JoinedPosts by talley
by Amazing ini am currently working with a law firm that is involved prosecuting jw pedophile cases.
just over 2 years ago i posted a poll and its results on jwd.
you can read them below.
by Amazing ini am currently working with a law firm that is involved prosecuting jw pedophile cases.
just over 2 years ago i posted a poll and its results on jwd.
you can read them below.
by Amazing ini am currently working with a law firm that is involved prosecuting jw pedophile cases.
just over 2 years ago i posted a poll and its results on jwd.
you can read them below.
Just trying to keep this on the 'front' page.
River Falls, Wisconsin 54022
by teejay init is a rare movie that evokes spontaneous applause from the audience -- twice!
-- but this one did... and yours truly clapped right along with them.
a very fine movie with a very good message.
At one time I owned a retired Thoroughbred. A friend had a racing Quarter Horse that was not doing well, he would not try to leave the 'pack', so his owner gave up and boarded him at the stable I was at. He mentioned that it would be nice if I could 'pony' his horse for excercise, so I did, using my old race horse, Campy.
The ponying went very well, and I began to notice a lot of nose tipping, nipping, and ear movement on both of them as the days went by. I called the guy and said he should try his horse one more time. That Quarter Horse had turned into a front runner!
The only explaination I have is that Campy "explained" to him what it was all about.
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #58
by ozziepost inhow's your weekend going?
fine weather here in oz with bright blue skies and very cool nights - it's mid-winter.
mrs ozzie and i have been feeling a bit jaded as a good friend and colleague died last week and the funeral was on friday.
4. NONE, since I had an 'unbelieving' husband and no children to indoctrinate, I was of absolutely no social value to them at all, plus it probably was a red flag that I was quite satisfied and content with my situation at home.
What In Life Have You Kicked Yourself For?
by minimus inwe all have wished that if we had just one more chance to make a decision and could have changed things, we would have done something differently.
is there anything that you would have changed in your life if only you could?
I kick myself for not going back to Veterinary Medicine School in 1974 at the University of Minnesota.
qwerty & Maverick, those are sooo cute. Thanks for giving me a good laugh.
It is really neat to be heading off to bed tonight grinning and chuckling (especially for an old lady). again thanks. talley/Judy
God Helps Everyone?
by ClassAvenger ini talked with a jehovah witness and he told me that god only helped those who obeyed him, that it said somewhere in the bible.
the discussion came when i told him about soldiers asking god for help.
he said that god wouldn't listent to them because the soldiers knew they were sinning by killing and they kept on doing it.
God sure did not help Abel, even though Abel's offering was looked on with "favor"!
Cain got a personal conversation with God, twice. Abel was not warned to avoid Cain and was certainly not proteceted by God. Instead the murderer was protected from others, allowed to live, marry, have children, start a city. Seems God was on the side of the bad guy.
And what ever happened the the 'biblical rule' of an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, and life for life.
Sort of leaves me with in a quandry; either the Bible is a myth or if that story is true, it does not pay to be in God's favor and I would not want to be if he is the kind of god that particular story portrays.
Atheism is beginning to look very attractive and comforting to me.
Are you older than dirt?
by Lady Lee insomebody sent me this email.
i thought the older ones would enjoy the memories, and the younger might enjoy hearing about the strange and simple times of their elders.
25xYup! plus, streetcars being the most modern form of public transportation.
Buying chicken at a poultry shop where you picked out the live chicken and could take it home live or they would kill, pluck, gut, and custom wrap while you waited. They also sold fresh eggs.
Besides the newsreels, most movie theatres had dish night once a week and gave one or two peices to each adult. Grandma got a complete place setting for 12.
Plush furniture was stuffed with real horse hair and the carpet in the living room was made of 100% wool.