JoinedPosts by talley
Where is RichieRich?
by talley inrichie has not posted since the end of last month.
i, for one, miss his humor,wit,and drama and wonder how he is doing these days.. wishing richierich good health, happiness and all the best of life.
and get your butt back in here young man, we want an update!
Where is RichieRich?
by talley inrichie has not posted since the end of last month.
i, for one, miss his humor,wit,and drama and wonder how he is doing these days.. wishing richierich good health, happiness and all the best of life.
and get your butt back in here young man, we want an update!
by juni inthey can't all be on vacation.
i miss their posts.
Sad doggie news.....
by Alana ini know i don't post much, but this board has been a source of confort to me in my journey out of the borg.
that is why i want to share with my online friends that my beagle, remington, is very ill and i would appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.
he is only 8-yrs-old and is my baby.
Sad doggie news.....
by Alana ini know i don't post much, but this board has been a source of confort to me in my journey out of the borg.
that is why i want to share with my online friends that my beagle, remington, is very ill and i would appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.
he is only 8-yrs-old and is my baby.
Oh Alana, I'm sorry to learn that Remington is so sick.
I will be sending good thoughts and prayers that the vet is able to some how help him and that you will find strength during this difficult time. If the diagnosis of 'liver shunt' is correct, that is not a good prognosis.
Out pets give us unconditional love and companionship; the prospect of losing them is so very painful.
How Much Governmental Mind Control Are We Under?
by frankiespeakin inhow much of your thinking is controlled by the government in which you live?a lot or a little?
come on let us talk about it intelligently,, lets avoid crued remarks and talk about this subject as unbiasedly as possible,,,together.
we have all been taught the pledge of allegence, and those god blesses us as a country blaa blaa songs stuff... isn't that blatten propagandic type programming?do you beleive the bible where it calls these god ministers :))))?
Well, I have been able to become publicly Apathetic Agnostic recently and witness many in my own family really bash this administration; so far none have disappeared into the night. Too bad the govt. has so little control over the anti-USA attitude TAUGHT in our public schools and universities.
And the UN has our Supreme Court brainwashed as can be seen by recent decisions........ -
A thought to start the day with...
by Synergy ingod gave us everything...except the one and only thing he wants for himself that he can't give himself.
this thing is something that we choose whether or not to give him.
he doesn't make us.
My JW Neighbours - Now it's JWs -v- NAC!
by Joe Grundy inlatest in the saga with my jw neighbours.
i've previously mentioned my other neighbours (german couple in late 60s) who live next door to the jw family.
the german couple are here on the island about 6 months a year, often look after the jw kids and have substantial concerns about them.. last friday evening (late here, about 10 pm) the german lady and her older sister and i went to a sports bar to watch the germany-argentina match.
Awwww....poor brainwashed little girl. It's so sad that a religion can take away even the most innocent pleasures of every-day life.
Joe, thanks for keeping us updated on this little saga of the realities of how the WTBTS really subtly impacts the lives of all it touches. So sad. So much good and joy in this life (which is all we can really be sure of) wasted for empty promisises of the religious immagination.
You are a good man Joe Grundy, to care so much....
Euthanasia for humans, is it right or wrong?
by FreedomFrog inok guys, i'm working on a 1500 word paper for my communications class and it's due in about 7 weeks.
i'm collecting information for my paper.
how do you feel about legalizing assisted suicides for people?
Euthanasia and assisted suicide are really two different subjects to me.To me personally, euthanasia is someone else making the decision to end my life regardless of my state of mind or permission or lack thereof, and then taking specific actions to accomplish my speedy demise.
Assisted suicide is my deciding to end my life and needing another's help to accomplish what I choose to do when and how I choose to do it.
And here is a true story of a combination of the two. My Mom had a massive brain bleed while in a restaurant; her heart stoped and she stoped breathing. Unfortuantly (I know Mom would say) there were two policemen having lunch and they performed CPR and called the ambulance. When I arrived at the hospital the helicopter was already sitting on the pad waiting to take her to a much larger metro facility. The ER Doc had her records and directives and was waiting for me to arrive to either concur or disregard her specific written directive. She had made it plain in writing what she wanted (Do Not Resussitate, no amputations-she was diabetic, no organ transplants, no tube feeding, etc.) Mom was moved to a room and an IV inserted with a very slow drip, just to keep the needle open.
Later that afternoon she 'upchucked' and aspirated some of the iced tea she had had earlier and they could not get it all out of her lungs. The rattling with every breath was pathetic and very unnerving. One of the nurses told me that a couple of them were going to have DNR tatooed on their collar bones when they thought it appropriate so that the police/good samaritans would have direction.
The next day I saw that the nurse would come in every two hours to give her a small injection in the IV and I asked what it was. Told it was 2cc. morphine to ease her breathing and I made the comment, "Too bad we can't save up several doses of that and give it at one time; Mom would like that." Twenty minutes later the nurse was back, said she had told the Doc what I had said and that she was here to give Mom more morphine. The 10cc. syringe looked to have about 8cc. in it. Mom stopped breathing 15 minutes later and slipped quietly away. She would have been 80 years old in another week. Her greatest fear was the possibility of being helpless and in pain in a nursing home .
Her massive stroke occured in one of her favorite eateries, she was dressed very fashionably, had her good jewlery on, was socializing with a friend, and her car was parked right out side.....just the way she wanted to go.....except for not wearing or having a DNR bracelet or medical card in her wallet.
Here's to ya Mom, Thanks for the memories and life, and Godspeed.