Is it just me ?
I can`t believe this topic has gone on for so long
Please put us out of our / your misery and commit your brother to an asylum .?
He needs professional help
judging by the length of this topic maybe some of us also need help.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Is it just me ?
I can`t believe this topic has gone on for so long
Please put us out of our / your misery and commit your brother to an asylum .?
He needs professional help
judging by the length of this topic maybe some of us also need help.
ct russell said the dead would be resurrected to heaven from 1874-1881.. then the judge decided that it was not 1874/5 for the return of christ but 1914, so moving the heavenly resurrection forward to be from 1914-1918.. in truth nobody knows when it happens or happened.
just because the watchtower leadership says something in the printed word doesn't mean that it is true.
zion's watchtower 1881, january.
The title of Russell`s magazine was "Zions WatchTower And herald of Christs presence " first printed in 1879? until it was changed in the 1920`s ?
Russell was obviously a believer in the Zionist movement of his day {no longer believed by JW`s }
Russell also believed Christ presence began around 1874? {also no longer believed by JW`s}
Two major doctrines C.T.Russell taught for approximately 30-40 years until his death ,so why would Jesus Christ appoint the IBSA as they were known then as the Faithfull and Discreet Slave class in 1919 ? because they were then teaching false doctrines ?
Neither could they be classed as Faithfull nor could they be regarded as discreet for teaching such error over so long a time.
Anything else Russell taught such as the resurrection could also be discarded and thrown into the rubbish bin .
And for that matter anything the schism Jehovah`s Witnesses said could also be thrown in the rubbish bin as being built on a faulty foundation the International Bible Students Association .
my sister sent me this youtube.
in it are witnesses waving their phone lights and dancing in the aisles.
sorry if this vid has been posted before..
move over Jimmy Swaggart Jehovahs chariot is catching up with you and ready to overtake you.
(the following article is translated using google translate).
the building selected in "jehovah's witnesses" in st. petersburg will be given to scientistsdecember 26, 2017 publication time: 09:42. in a building selected from a banned organization in russia, "jehovah's witnesses", will soon be able to read scientific lectures.
If anybody i don`t care who it is hits their hip pocket it`s fine by me..
Because that`s what the WT is all about $$$$$$
from the time i was a young pioneer, i wondered why jw’s could not accept when a householder offered to exchange literature with us /me.
i just couldn’t picture jesus being afraid of what another might argue.
obviously, paul was familiar with other religions.
All Christian literature that isn`t published by the Borg is considered apostate literature simply because Christendom itself is regarded as apostate and does not agree with WT/JW teachings.
Funny thing though WT/JW accept the findings of the early apostate church as to what books should be included in the Bible and of course not wanting to align themselves with Catholics they sided with the protestant version.
Another funny thing { to me anyway } is their acceptance of the name "Jehovah" for God a name that was invented by a Spanish Catholic monk of the 13th Century simply because it was in common usage by an organization they definetely view as Apostates ?
On the one hand the claim Christendom hid the name of God Jehovah and on the other hand they claim it was the most familiar name in Christendom ?
Which is it WT/JW ?
The name Jehovah has been inscribed in stone on Churches throughout the world since the 13th Century.
The WT printed a publication for the 1963 (I think) International Convention that had photo`s of Churches all around the world that either had the Tetragrammaton or the very name Jehovah inscribed in stone on centurys old buildings.
jehober told the israelites at zechariah 4:6 .
“this is the word of jehovah to ze·rub′ba·bel: ‘“not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” says jehovah of armies".
why in the hell did he have them form a 603,550 man army according to numbers 1st chapter vs 46;.
Jehovah was the Almighty God of the Israelites yet in battle many still died ,why ? if God was backing them up ?
And it never went down well with me that they had to hack men women and children to death with a sword .
Even commit genocide.
Can you imagine yourself doing that to another human being ? and not being affected by it ?
And he Jehovah is described as a God of Love ?
hello all, many years i have been lurking on this site.
gradually i’ve learned the real truth, gone from serving as a servant and at bethel to inactive for almost a year, barely ever wasting time going to meetings.
my family is large and very active and so is my wife’s so leaving altogether is difficult.. though it seems now that everything is about to change.
jc1985 Obviously lurking here for 10 years and posting a couple of times yourself you have made an informed decision to leave the JW`s
I`m sad to hear your wife is prepared to leave you over a religious issue ?
What does that say about the JW`s ?
The one word that comes to my mind is
so last weekend, the jw's ring the bell and my wife answers.
we live in a heavily spanish neighborhood but don't really speak spanish.
i thought my wife was quite clear that she is a "sister" to them, but maybe the one in charge of the group didn't get the message.
OTWO ,an anti-witness is the best witness to be given.And you did give them the option to walk away.
So they asked for it.
i was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
Troll,troll,troll your boat gently down the stream merrily,merrily,merrily on your way.....
i am 12 years old and im confused because my mam is leaving the truth after 12 years and i want to celebrate xmas but she still doesnt believe that should do it coz even though shes realised society has lied about things she still believes in god.
im unsure whether i believe in god or not but i havent really looked into it much ..
Jrjw has identified herself as kas12`s mum so hopefully they can take the advice on here to post as a mother and daughter together when kas12 has questions she would like answered .
having said that welcome to you Kas12 for posting here but please do so with the supervision of your mom.