Very good aritcle. I hope my aunt reads it. She lives in St. Petersburg.
JoinedPosts by Tammie
HUGE!! St. Petersburg Times Article!
by Ranchette inedited by - ranchette1 on 22 august 2002 11:30:46.
Take This Test
by Moridin intake this test...what is your true talent?.
your true talent is abstract reasoning .
Tammie, your true talent is spatial ability
This ability to visualize objects in three-dimensional space can give you a unique view of the world. You appear to understand how figures can be manipulated and take on new forms. Because of this talent, you can probably imagine new designs easily, including anything from floor plans to page layouts and even 3D product prototypes.
People like you are usually great when it comes to putting together assemble-it-yourself furniture or other household items whether the items arrive with instructions or not. (God, how I HATE assemble yourself furniture.) Your spatial skills can also help you understand the finer points of how things work.
How do we know that your true talent is spatial ability? While you were taking the test, we calculated your responses to each test question, and noticed that, relative to others, you consistently answered questions that measure spatial ability correctly.Edited by - Tammie on 16 August 2002 21:24:15
Armaggedon - JW Speculations
by In_between_days inarmaggedon - jehovahs witness speculations
o.k, so we all know that j.w's all have their own ideas on what exactly armaggedon is going to be like.
here are a few of the ideas i have heard from loyal dubs: .
Here are some that I heard of when I was a dub.
I was out in field service, and in this car group were two elders speculating on how Jehovah would handle things. Of course they never preached this from the platform. Jehovah is going to put us (JWs) on another planet when the earth is all crowded and messed up. One of the elders have sinced passed away, and the other is still an elder.
There would be an announcement that we were to meet together, and go some where safe.
And here is one that my mom would always say: "Just before the ending prayer of the district convetion, the attendants would lock the door. All those who did not leave early (you know to beat the rush trying to get back to the hotels) would be safe inside. While all those who choose to leave early would be destroyed at the big A." (I changed it to big A, but she said Armageddon.)
North And South.
by Englishman inhaving finally accepted that the united kingdom is not the centre of the universe - i know, it hurts, it hurts - i have been boning up on some american history for a change.. first off, i have been watching a series on sky that deals with the american civil war.
wow, what an amazingly complicated conflict that was.
i was astonished to learn that the the uk was about to switch it's allegience fron the north to the south purely for trade purposes so as to keep it's cotton mills spinning.. secondly, i have been swotting through my encyclopaedia's for more information about this conflict.
But slavery was the main one, and was the only one serious enough to go to war over. Think about it: take slavery out of the picture,totally---------if slavery didn't exist or if both sides agreed on the issue, would there have been a Civil War? Don't think so.
This is a total untrue statement. The civil war was not about slaves. Infact, slavery, was on it's way out anyway. Most folks who lived in the south was very poor, and could not afford to care for them. Only a very few, did own them. The war had to do with "big business" and the south was getting the "shaft" or was being cheated. People was getting tired of the Northern banking system and Northern businesses telling them basicly what to do. -
North And South.
by Englishman inhaving finally accepted that the united kingdom is not the centre of the universe - i know, it hurts, it hurts - i have been boning up on some american history for a change.. first off, i have been watching a series on sky that deals with the american civil war.
wow, what an amazingly complicated conflict that was.
i was astonished to learn that the the uk was about to switch it's allegience fron the north to the south purely for trade purposes so as to keep it's cotton mills spinning.. secondly, i have been swotting through my encyclopaedia's for more information about this conflict.
Yes, I got a full education of both sides view point of the civil war. My mother is from Wisconsin, and my daddy was from the south. (Texas and Oklahoma) I had also went to school all over this country. Every state has it's own version on the reasons for the war. And actually my family of that time was fighting each other. (cousin) General Grant was on my mothers side, and (Uncle) John Wilks Booth was on my father's side. That's the black sheep of the family. Plus a number of other military personal. Which many was either killed or wounded. As far as which military prisioners that was treated the worse, was the Union militiary. Has a couple of great Uncles (can't recall right at the moment how many greats ago) who died at Andersonville Military Prision.
I'm sorry to say but as recent as my own daddy, there is a strong dislike for those of the north. Don't ask me why he married some one from there. Me personally, I feel that is some very old history and time to move on.
Edited by - Tammie on 11 August 2002 1:25:36
Edited by - Tammie on 11 August 2002 1:29:21
Baptism - The Issue of Consent - for children
by Lady Lee inthe issue of consent .
the issue of whether a person has consented to a particular action is a core part of our social relationships whether they be personal or group interactions.
to participate in any social relationship a person must on some level consent to that participation.
How about this for a wonderful "new light". Anyone under the age of either 18 or 21 (I forget which it is for a legal contract) that was baptised is now null and void. So if you was either DF or DA, and baptised under the legal adult age, it was like the baptism never took place. (You are no longer shunned.) And for those who was bapised under that age, and still wants to remain, you will need to get rebaptised. Now I'm dreaming, but wouldn't that be nice.
What JW books should be called
by sleepy inok we've had this before , but lets do it again.
what do you think are more appropriate titles for jw books?
heres mine, .
Dead weight (bound vol.)
Dead man walking (those old folks who think they will never die.)
Killing our forest
Waisting space
Put Them To Death! Poll
by Derrick ini believe punishment meted out to these despicable "parents" should be:
[ ] have the state put them to death!
[ ] have the state imprison them for life!
Talking about movies. I saw one a while back. Don't remember the title. But in the movie they had the prisoners implanted with a bomb. If he or she acted up such as trying to excape, BOOM! No more prisoner.
Put Them To Death! Poll
by Derrick ini believe punishment meted out to these despicable "parents" should be:
[ ] have the state put them to death!
[ ] have the state imprison them for life!
[ X ] other! (please explain) Why? ____________________ ____________________
Fix them so they can not have anymore children. Any one who does that to a child should loose all parental rights to the ones they have now and any they might have in the future. Plus locking them up, letting them get victomized by the prison system would give them a taste of their own medican. -