'bump', for the evening/night crew.
JoinedPosts by talley
Please, don't forget Katrina's kritters.
by talley infirst of all, go to your library and get and read terri crisp's book: out of harm's way.
should take about three days, or less.. then very carefully examine the web site of noah's wish http://www.noahs-wish.org ,the disaster rescue organization she has founded and directs.
terri crisp has been active in animal disaster rescue since 1983, hands on- in the boats, smoke and debris fields.. then contribute now and/or even volunteer, in preparation for the next disaster, what ever that may prove to be.
Please, don't forget Katrina's kritters.
by talley infirst of all, go to your library and get and read terri crisp's book: out of harm's way.
should take about three days, or less.. then very carefully examine the web site of noah's wish http://www.noahs-wish.org ,the disaster rescue organization she has founded and directs.
terri crisp has been active in animal disaster rescue since 1983, hands on- in the boats, smoke and debris fields.. then contribute now and/or even volunteer, in preparation for the next disaster, what ever that may prove to be.
First of all, go to your Library and get and read Terri Crisp's book: Out of Harm's Way. Should take about three days, or less.
Then very carefully examine the web site of Noah's Wish http://www.noahs-wish.org ,the disaster rescue organization she has founded and directs.
Terri Crisp has been active in animal disaster rescue since 1983, hands on- in the boats, smoke and debris fields.
Then contribute now and/or even volunteer, in preparation for the next disaster, what ever that may prove to be.
Katrina Aftermath - whatever happened to personal responsibility?
by EscapedLifer1 inok, all you "bleedin' hearts" get ready to flame me..... i have been watching the developments in the devastated areas like everyone else, and something has begun to strike me.
there seems to be tens of thousands of people who are just sitting around waiting for help to miraculously drop out of the sky, and the longer they sit idle, the madder they get that the government hasn't swooped in and immediately solved all their problems.
i have a few questions about this mindset:.
re: personal responsibility.
"Where is the Cavalry"??? Hubby, who is 75, said the Citizens of New Orleans are/were the "First Cavalry"!!
When the first looter was spotted, the 'good guys' (honest citizens/men and women) should have stopped the looters on the spot and beat the chit out of them. Same goes for all who witnessed 'law breaking'. The 'honest' citizens (albeit lazy/ let someone else take care of it) far outnumbered the gang/criminal element.
Too poor, dont have a car? How about going down to the hardware store Sat am and buying a kids pull wagon, a couple of water gerry cans, packing up what wil fit in the wagon and the whole family together start WALKING OUT (don't forget the umbrella for sun and rain). Someone might have picked them up, and if not, surely the cops would have got them off the causeways/expressway and to the other side.
In our little corner of WI, it seems to be the 'old timers'/over 45 yrs old that make do for themselves, thier neighbors, and 'watch each others back.' Most younger folk think everything is the responsablilty of the gov'ment, to the point of losing their own "thinking ablilty".
What part of MANDATORY EVACUATION did they not understand?
All these 'poor' no doubt had TV. Look at the projected weather maps, and start walking NW.!!!
There. That ought to kill this thread...
talley/Judy (of the thread-killer class)
Auggie; black Lab, female, going on 10 years old. goes everywhere with us.
by Mary inthere's been yet another arrest of a man who's being charged with murdering his pregnant girlfriend in pennsylvania.........is it just me, or does there seem to be a sharp increase in the number of guys who are murdering their pregnant wives/girlfriends these days?
i often think of scott peterson.....if the idiot didn't want kids that badly, why didn't he get a vesectomy?
your thoughts?
My thoughts?
The first thought is amazement that these women either did not have, or disregarded that little "sixth sence" or instinct for picking a good man. I was under the impression that us gals all had this 'antennae' thing for good or bad men. Mine has served me well and accruately, and I have always 'listened to' and trusted it.
I feel so bad for these women and their babies.
by Country Girl ini've been dancing since i was a little girl.
i wish i had someone to dance with.
do you dance?
My Hubby did not like to dance either. Then I convinced him to try 'traditional Square Dancing' lessons. He really liked it. Country/western type music, and if one can walk in time to music, one can square dance.
