Dear LB & Mrs.LB,
My sincerest condolences on your devistating loss of Blue.
We used to run cattle (dairy) too, and I think many here understand the loss of a pet, yet have not considered that she was your working partner too.
Blue was along to work and that consisted not only to move cattle but included everything; going to town for parts or feed, hanging out while you were fixing or maintaining machenery, maybe even riding in the tractor cab for mowing or bailing, along for checking and fixing fenceline, looking the stock over (pinkeye and such). Blue was there in the middle of the night when a good stockman watches for calving problems, and then was your good 'right arm' when it was time to sort or move stock. And she shared your leisure and your home. LB, the intence grief is normal because you have actually spent more time with Blue in the last eleven years than with anyone else, inclucing even your wife. I am a farm wife and know that for a fact and am comforted to know that my husband is not out there working all alone. Blue probably even road to the FSA offfice, the bank and auctions with you as our Auggie does.
Take a lot of paper towel stuffed into your back pocket because you will use a lot of them every day in the days ahead. The only thing worse that loseing a 'ranch' or 'farm' dog is losing a child.
The day will come (sooner having cattle) when you will need another dog. Just give it the same attention and chance that you gave Blue; in time you will appreciate that dog too for it's unique personality and gifts. The next dog will not dull the memory of Blue and will even add to the richness of her memory.
Our best to you and your wife.