Worst Vice would have to be cigarettes. It it were not for that I would be ' perfect ' !!
JoinedPosts by talley
What's Your WORST Vice???
by minimus innow that you no longer have any real restrictions, have you allowed yourself to do something "naughty"?
what's your worst vice?
OMG What have i done!
by Shytears in.
hey everyone.i know im in trouble now deep deep shit !i went to my highschool football game last night,its like the biggest game of the year,well yall all know im a witness and im baptized.i meant up with some of my friends from school and the guy i like and his friends.we walked around and talked and you know goofed off,me and him went to his friends car,we ended up having sex.omg i cant believe i actually did this,but we used protection.only thing is i feel kinda bad but then i dont,whats the deal,im think im going to get disfellowedshipped oh well.please anyone help me!!!
Shytears, I hardly know how to begin.
First, do not tell the elders or anyone jw, you will not get a Christ-like response from them.
My Dad would not let me date until I was 16. At that time he sat me down and had a real Father-Daughter talk with me, beginning by asking me if he had ever lied to me. I had to admit that he never had and that I knew his love for me was unconditional. He then told me that the prime objective of young men was to have sex, that it was a biological drive at that age and had very little to do with 'love'; as a man he had experienced that for himself.
Dad's second point was that if the young man was so casual about sex, I could be assured that I was not his first, and I would definately not be his last.
Dad's third point was that no one would think more of me than I do of myself, and so I should highly value my mind and body as he had tried to teach me to value myself. That no matter how expensive a date was or how long I had been dating someone, that I owed no man anything; that their repayment of time and attention 'spent' on me was fully recompensed "by the pleasue and honor of being in your company"!
I took Dad's advice seriously, and through my dating years never had sex unless the subject of marriage was brought up by the guy, never by me. (these instances were very few, by the way) The man's willingness to talk of marriage sort of reassured me that I would not be 'left in the lurch'.
My first marriage, based primarily on sex before marriage, failed after 11 years; after coming to the conclusion that I loved him, but did not like him and that there were no children to be hurt by divorce. I still remembered Dad's advice, and after the divorce had many, many first and second dates, but no third dates, because they were not going to easily get what they were really after.
Then I met Bud. He kept dating me, week after week, driving fourty miles each way to pick me up at my apt. instead of asking me to meet him halfway. I found myself liking, respecting and admireing him (I was 32 at the time, he was 44). Well, one night we were parked under a full moon and our cuddling was beginning to turn into petting, so I said (and I do not know where this came from) "There is pleanty of time for 'that' later, and if there is no 'later', it is highly inappropriate now"..... We were married less than a month later....Nov.,'74. Our like has grown into love that keeps growing as he and I grow older. God Bless my Daddy, who told me the truth.
I cannot begin to advise you in this matter, but can olny point to how these matters turned out for me..... In a nutshell " He isn't going to buy the cow if he can get the milk for free. "
Hope my Daddy's thoughts from years ago can help you in you future. talley/Judy
Christmas Gift Exchange Gimme Gimme Wantme List
by scootergirl ini think it is time to stop cheerleading for the christmas gift x-change......we have quite a few names and i am really excited!
i am crossing off names as they post to this thread...... .
gentlyferal beckmelbourne truckergbveniceit pettygrundger talley mamashel nilfun beautifulgarbage orangefatcat been_there simon angharad heaven vickie butalbeexenawarrior mouthy animal debradoll ladylee mulan the_star joannadandy searchin50 happy2b scarlet randomtask celia siegswife caligirl waiting tinkerbell4125cc ridercoolbreeze onacruise/bikerchick ballistic windchaser flower elsewhere queer_reality kelpie revmalk funkyderek grout notinterested joy2bfree connielyne valis cowboy englishman plumkrzy lyineyes dutchie eyegirl scootergirl perry syn scully mac trotafax lovesdubs wild_thing lilacs yerusalyimbobsgirldawnmackincassiline maximumflash granny linda sortafairytale.
!! Potholders !! yep, potholders (I know...not much fun..) but the other night, took something out of the oven and could hardly get it to stovetop without burning my fingers; looked at the potholder and I could see light through it!!! Potholders will get that way after 30 yrs. of use. Or, for fun, anything chocolate to eat and btw I really like fruitcake talley/Judy
Please participate in my survey
by Zechariah ini have received inquiries about how i was trained by spirit as a psychologist.
i was led to many sources of enlightenment.
books routinely was i led to that it was important i read.
??? 42163570 ???
What would I do?
by Jesus Christ inhello my children.
there have been some posts today debating what i might say in certain situations.
to make things easy for all of you that may have questions for how i may react or respond to certain situations i thought i would just start a thread to answer all your questions.
Thanks to all and especially JC for giving me the most wonderful belly laugh and a big, wide smile this morning. Can tell already that this mood of ammusement will last me all the day. thanks again you cleaver, wonderful people, and thanks JC for puting life into perspective. talley aka Judy
I Need Help Please!!!
by CW02 ini'm a 24yr old non-witness who has been dating a 23yr old witness.
we met through a mutual friend.
when i met him i thought he was sweet and kind and the kind of guy i could see myself with for the rest of my life.
Dear, Dear CW02, Buy him the 2 Ray Franz books, "Crisi of Conscience" & "In Search of Christian Freedom", as a goodby gift. Wrap the engagement ring with the books, give the package to him and RUN, RUN, RUN as fast as you can away from this situation. The heartache waiting for you down the 'road', waiting for you and any future children is simply greater than any 'love' you could possible feel for this man. And as you RUN for your life, DO NOT LOOK BACK. RUN, RUN, RUN !!!!!!!!! ( my email is open) One of your many, many friends on this board, talley/Judy
US Second Amendment v UK Social Contract.
by Englishman inthe us second amendment states:.
a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
i wonder if the writers af this amendment actually envisaged a situation where 260 million americans would have something like over 200 million firearms spread amongst them?
Thank you, Nathan and Francois. The lessons of history and experience both teach that an individual's freedom and safety come from only one source; the individual person themselves. talley of the protected by S&W class.
The advertising on this site
by Leander injust wanted to say kudos to simon, this is one of the few sites that i visit where the advertisments are'nt forced down your throat.
i know a lot of websites need those advertising dollars to stay alive but nothing is more annoying than clicking away a gang of pop-up ads every few minutes.
so once again good job simon.
Yes, it is nice, isn't it? Would be nice too to show appreciation by sending an 'appreciation gift' Simon's way once in a while. Just a thought to those of us here that have gained so much from the exhistance of this board and Simon's hard work.
talley aka Judy
Need help finding a book
by wannabook ini'm looking for a book, i can't remember what it's called, but i have the old one called "aid to bible understanding" (a big, blue, hardcover book).
i think the current one is a set of two books, dark brown or black if i remember right.
i had studied with jw's for a time but i just don't believe in the org.
Hi, wannabook, I have an extra set of Insight on the Scriptures. Am figuring $15.00; that is 10.00 for the set, and shipping or mailing will probably be at least 5.00. So if that sounds fair to you, my email is open. talley
another fun psych test, try it
by terabletera in> > make sure to change the score on the subject line.
> > b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for.
> > to your head.
35 for me....description seems right on!!!!!!!! talley aka Judy