You know better and should be ashamed of using You Know tactics on me. I deserve better.
Seeker, and just think, yesterday you accused me of being like You Know in sKally's "stunned at the CDA" thread.
Still want to make that comparison?
for some reason i can't post on the original topic about the fds on why the watchtower is doomed thread.
so i just started a new post.
as regards af's long-winded post on that thread, it is obvious to me that you don't know what you are talking about, and that you are merely trying to obfuscate the issue with this enormously long post.
You know better and should be ashamed of using You Know tactics on me. I deserve better.
Seeker, and just think, yesterday you accused me of being like You Know in sKally's "stunned at the CDA" thread.
Still want to make that comparison?
for some reason i can't post on the original topic about the fds on why the watchtower is doomed thread.
so i just started a new post.
as regards af's long-winded post on that thread, it is obvious to me that you don't know what you are talking about, and that you are merely trying to obfuscate the issue with this enormously long post.
Awww, K'mon Boobie.
Don't get all sidetracked and diverted here now.
Are you calling Moses a MURDERER, or not?
You called me a Murderer.
Why not Moses?
Moses was defending a "brother", but not even his own kin, just a fellow Hebrew. Heyyy, maybe you think he used "Excessive Force", huh?
I was defending myself and my own blood kin, my Father.
Moses didn't even have an eyewitness to back up his "story".
Moses fled.
I did not flee. I had an eyewitness.
I had a jury of my peers listen to my case and hand down a decision.
Moses did not.
Uhh, in case you missed the outcome of my trial, the state of North Carolina with all their resources failed to prove that I was a murderer of any degree, or a manslaughter-er of any degree.
The jury of 12 of my peers listened impartially, objectively and without prejudice (all the qualities you do not possess) to my side of the story/case, and chose to believe me.
They uttered the words: "Not Guilty" ... unanimously.
7 wonderful women and 5 wonderful men and not a single jehovahWitness among them... oh yeahhh, that's right, you jokers don't engage in any kind of civil responsibility like serving on jury duty.
But you Watchtower Wussies will go Whining and Whimpering to the Satanic WORLDLY courts if you feel like your "Rights" are being stepped on, to practice your Kult Activities, unfettered.
Don't you?
So, kome on Boobie, let's have it straight from the Jackass' Mouth:
Are you calling Moses a MURDERER, or not?
I bet you don't answer. I bet you duck the question. After calling me a murderer of my brother. You Know you're a God-Damned Gutless Wonder!
for some reason i can't post on the original topic about the fds on why the watchtower is doomed thread.
so i just started a new post.
as regards af's long-winded post on that thread, it is obvious to me that you don't know what you are talking about, and that you are merely trying to obfuscate the issue with this enormously long post.
Remember this book, Boobie?
Suuure you do, an ol' Anointed One like yerself!
Well, let the ol' Tallyman jog your Jughead and throw out something
your very own J.F.Rutherford wrote about "Self-Defense".
You DO believe the ol' Judge, now doncha, Boobie?
Do the Scriptures approve of a Christian's defending himself against an unlawful assault and using force to repel such assault? Self-defense is the right of every man to ward off an attack and to use such force as to him appears to be necessary to safeguard himself from personal injury or injury to his property. The same right of self-defense may be exercised by him for the protection of his near relations or close friends, his brethren. Such is the law of the nations or states, but that law does not rest upon tradition, nor upon the conclusions of men alone, but finds complete support in the Word of God.
Moses saw an Egyptian smiting his Hebrew brother, and Moses, to protect his brother from such assault, slew the Egyptian. (Exodus 2: 11,12) Moses fled from Egypt that the Egyptians might not kill him. Moses did not receive any punishment or even a rebuke from Jehovah God for what he had done. Afterwards God specifically used Moses to do and perform service particularly picturing Christ Jesus the Messiah and his work.
God also made Moses his prophet and used him to write the first five books of the Bible. Since then every nation has invoked the law of self-defense, extending that right of self-defense to the protection of near-of-kin.
- - -
Looks like me and ol' Mose gots sumpin' in common, huh Boobie?
But now Boobie, in case you're from Missouri,
and you gots to 'see it to believe it',
here you go also:
I DO enjoy our little chats, Boobie.
"Y'all Kome BacK Know, y'hear?!"
for some reason i can't post on the original topic about the fds on why the watchtower is doomed thread.
so i just started a new post.
as regards af's long-winded post on that thread, it is obvious to me that you don't know what you are talking about, and that you are merely trying to obfuscate the issue with this enormously long post.
Have you figured out the tonnage of your Judgment, Boobie?
Aren't you the guy that murdered his own brother a while back? / You Know
No, no, Boobie. You must have me mixed up with The Composite Guy, your very own Governing Body.
for some reason i can't post on the original topic about the fds on why the watchtower is doomed thread.
so i just started a new post.
as regards af's long-winded post on that thread, it is obvious to me that you don't know what you are talking about, and that you are merely trying to obfuscate the issue with this enormously long post.