We liked the lessons so much that we continued them to advanced level, yet danced at open club beginner/intermediate dances at least two nights a week. Both of us went 'all out' and I wore 'petty' pants, crenoline skirt, and lovely square dancing dresses; he picked out matching shirts and string/scarf ties.
It was "somewhere to go when we were all dressed up". Usually after the the open dances there is a 'pot luck' lunch. Great exercise, lots of fun, and met wonderful people.
We miss square dancing very much - me, bad knee...him, can't hear the caller well enough.
It's a bitch to get old, but does beat the alternative...for awhile....
What Animal Are You?
by lonelysheep inhttp://www.animalinyou.com/survey.asp
i'm a wildcat.
this is all so true.
GOOD GRIEF!! folks, sorry about that. Can see that I am going to have to switch from FireFox to IE for a copy/paste atrosity like the above. :(
What Animal Are You?
by lonelysheep inhttp://www.animalinyou.com/survey.asp
i'm a wildcat.
this is all so true.
The enigmatic batBat Genera: Pteropus Collective Term: A cauldron of bats Description This is a decidedly unconformist creature, for as an airborne personality, the bat tends to look down at the conventions of the ground animals. And yet, since it is not a true bird and having not mastered the art of smooth controlled flight, it often appears awkward in social situations. (Hence the term -- acting batty). But as compensation for this social ungainliness, many bat personalities sport a built-in radar, which enables them to intuitively read the motivations of others. Identifying bat personalities is not difficult. Being nocturnal creatures, they come alive at night and can be spotted in underground clubs or dimly lit bars. They prefer the sanctuary of dark clothing and dark corners, and you'll never see a bat sporting a heavy tan. These are intelligent, spiritual, creative individuals who use their full range of senses (other than their poor eyesight) to carefully navigate their way through life. Bats have a habit of flitting in and out of social situations, swooping down to interact briefly with others before quickly flying off to resume their bat lives. Unassertive and aloof, they'll take flight at the first hint of a confrontation to seek comfort in their personal spaces that are decorated in unusual but expressive ways. The bat's sixth sense gives it a number of advantages in its work, and its insightful nature enables it to understand others better than it understands itself. In the romance department, bats are enamored with the idea of love more than they are with its colder realities. Decidedly untraditional, they are prone to flights of extraordinary fantasy -- and it's not the traditional Ken and Barbie type of romance that tickles its fancy either. It's the Bram Stoker kind: dark, moody and gothic. Bat personalities have an enormous sense of loyalty and if you ever do a favor for a bat, it will never relax until it has paid you back. In fact, in nature, the bat is the only animal (other than man) to demonstrate true altruism when unrelated individuals will unselfishly offer food to a cave-mate without expectation anything in return. This powerful sense of quid pro quo is one of the defining characteristics of the bat personality and anyone should consider themselves lucky to be in a bat's good graces. Bats have no strong yearning for parenthood, for the kind of ego gratification that comes with having one's own children doesn't appeal to its karmic temperament. They are instead quite content to satisfy their maternal or paternal instincts by adopting or merely baby-sitting. If they do have children, they prove to be perfunctory parents: methodical yet unconventional . Still, bats place great emphasis on ethics and morality and insist that their children be indoctrinated in the values of good citizenship. Careers and Hobbies Psychiatrist Artist Social Worker Archeologist Writer Musician Socializing Philosophy Clubbing Spelunking Famous Bats Nostradamus, Gypsy Rose Lee.
Anyone live in/near Bayfield, WI 54814 ??
by talley inwe will be in bayfield, wi, sept.10, and need to hire someone to doggie sit our auggie (black lab f. 9yrs) from 9:00am to 2:00pm, while we go on an apostle islands cruise.
this would be at our motel room or your house, which ever you would prefer.
help us enjoy this "worldly pleasure".
"bump" for the 'night crew'.....
Whyamihere survives surgery!
by HadEnuf into all it may consume...i mean concern...my poor little brookiepooh had to have surgery on her leg today to remove a blockage in one of her major arteries.
it was a very long surgery but she was able to hobble home this afternoon (well...austin gave her a ride home but she had to hobble into the house).
so she isn't feeling too chipper and thought it would be nice for you all to stop by and wish her well and a speedy recovery.
Brooke, pamper yourself and get well soon!