for Timely Comics, which later became known as Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in Captain America Comics #1, published in March 1941.

    At least we have proof that Captain America exists. Plenty of videos and movies showing he does exist.

    Captain America - Captain America Foto (38199142) - Fanpop

  • buzkid

    @Liam: I like Captain America movies

    But something to be concerned about, is that there already have been followers who commit suicide because of how they been treated in the Bereanos Pickets.
    There is another video by Karen who interview a sister name Ruth who explains what happen in the situation with Jonas who had a form of judicial committee meting in Bereanos Pickets and was shunned afterward.

  • liam
    But something to be concerned about, is that there already have been followers who commit suicide because of how they been treated in the Bereanos Pickets.

    It’s unfortunate that some people get involved in religious cults that lead their members to a point of suicide. Bereanos Pickets is just of of many cults that destroys people’s lives.

    There are several studies that try to estimate how many religious cults there are in the USA. And it is a very difficult task But according to a collection of studies compiled by the International Cultic Studies Association, back in the 90s if I remember correctly, there were over 10,000 religious cults in the USA. Members were anywhere from the hundreds to millions.

    Besides religious cults, there are Political, and other different cults that trap people, and many of these cults coerce people to commit suicide, like the People’s Temple did.

    The way many Governments structure their laws on freedom of religion to avoid conflict among the masses, is they allow anyone to worship anyway they want. And they base this assumption on the fact that ADULTS should know better than to get involved with a religious group that can harm them in one way or another.That's why in the USA, if an adult refuses a Blood Transfusion even though he will die if he doesn't get one, the Government allows him base on the fact that he is an Adult and should know better.

    The Government can’t behave like parents when dealing with adults. Adults should be mature enough to perceive dangerous groups and stay away from them.

    There is no way you or I or anyone else can convince the members of Bereanos Pickets that they are in a dangerous cult. More than likely they will die for their leader. All we can really do is protect ourselves and try to protect our families. But that's about it. We have to let adults make their own choices.

    Bereanos Pickets is no doubt responsible for a few suicides. But Just imagine how the Watchtower has been responsible for the death of millions with their policies on Blood, Neutrality, preaching to strangers, disfellowshipping, which has also led to many suicides. Yet it is practically impossible to convince the members they are in a dangerous cult. But they are Adults, and the repercussions lay on themselves.

    I know it sounds cold, but that’s just the reality of life.

  • Longlivetherenegades

    This is serious

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    I had a few religious discussions with Eric over e-mail a few years back. He tolerates no belief outside his own. I tried to reason with him but he would not listen. At that point I realized he was still an elder of the Witnesses but with a dogma of his own. He's right back to doing judicial committee meetings. What, does he not remember the account of his own judicial meeting? He should re-watch it on his Youtube channel. He needs to be humbled. The guy's a hypocrite.

  • Listener

    I don't have anything to do with his meetings that he arranges but I was subscribed to his Youtube Chanel until a few weeks ago.

    I unsubscribed due to coming to the realization that he was a leader and dictating his teachings upon others, being those in his meeting groups.

    His Youtube titled "What is Really Wrong with Praying to Jesus" told me a lot about him.

    In this Youtube, Eric talks about the need to resolve an issue in 'our' foreign language online Bible study groups but then reverts to stating that HE has the need to resolve the issue, taking on a dictatorial, leadership role.

    He then goes on to lecture them, in what I consider, a very condescending way that doesn't even make sense. He tells those giving prayers to Jesus at the meetings that they have been upsetting others, causing hurt feelings and sleepless nights. He then admonishes them for being divisive, yet tells them that they were free to pray to Jesus in private. And if they had only done so they would causing no divisions and no issues.

    He then tells them that by praying to Jesus they are proving that they believe in the Trinity.

    Yet why does he have anything to do with these people if they believe in the trinity and pray to Jesus when he is completely against either?

    The bottom line is, that he has no problem with trinitarians and non trinitarians worshipping together at his meetings as long as the trinitarians practice their worship of prayer to Jesus in private.

    He further adds "Now, it can be very daunting to deal with brothers and sisters you’ve trusted and come to love, when they turn on you with false teachings. But this is nothing new. " He didn't express his disappointment in them turning on Jesus or God, rather he says they were turning on him.

    I'm surprised he brought this issue out on his Youtubes but I guess it was just the next progressive step for him.

  • Touchofgrey

    This guy left a high control group to form his own high control group and people just followed him without doing there own independent research .

    In the 21 century people need to recognize that the purpose of all religion's has been throughout history and continues today is to control, manipulate and coercive people and to take the money.

  • Konagirl

    I had no idea that this man had become a religious sensation. Thank you for posting this. He’s turned into another stumbling block, another deceptive trap like Robert King, for people to be taken captive by coming out of the Wt., and who want guidance in truth. (Col 2:8)

    Anyone who shuts Jesus Christ out of one’s life by saying we can’t pray to him, is influenced by the liar, the enemy of Christ. Their false doctrine based on Jesus telling Satan that he was only to worship God, is a lame one. Jesus was directing his true comment to Satan, not to people. He never stopped people worshipping him at his feet in the scriptures.

    And anyone who tells someone not to pray to Jesus, wants all glory and praise given to himself, just like the “father” he chooses to reign over him, the father that hates the truth about the Christ. John 8:44; 2 Cor 11:3-4; Gen 3:15

    Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt 11:28-30

    Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matt 7:7-8

    “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7

    “Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.[a] They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

    “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—" John 10:7-10,14

    It’s impossible to know Christ if some person tells you not to talk – pray – to him.

    “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Revelation 3:20

    Usually, two people sitting at a table sharing a meal together, would talk with one another. Jesus helps us understand his words through Spirit, when we ask for his help.

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