So unless you can explain how it is that each individual Christian supposedly receives an appointment over God's household to teach them God's word
Hey Burned-Out Boobie Acidhead,
who the Phock gave YOU an "appointment" to "teach" the Discussion Board "domestics" all your slathering, slobbering, blithering Blather?
You STILL flashing back with those auditory hallucinations?... the 'voices' in your head giving you commands and appointments?
James later wrote that not many should be teachers among God's family because they shall receive a heavier judgment.
Have you figured out the tonnage of your Judgment, Boobie?
i went to the meeting tonight to check out things in the local congregation.
this spiritual paradise is showing a few cracks.
when i arrived about ten minutes before the meeting started, i felt like a ghost.
if an undf person lays rubber in the parking lot will anyone really hear it??
Hey SL,
Gosh! I love those DEEP philosophical questions.
See, you would be "dead" if they could "kill" you (DF), but since you a 'Hot Potato' at the moment, they have still gots to treat like the dead, nonexistent status of an (un)officially disfellowshipped person.
So, "if a tree falls in the forest would anyone hear it", compares well with "if a nonexistent person squeals tires in a KH parking lot, could any of the Fanatix hear it"?
Deeeeeep, man, deep! (I'm going to ponder that one all day)
Now that 'moved in elder' who actually talked with you and gave you a piece of literature... well, he's in DEEP DOO-DOO.
Why will he most likely be called before a Judicial Committee?
For the kult krime of Spiritism.
He was "Talking With The Dead".
He's in trouble.
I like to walk up to one of the old brothers or sisters who used to be part of my loving spiritual family for 20 years... if I run into them on the street... and go get up in their face and ask:
"Can you see me?"
"Can you hear me?"
"Am I invisible"?
...and if I get ANY reaction from them, I tell them they need to go 'turn themselves in' to the Elders for dabbling in Spiritism.
For those few who criticized you in this thread, SL...
they can 'go blow it out their tailpipe'!
Yeah, what's going down is a serious subject, but I don't blame you one bit for trying to have a little fun with it...
and who's to say that you mighta been attending that meeting because you were "remorseful" and trying to "repent" of your "sins" and needed "help" from the Elders?
I mean, for all the brothers knew... that coulda been the case.
btw, I was talking last night to a long time friend who has "some" involvement in the upcoming Dateline piece, and he said there are reports of up to a hundred lawyers seen recently at Brooklyn HQ, which is in Full-Tilt-Boogie-Damage-Kontrol, anticipating the fall-out and lawsuits, etc., when this story airs...
Now, where is the $$$ coming from to pay all those lawyers, the WTSociety has on retainer or using in an advisory capacity...?
Well of course, It's coming from the "Contributions To The Kingdom Work" !
i feel like i did when i first read ray's book crisis of conscience"; like i was punched deep in the gut and can't catch my breath.. i took someones suggestion here to call the: .
charitable planning office.
watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
What a Keen Eye you have for Watchtower Hypocrisy.
Are you in anyway related to Sherlock?
To juxtapose the quotes from the 12/8/76 AWAKE! and the 11/1/2000 WT was just Brilliant.
"Some organizations actually encourage wrong motives by publicizing the names of their donors."
You mean, like Cindy, Pam, Allison, Rudy, Ralph, Judith and Maclean ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
other than that, I'm staying out of the seeker and tally "disagreement". I need all my limbs for wrestling.
btw, I think I'll pull out my "Religion" book written by da Judge and OCR some quotes and post 'em here, schmaybe schtart a new thread, and see who here thinks what he put in print is still "current thinking",... 'nother words: 'New Light' which never became 'Old Light', because no new light superceded the old new light, iffying you can follow that!
(it takes a highly kult-trained mind to follow that line of thought)
A sure heck of a LOT of what Da Judge taught is STILL current thinking amongst the R&F. Rutherford's low view of women is still "current" and "practiced" by the men in jehovah-Of-The-WT's "Religion".
Ain't that right, Seeker?
i feel like i did when i first read ray's book crisis of conscience"; like i was punched deep in the gut and can't catch my breath.. i took someones suggestion here to call the: .
charitable planning office.
watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
The Watchtower Kult Does NOT do ANYTHING "right"!
And you call me dogmatic?
"but" Seeker,
you chose to ignore my preceding proviso:
"I'll imitate your dogmatism for a momento:"
immediately before I wrote:
"The Watchtower Kult Does NOT do ANYTHING "right"!
So, when are you going down to the Kingdom Hall and do that Straw Poll? ... or you could wait out in the parking lot and call it an Exit Poll.
And then report back to us about how many jWs view themselves as a "Religion"?
i feel like i did when i first read ray's book crisis of conscience"; like i was punched deep in the gut and can't catch my breath.. i took someones suggestion here to call the: .
charitable planning office.
watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
You just told me, "You're wrong. jWs do view it as a religion."
