Thanks David ,I`m always interested to hear the Jewish point of view on the Christian Greek Scriptures and the Old Testament for that matter.
A good question rstrats.
1. the messiah said that three nights would be involved with his time in the "heart of the earth".. 2. there are some who believe that the crucifixion took place on the 6th day of the week with the resurrection taking place on the 1st day of the week.. 3. of those, there are some who believe that the "heart of the earth" is referring to the tomb.. 4. however, those two beliefs allow for only 2 nights to be involved.. 5. to account for the discrepancy, some of the above say that the messiah was using common figure of speech/colloquial language of the time, i.e., that it is was common to forecast or say that a day or a night would be involved with an event when no part of the day or no part of the night could occur.. 6. in order for someone to legitimately say that it was common, they would have to know of more that 1 example to make that assertion.. 6. for the purpose of this topic, i would like to ask if there are any 6th day of the week crucifixion advocates who think the messiah was employing common figure of speech/colloquial language of the period?.
Thanks David ,I`m always interested to hear the Jewish point of view on the Christian Greek Scriptures and the Old Testament for that matter.
A good question rstrats.
is it still watchtower dogma that the seven trumpets of revelation refer to seven conventions in the 1920s?
would many jws these days even be aware of this?
i find it so amusing that seven little conventions in the distant past, almost a century ago, could be equated with such an iconic biblical passage.
Ditto freddo,why oh why DIDN'T I WAKE UP THEN? (FACEPALM)
it is not “preach the good news” nor is it “believe in jesus and get saved” neither is it “believe in the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses and get saved” although in practice they do teach this.
no, everything they claim depends on a belief in another doctrine which logic decrees cannot be found in the bible.
the leadership of jehovah’s witnesses put absolute faith in a protestant doctrine which is given a latin name, sola scriptura, meaning “by scripture alone”.. good evidence of the governing body believing in the primacy of this doctrine was when being questioned by the australian royal commission, they resorted to the ‘authority’ of scripture to defend their stance on having “two witnesses” when they are investigating child abuse cases.throughout the hearing they paraded their naive trust in the bible as the highest possible authority proudly ignoring the fact that most people regard it as having been superseded by modern scientific evaluations of what is true.. .
Protestants accept their Canon on the basis of Tradition.
And The JW`s blindly followed what the protestants accepted simply to be different and apart from the Catholics.
How could all scripture be inspired and beneficial when not all scripture had even been written when this scripture was penned ?
What about all of the other "scriptures" that were written that have not been included in the Bible that imperfect human men (not women) deemed was not to be included in the cannon ,judged by their human imperfect wisdom ?
On the other hand they keep changing their beliefs so often how does any JW keep up with their core beliefs?
a program is to be aired on abc tv tonight called : "undeniable :the advocates and agitators who fought for justice" to be shown at 9:30 pm aust.eastern daylight saving time in victoria.. while it doesn`t show anything from what i can gather, about jw`s ,it mainly concentrates on the catholic and anglican churches and if you want to make a comparison the abuse in the jw`s pales by comparison as an institution .. having said that their were some/one champions of jw child sex abused that made sure by their arguments that the jehovah witness religion should not be excluded from this royal commission as they wern`t initially included in this enquiry.. the full/final report of this arc is to be handed down later this week..
For anybody who missed the program last night you can view it anytime day or night on ABC I-View from anywhere in the world I would imagine.
I agree with you about the ratio`s comparing religions Phizzy ,also others who point out the reluctance of the JW`s to co-operate with the commission particulary objecting to the redress scheme of compensation for the victims.
a program is to be aired on abc tv tonight called : "undeniable :the advocates and agitators who fought for justice" to be shown at 9:30 pm aust.eastern daylight saving time in victoria.. while it doesn`t show anything from what i can gather, about jw`s ,it mainly concentrates on the catholic and anglican churches and if you want to make a comparison the abuse in the jw`s pales by comparison as an institution .. having said that their were some/one champions of jw child sex abused that made sure by their arguments that the jehovah witness religion should not be excluded from this royal commission as they wern`t initially included in this enquiry.. the full/final report of this arc is to be handed down later this week..
Stuck, and anybody else check out the ABC Australia website for programming and you should be able to get the lowdown on what this program is all about.
i just had this thought in my other thread.. jehovah witnesses refuse blood transfusions because they believe blood to be the sacred symbol of life.
that's the primary reason, the medical justifications are simply ad hoc excuses.
couldn't it be said that their willingness to give their lives for the sanctity of the symbol of life is idolatrous?
