Very true John Davis
,I only hope that if the federal or Local Governments don`t act on the ARC `s recommendations that we collectively, and people on other ex JW sites can bring pressure on the Govts. to do so.
To give justice for the victims.
so my question to them is why have they continually failed to report incidents of child sexual abuse of child members in their congregations to the appropriate authorities ,either police or child protection agency`s, when they are holding judicial committees into these allegations in their congregations when they occur or even some time after ?.
they have consistently failed to do so.. and this failure to do so is not confined to one country ,it is a pattern that is repeated worldwide ,in one country after another country .
(worldwide where they operate in ).
Very true John Davis
,I only hope that if the federal or Local Governments don`t act on the ARC `s recommendations that we collectively, and people on other ex JW sites can bring pressure on the Govts. to do so.
To give justice for the victims.
i was in my old stomping ground a couple of months ago and happened to be walking past the home of an old family friend.
word is in the hall that i used to go to is that "i am one of them" meaning apostate.
no one from my old hall has contacted me to find out what happened.
I hear you truthseeker
I hear you Giordano
You both make valid points and while I have made attempts to connect with long time JW associates (I refuse to call them friends anymore ) a couple I had success with at the time however they never contacted me back ,I have never tried to connect with friends when we were children or close school mates that I grew up with.
And I have had regrets about that too at some degree.{ Apparently they haven`t tried to contact me either }
I guess that`s life and we all just move on to the next chapter in our lives.
Their is a section in our Sunday Newspaper titled "Desperately Seeking" that i always read ,who knows ?
i often wondered how far back the witnesses had been involved with my family.
my grandmother died at the end of 2013 and while going through her photos we found some of my great-grandmother, dora, who was born in 1901 and died in 1994. there is a photo of dora dated 1946 standing outside her house in east riding, yorkshire.
on the back of the photo her husband had written "in a human moment before jehovah grabbed her".. my great grandfather, who died before i was born, did not like the witnesses.
That Christendom has kept the name of God "Jehovah" from her members for Centuries is just another lie they have told and repeated over the years so that many JW`s and ex JW`s still think is a fact.
However nothing is further from the truth. Christendom has used the name of Jehovah for God since at least the 13th Century plainly visible on and in Church buildings in Europe and other parts of the world including Australia.
The name also features in literature ancient and modern pertaining to the Bible as well as hymns in Christendom to this day.
Christendom has followed the Christian Greek Scriptures (New Testament) of highlighting the name of Jesus as the name that is to be held up above every other name {not Jehovah}
Of course JW`s have to be different and defy the Christian Greek Scriptures and exult the name of Jehovah.
i typed into google jehovahs-witness and the first four hits were borg sites.
this site was not even on the first page .
so my question to them is why have they continually failed to report incidents of child sexual abuse of child members in their congregations to the appropriate authorities ,either police or child protection agency`s, when they are holding judicial committees into these allegations in their congregations when they occur or even some time after ?.
they have consistently failed to do so.. and this failure to do so is not confined to one country ,it is a pattern that is repeated worldwide ,in one country after another country .
(worldwide where they operate in ).
So my question to them is why have they continually failed to report incidents of child sexual abuse of child members in their congregations to the appropriate authorities ,either police or child protection agency`s, when they are holding judicial committees into these allegations in their congregations when they occur or even some time after ?. they have consistently failed to do so.
And this failure to do so is not confined to one country ,it is a pattern that is repeated worldwide ,in one country after another country . (Worldwide where they operate in )
Thankfully the ARC into Institutions Of child sex abuse has brought this to the fore.
The results of which are to be handed down on December the 14TH I believe.In Australia.
I just hope this ARC is not just going to be a paper tiger.
{ Remember this does not just focus on JW `s it encompasses all Institutions with children}
i recall jw saying with some pride that former president of zimbabwe, mugabe's wife nicknamed "gucci" grace due her spending habits is a jw.
is this correct?.
Bullshit ,maybe just a jw urban legend .Their is no way this woman was a JW ,she was deeply involved in politics and power for herself and a former mistress of Robert Mugabe while she was married to another man before she became Mugabes wife.
i watched the new president taking his oath of office.
well done mr president!.
rather than me repeat his words i suggest you go google and look it up.
Mnangagwa was an old crony of Mugabe and implicit in his crimes ,all of Mugabe`s mates still hold office so I don`t see anything is really going to change in Zimbabwe and when the people realise that then what will happen .?
For any peace and stability to to be on the horizon all of Mugabe`s crony`s need to be replaced with a fresh brood.
Sadly I can`t see that happening in the near/foreseeable future.
that is the popular view of jesus christ as the prince of peace and the protector of children.. you don`t hear very much about the flip side of jesus teachings that contradict those teachings do you.. matt.10:34-37 .
"34 .do not think i came to put peace upon the earth,i came to put not peace but a sword 35..for i came to cause division with a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a young wife against her mother in law 36.,indeed a man`s enemies will be persons of his own household.
37. he that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than me is not worthy of me.".
That is the popular view of Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace and the protector of children.
You don`t hear very much about the flip side of Jesus teachings that contradict those teachings do you.
"34 .Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth,I came to put not peace but a sword 35..For I came to cause division with a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a young wife against her mother in law 36.,indeed a man`s enemies will be persons of his own household. 37. he that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than me is not worthy of me."
{Conversely it also means a man against his mother and his daughter against her father and a young man against his father in law.}
hi everybody.i am new to this forum.i have grown up as a christian in a christian family, but i recognized that jehovahs are more positive about peace on earth.
i believe in peace on earth too.
i believe in god and jesus and angels.
Is it just me or am I being paranoid in thinking there seems to be an influx of trolls joining lately ?
Could it be a conspiracy of the Borg for some reason or other ?
Just asking.
Or is thanksgiving a massive animal sacrifice ritual?
Well just suppose that it is , though I don`t believe so personally, however it pales into insignificance with the massive animal sacrifice rituals that Jehovah God imposed on his chosen people .
1kings 8:62-64 "twenty two thousand cattle ,and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep that the King and all the sons of Israel might inaugurate the house of Jehovah .
Jehovah created these animals and has no qualms about offering them up as sacrifices.
Cain and Abel`s sacrifice to Jehovah Gen.4:3-6 Cain was a cultivator of the ground,whereas Abel brought the firstling`s of his flock even their fatty pieces,
Who got Jehovah`s favour ? Why Abel of course because he slaughtered one of Jehovah`s creations whereas Cain was found in disfavour because he offered up the first fruits of the ground.
I think Jehovah God got it arse about ,what do you think ?