Hey everyone.i know im in trouble now Deep deep shit !i went to my highschool football game last night,its like the biggest game of the year,well yall all know im a witness and im baptized.i meant up with some of my friends from school and the guy i like and his friends.we walked around and talked and you know goofed off,me and him went to his friends car,we ended up having sex.omg i cant believe i actually did this,but we used protection.only thing is i feel kinda bad but then i dont,whats the deal,im think im going to get disfellowedshipped oh well.please anyone Help me!!! Laura
OMG What have i done!
by Shytears 40 Replies latest watchtower medical
If you're feeling quilty about it, then deal with it. Don't tell anyone, especially the elders. If you need to pray about it, then pray,
BUT DON'T TELL THE ELDERS FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! It's NONE of their business, and beside, they would wont details! Dirty old bastards.
HI Laura,
Why do you think you will get disfellowshipped? Did someone from the hall see you? Or worse, are you thinking of fessing up? Give us more detail. Were you wearing thongs?? LOL If you talk to the elders, they may ask that.
Seriously, we all make mistakes. Don't beat youself up. And don't confess anything to the KH police. This is between you and God.
Hmmm doing things that normal people do? Sounds like you found a way to get out of the borg to me. You shouldn't feel guilty about expressing your sexuality...duh like normal humans do...If your family is the concern then yeah...be quiet about it and if someone saw you then stand up for yourself and tell them to kiss your ass! Its the only way you come out with any sanity. Otherwise you mind as well hang a big scarlet letter on your chest the next time you go to meeting. You will also have to face the scrutiny of the congregation and their infernal gossiping. Perhaps this is a turning point for you where you might have to make some hard descisions about who you really are and what you want out of life. Is it that you want to have guilt looming over your shoulder everytime you make descisions good or bad in regards yourself, or do you want the spiritual, intellectual, and personal freedom that not being a JW affords? Tough choices yes, but ones that will be waiting for you whenever you're reeady to answer them honestly.
District Overbeer
I agree. Don't talk to the elders. If someone tells on you, LIE!! Don't let them do that to you.
Well, you had sex. To your credit, you were smart enough to use protection. If you are going to stay sexually active - and at this point you probably are - please, please continue to be smart.
You've been taught sex outside of marriage will result in a death sentence. The guilt can really mess you up.
In my not so humble opinion, sex is a natural part of life, but because it can result in another life, it needs to be handled responsibly. Getting pregnant at this point in your life would be a terrible mistake and one you can never get over.
You need to ask yourself some tough questions:
How do you feel about this guy? Do you trust your parents with this kind of information? Do you see yourself being a Jehovah's Witness for the rest of your life? Do you respect your self and your body enough to take good care of it? How do you feel about God and the Bible? Do you believe in the doctrines as taught by JW's?
Whether or not to have sexual relations outside of marriage is your decision, as long as you can live with the consequences and are prepared for them. If it is found out, either through your confession or by some other means, you may well be disfellowshipped. Are you ready to face that possibility?
From your post, you sound as if you regret your actions. If that is true, don't do it again. Next time, make sure it's YOUR decision, YOUR choice, and one you can live with.
Wasa, you are so wise. Very very good advice.
Welli dont really regret it i just wandering what he is thinking,i dont want all his friends to know and i dont want to look at as Easy,i dont want a bad rep
You want to know what he is thinking? He is thinking: "Wooo Hoooo! I got to have sex!!" Men are not that complex.
Whether he tells his buds or not depends on how mature he is. Sometimes you just need to tell people, right Hon? You did.
You will get a "bad rep" if you sleep around with all of his friends or do it with anybody who asks you. Have sex on YOUR terms, when YOU want to, and only if you take precautions.
Wasa/can't help talking like a mom
I have to agree with everyone, don't tell the elders. If you feel you have to confess; come here to the board or even talk with your "real" friends.(non-JW) Was this the same guy that you mentioned in your first post?? I agree with wasa about feeling guilty. What's done is done and if you regret it happened, then pretend that it didn't happen. I'm sure plenty of us have had that feeling "the morning after"!!! :)
you have plenty of support here so don't feel like you're all alone. you can always email me as well if you like ([email protected]) Take care