Why don't you go down to your local friendly Kingdom Hall and act like an interested person, and take a random Straw Poll? Ask whoever jW you encounter if they view their Kult as a "religion" (...uhh, but it might be best not to use the word 'kult')
... come back here to the DB, and let's see if you retract that statement.
Several times, YOU came across like You Know - d o g m a t i c .
Seeker, I tangled with you over on H2O, and I reserve the right to tangle with you here, if I see fit. WHAT was "appalling or shocking"?
I am "genuinely puzzled" at your reaction.
You actually wrote: "If the WTS does something right, I applaud it."
WHAT THE HELL does the WTS do "right"??
I'll imitate your dogmatism for a momento:
The Watchtower Kult Does NOT do ANYTHING "right"!
If you are a High Demand, Destructive, Abusive, Mind-Kontrol Kult, which is thoroughly Korrupt and EVIL, ... just what is it, that is "right" about it, that they do?
If you look hard enough, you could be an Apologist for Hitler and The Third Reich.
You said: "I'm neutral".
You sure didn't come across as "neutral"...
You wrote that you "now" ... can "understand" why sKally feels the way she does about this CDA Krap.
Multiple that "understanding" by Thousands!
Seeker, what you done sed 'bout me, was "uncalled" for... done hirt mah feelin's ..
i feel like i did when i first read ray's book crisis of conscience"; like i was punched deep in the gut and can't catch my breath.. i took someones suggestion here to call the: .
charitable planning office.
watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
Seeker sed:
You completely ignored the point of my post.
"completely" ? Theeker, why are you so dogmatic and all-inclusive?
I think you ignored MOST of the thrust of my post.
I'm not talking about the way WE view this religion, but the way the average JW thinks about their religion. And yes, it is a religion to them, and Rutherford's "Snare and a racket" concept has been out of date for many years.
See, that's part of what you ignored in my post.
"It" is NOT a "religion" to jWs.
They see "It" (for some reason a book by Stephen King comes to mind)
as "True Worship",... NOT "religion".
That koncept is STILL kurrent with the Kultists.
You are out of date, Theeker.
Have I brought you 'up to speed'?
For all the atrocities this religion is responsible for, the average JW remains totally ignorant of such things. They like their religion and want to support it.
How can we carry on a meaningful conversation, if you persist in thinking that the jWs think of themselves as a "religion"?
RELIGION is something WORLDLY to the jWS... and Religions will be destroyed-destroyed-destroyed at the Big 'A'
You wrote: "the average JW remains totally ignorant of such thing", above. You said "totally".
Why are you STILL so dogmatic? Even the average jW is not TOTALLY unaware of the "atrocities" committed by The Kult. They just stick their heads back in the sand, cop-out, and (here comes the mantra:) "Waaaaaaait on jeeehooovver" to eventually "fix" what is wrong.
The law allows for donations to be made to such organizations.
There are steps that should be taken. This brochure explains how to do it.
If the "law" KNEW what "such" an organization like the Watchtower actually did and does in the 'name of god'... they'd strip away their
tax-exempt status and hopefully throw most of the Bastard Leaders in jail.
Now if they required each JW to get this brochure, and to study it in the bookstudy, and to have each bookstudy conductor to witness each
publisher signing away their money, I could understand the rage.
"They" did not "require each jW" to believe that 1975 would be The End, but look what happened. Theeker, there is such a thing as the Theokratic Grapevine, you know?
S u g g e s t i o n s are made, either in print, like in the pre-1975 "Kingdom Ministry"s about how nice it would be for the brothers and sisters to sell their homes and businesses and go into the pioneer work and such... and the verbal "suggestions" floated around the organization like a Montana Wildfire!
THAT'S the way it works. The "average" jW knows about this CDA piece of Krap. jW "awareness" of an "arrangement" doesn't always come in the form of a print piece, or in a book study.
But they don't.
But they do.
Some witnesses (and ex-witnesses, evidently) have never even heard of this arrangement and this brochure.
But they have.
You have to ask for it to see it.
A jW doesn't have "to ask" to become aware of something going on in their "True Worship Organization" (not Religion).
It's not as if it's being pushed in people's faces.
Theeker, ... that is truly flabbergasting.
PUSHY PEOPLE PUSH - they give as much as receive... and vice versa.
Be outraged about the WTS as much as you want, and I share your feelings for my own life has been irrevocably altered by my experiences and I'm not happy about it.
Huh. It almost sounds as if you are a bit of a Kult Apologist on this topic, Theeker.
But I still don't understand why this particular brochure is causing such rage in people.
Hey, maybe NBC's "Dateline" Show will mention this CDA brochure along with their piece on Watchtower Pedophilia, and we'll see if it causes
"such rage in people"...
but, uh! I guess it would be hard to separate which rage is which.
This is genuinely puzzling to me, and I would appreciate a serious response, not name-calling and ridicule.
My response was serious. (and so is this one)
And you, what with being a seeker and all, I am genuinely puzzled by your failure to understand sKally and Somebody and others' reactions...