Hi. Sure I'm still here. Why wouldn't I be?
All the usual reasons anybody's gone from the forum for a while.
And would those usual reasons include antisocial behavior?
You say "maybe" in that quote, but the post as a whole has me tried and convicted before you even hear my reply... a surprising attitude, considering how it stung you when people did it with you.
"maybe", "interpreted", "badly", "context", "implying", "maybe", "obliquely", "maybe", "?", "misunderstand", "?"
All those words, I used, non-judgmental words, and then I ended it with a "did I misunderstand your statement?" and a "maybe I missed it on H2O that you retracted or revised those statements you made?"...
THAT is "trying and convicting" you before I hear a reply?
I hardly 'tried and convicted' you.
And I see that the pre-conviction still stands even after my assurance to you that the reference was not to that incident.
No, after hearing your "explanation" of it, I buy into even less your description of it being a "tongue-in-cheek" exaggeration.
I hope you'll be able to grasp that fact that there was no slight to you in anything I said. If not... oh, well.
Just like there was no "slight" in referring to me as "obnoxious" and "antisocial"... you gotta be kidding, rite? NOW, you're using a little 'tongue-in-cheek' humor, rite?
They answered your questions, presented the facts, and
explained my thoughts clearly. I'm happy with them.
Only in YOUR mind, they did. Only YOU are happy with them.
You didn't help me out on my puzzlement, on just what a "clear" subtlety is? How could such a thing exist? A 'clear subtlety' would be a bit of an oxymoron, wouldn't it?
Whether you accept them or not is your choice, as we all know.
By now, you've probably guessed, I don't accept "them".
I think it's more a case of - how did mommy put it? - "weasling" .
BTW, what did you mean by another "case of aggression"...?
Farkel and I had been talking about my "case" and he relayed that in his post to the people I know on H2O?
What did you mean? "case", - singular - "of aggression" . What "aggression" were you referring to, apart from the context of the "aggression" that took place concerning my "case" - (and talking about who the aggressor was and who the victim(s) were) ...again, the "case" of which Farkel and I had been discussing?
You never did explain that part.
Doug spoke of your demeanor on the phone. I remarked on its contrast with the Tallyman persona.
Yeah, so?
I was in the Lowest Ebb of My Life, when Doug and I talked on the phone. My "demeanor" would have been in "contrast with" WHATEVER persona I had exhibited on the Internet, before that point.
You have the same internet distance and invisibility that everyone else on the internet has.
Then if you believe that, why single me out as being NOT LIKE everyone else on the Internet? Why make the "contrast" you did? Is EVERYONE else on the Internet the same? Is EVERYONE else, like all those jWs and X-jWs, the same talking on the Internet as they would talk in person, at arm's length, as you put it?
Is EVERYONE else on the Internet, who has the same distance and invisibility as you claim I have, ... also "obnoxious", "aggressive" and "antisocial".
(especially the really Anonymous Ones, unlike me)
You claim to be the SAME person in Real Life as you are on the Internet. Does that mean you are a phony in Real Life, who hides behind an alias?
We severely disagree on the meaning of "Internet Distance and Invisibility".
"others" ...read those same comments by you... and "understood" them and "interpreted" them, the same way as me.
I thought you said that you didn't do that. Remember this?maybe", "interpreted", "badly", "context", "implying", "maybe",
"obliquely", "maybe", "?", "misunderstand", "?"
D'oh! Yeah, I "remember" them, KOMF. I just wrote them this afternoon.
All those- key words and symbols, KOMF.
You either did, or you didn't, Tom. Which is it?
What did you read? You didn't read where I said:
"Maybe I misinterpreted you badly, KOMF"... but I DID interpret your words.
Sure I did. I said so. How many times do you need to read it,
to decide "which is it"?
I thought I correctly "understood" your words, your drift.
Like "others" did.
Like "Uncle Bruce" who found your words "curious"... and having it cross
his mind that maybe you were "thinking the worst" ... and writing it,
whereas, he admitted it crossing his mind, but he didn't dare write it...
because he didn't want to "try and convict" me, before all the facts came out,
or even give that impression.
Real names, addresses and pictures have nothing to do with it.
Says you! Real names, addresses, phone numbers, pictures... have EVERYTHING to do with it. ANONYMITY is what "Internet Distance and Invisibility" is all about. The "anonymous nature" the Internet so easily affords a person, is one of the main catalysts for "bold and aggressive" behaviour.
So, why would the Tallyman "persona" be so bold as to say the things he has over the years, WITHOUT the benefit of anonymity?
Because, maybe that is the way he really "speaks" (sometimes?) in real life?
So, where is your "contrast"?
What does soft-spokenness, slow-talking or Southern drawl or sensitivity, or whatever, have to do with it?
I have manners. I show courtesy. I know proper phone etiquette.
WHY would I launch into my "Tallyman persona" with a first time caller, like Doug Checketts, who was very polite himself. Very caring and very concerned about my welfare...
Why in heavens name would I go into an "aggressive KultKrimeFighting mode" speaking for the first time with Doug Checketts on the phone?
And you say "what you see is what you get" about yerself. "Same in person as on the Internet". BullShit to that, hoss! Who do you think believes that?
Being out of arm's reach of the one you're addressing... that's what internet distance and invisibility is.
BullShit to that, too!
You're concerned about "being out of arm's reach" when on the Internet? As if someone would strike you, if you were talking to them in person, the same way you write on the Internet?
The only one(s) I know of that should have that type of concern here on the DB,
is "You Know", when he made those horrible comments about Farkel's Dad's illness,
or was that "LurkerNoMore"... anyway, Farkel let that person know that he would be in danger of bodily harm if he was in "arm's reach"...
But why should you have that kind of concern?
You're not in the same camp as those jokers, are you?
edited for tags...