"autologous" blood transfusions (i.e., using one's own blood) are forbidden on the grounds that once blood leaves the body it is not to be stored but dispensed with.
True steve2 So how can a Jehovah`s Witness use blood fractions in good conscience as a medical procedure since fractions are obtained by a laboratory procedure from donated blood that is given by worldly people who are going to be destroyed at Armageddon and stored in a laboratory and processed into fractions.
Blood is not poured out on the ground and dispensed with according to JW beliefs.
Yet it is OK for them to use Blood fractions from non Jehovah`s Witnesses? Worldly people even Atheists ? Christendoms members ? Satanists ? all of who can donate Blood at a blood bank
is it still watchtower dogma that the seven trumpets of revelation refer to seven conventions in the 1920s?
would many jws these days even be aware of this?
i find it so amusing that seven little conventions in the distant past, almost a century ago, could be equated with such an iconic biblical passage.
Hey Sparky ,how come you only show six Arse-hole trumpet blowers and not seven?
I think that revelation book was the first time I had doubts ,i could not get my head around the scripture in revelation foretold the conventions from 1922 , i think that was the beginning of the end for me though it took many more years till I broke free.
a program is to be aired on abc tv tonight called : "undeniable :the advocates and agitators who fought for justice" to be shown at 9:30 pm aust.eastern daylight saving time in victoria.. while it doesn`t show anything from what i can gather, about jw`s ,it mainly concentrates on the catholic and anglican churches and if you want to make a comparison the abuse in the jw`s pales by comparison as an institution .. having said that their were some/one champions of jw child sex abused that made sure by their arguments that the jehovah witness religion should not be excluded from this royal commission as they wern`t initially included in this enquiry.. the full/final report of this arc is to be handed down later this week..
A program is to be aired on ABC TV tonight called : "Undeniable :The advocates And Agitators Who Fought For Justice" to be shown at 9:30 PM Aust.Eastern Daylight Saving Time in Victoria.
While it doesn`t show anything from what I can gather, about JW`s ,it mainly concentrates on the Catholic and Anglican churches and if you want to make a comparison the abuse in the JW`s pales by comparison as an institution .
Having said that their were some/one champions of JW child sex abused that made sure by their arguments that the Jehovah Witness religion should not be excluded from this Royal Commission as they wern`t initially included in this enquiry.
The full/final report of this ARC is to be handed down later this week.
i ask this because from what i read on this board lately is that they jw`s seem to be very reluctant to engage in conversation with anybody nowadays and are only interested in placing literature at carts.. and if anyone brings up questions in their d2d work that challenge them ( like the arc ) they will promptly excuse themselves and move on.
also didn`t jesus say "this good news of the kingdom would be preached in all the inhabited earth " for a witness ?.
when was the last time you heard a jw speak about "the good news of the kingdom" ?
I ask this because from what I read on this board lately is that they JW`s seem to be very reluctant to engage in conversation with anybody nowadays and are only interested in placing literature at carts.
And if anyone brings up questions in their D2D work that challenge them ( like the ARC ) they will promptly excuse themselves and move on
Also didn`t Jesus say "this good news of the Kingdom would be preached in all the Inhabited Earth " for a witness ?
When was the last time you heard a JW speak about "the good news of the Kingdom" ? they seem to speak, when they do about anything but "The good news of the Kingdom" , how is your day,lovely garden you have here ,I see you have children ,Well have a good day now .etc.etc.
i'm sure many of you are aware of the jwtalk site, a message board which has yet to succumb to apostasy (give it time).. some of the forums there are visible to the public, and i've seen some crazy stuff.
here is a sampling:.
"satan is really trying his best to make things worst for the witnesses, knowing the 6,000 years is almost up, from eve's creation!".
What`s that saying ? "Their are none so blind as those who will not see " or something like that .
Then their are those who have believed something for so long they feel they would be ridiculed as a fool if they abandoned that belief now.
Others wont change their beliefs because of what their peers will think of them .
Also pride becomes a factor, I have spent so much time (decades) energy (half my life ) and money ($$$$$$) in supporting this religion ,I cant lose face and reject it now.
Then their are just vulnerable people who are quite content to let other people make all their decisions in life for them .
And of course their are gullible people who will believe anything you tell them if you dangle a carrot before them (Paradise petting pandas and what not )