In that the woman in question …..She was also a adulteress not a prostitute who was in the 'business' Which is a far cry from the shameless OnlyFans girls who publicly promote their 'alternate lifestyle' ... unlike street prostitutes who work in the shadows of society.
So you’re saying that on a scale of 1-10 for sin, 10 being the worst, an adulteress is a 1 prostitute in business is a 5 and a girl on OnlyFans is a 10.
1 Corthians 6: 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral…….. nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men …….will inherit the kingdom of God.
According to this bible verse, Adulterers AND a sexually immoral persons get the same punishment. Neither will inherit God’s Kingdom. It does not distinguish between a prostitute and an adulteress.
In fact, it was religious leaders throughout the ages that started rating sin in degrees. That’s why many Catholic priests usually ask the person in confession;
“And How Many times did you do this my child?” (number given) Priest says;
“Say Ten Hail Mary's and 15 Our Fathers”
But like I said Before; MORALS ARE SUBJECTIVE. And the example in John 8 proves my point that Morals are subjective. Just look closely at what happened.
The Pharisees interrupted Jesus and they Drag in a women caught in the act of Adultery and remind Him; “in the Law, Moses, Commanded us to Stone such Woman, so what do you say?”
Now, who did Moses get that law from? Moses got that law to stone such woman caught in Adultery from GOD.
So where was Jesus when God gave that command that a woman committing sexual relations with another married person, should be stone? Was Jesus in another room in heaven and didn’t hear God give that command to Moses? Was Jesus unaware of God’s thinking in this matter?
See they put Jesus in a pickle. Because if He says; “Stone Her” he contradicts His Image of this compassionate, moral reformer. Plus, He would also be violating Roman Law, which forbade Jews from carrying out executions. He would be arrested.
But if He says; “Don’t Stone Her” He is Denying the Law of Moses and is going against GOD’S OWN COMMANDMENTS.
Now if Morals were from God they would be Objective. Truth would be Truth under any circumstances. OnlyFans, Prostitutes, or just some woman sleeping with a man once, would all carry the same penalty.
There would be no debate that a woman committing adultery deserved to be stoned. The Law of Moses DID NOT ALLOW ROOM FOR A “contrite and repentant attitude” ……..Like you mentioned in your post.
The law was very specific. A woman caught committing adultery was to be stoned, Regardless.
So from the perspective of seeking the truth with regards to what type of sexual proclivities are considered BAD, vs NOT SO BAD, this example, if you believe Jesus, is very subjective.
In fact, any person that was there at the scene and seeking the truth in these matters of whether this type of sexual conduct was right or wrong, would leave learning NOTHING AT ALL.
Because Jesus doesn’t say if the law of Moses is right or wrong, and neither does he say if the woman is innocent or guilty.
And Why Doesn’t Jesus call out the man’s actions, since it takes two people to commit adultery?
Because Jesus was the product of His Time and Place and only saw the error of the Woman and sidestep the ISSUE and turned the focus on the accuser’s own Sins. Shaming people to get out of a tough spot.
And what made it worse for any sincere person seeking the Truth in these matters, Jesus walked away, leaving the woman’s legal issue UNRESOLVED, as well as the spiritual aspect of the matter.
That example in John 8 just reinforces that the differing sexual conduct that these girls are involved in is subjective based on Culture, Country, legal, and religious indoctrination.
There is no such thing as “Divine Definitions” on what’s a sin and what’s not a sin. Neither is there “Degrees of Sin” from a Divine Source.
All Degrees of sin are of Human Origin. Based on culture, personal preference, religious indoctrination, and tribal law.
That’s why the Watchtower can have legal doctrine that says if a man touches a woman’s genitalia, it’s grounds for divorce. But in other Christian organizations, that would not be grounds for divorce.
It’s all subjective.
And if you feel Girls that do OnlyFans have God’s disfavor, that’s you’re right. But I wouldn’t hold my breath believing God is going to destroy them, because women have been doing this type of behavior for hundreds of thousands of years, and their relatives millions of years, and as of yet, no Omniscient, Omnipotent, Benevolent God has stepped up to condemn them.
Only Humans condemn other Humans!