I will second that Queequeg and a full screen please.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
An Active JW Sister Modelling For Me
by pale.emperor insince leaving the borg i jumped both feet first into classes i've always wanted to do but was never "allowed" to.
two of which are life drawing and photography.
i've been studying for almost two years now and have seen more nude men and women in our classes than i care to remember.. today in the photography studio i was working in with three others (two women, one man) we were told we had a new person modelling for us.
Mene Mene Tekel Parsins - The real leaks are starting
by berrygerry inhttps://gizmodo.com/new-whistleblower-site-faithleaks-releases-confidential-1821799936.
I remember a brother back in the 60`s Marcus Osbourne ? who used to conduct a book study in Melbourne Aust.
who used to refer to Mene Mene Tekel Parsins in the book we were "studying" back then as ,
Minnie ,Minnie ,tickles the parson
I wonder if he is still a JW ,I think I did see him on a quick build in S.E.Qld some years ago now.
Mene Mene Tekel Parsins - The real leaks are starting
by berrygerry inhttps://gizmodo.com/new-whistleblower-site-faithleaks-releases-confidential-1821799936.
I only wish the Australian Royal Commission has or had these letters/e-mails communications between the WTB&TS and the Congregations in question .
And they should be forwarded to all of the Country`s in the world that are investigating Child Sexual Abuse in the Jehovah`s Witness organization .
Thanks for posting this.
Oprah For President!
by minimus ini hope hollywood helps make her the democratic nominee.
she sounds like she’s testing out the waters.
good luck ms. winfrey.
It never ceases to amaze me that in the western world at any rate you don`t need any qualifications of any sort to become the leader of a government or a Nation.
In the USA for example the only qualification you need to get elected is to have loads and I mean loads of money so you actually buy yourself votes into the presidency ?
Other nations in the west are no better in electing leaders who have no set qualifications in running a Country or Nation.
If I want to be a Doctor ,Engineer , Motor Mechanic , Plumber or brain Surgeon ,I need to do years of study and qualify by passing exams to see if I`m the right person for the job I have applied for .
Not so with politicians who have potentially far more damaging consequences because of their lack of qualifications or suitability to govern or for their actions and decisions they make that can affect so many under their rule.
Their should be some form of criteria that they have to pass before they can even be considered as a Political candidate.
What Is The Major Reason Jehovah’s Witnesses Exist?
by minimus ini understand that cults and religious groups will always exist.
but why do jehovah’s witnesses continue as a religion that people will join?.
Some would join for answers to their problems, be they substance abuse, loneliness, boredom, some may join because of what JW's seem to have- instant answers to everything with their paradise and destruction of the wicked.
I think OTWO has hit the nail on the head ,also as he has said family members even kids.
Mr. Dropoff goes to Warwick!
by dropoffyourkeylee inmade a visit to warwick recently.
i’ll try to get some pics posted..
The kingdom Interlinear Of the Christian Greek Scriptures printed by the WTB&TS a word for word translation of the Greek Text does not contain the Tetragrammaton of the Hebrew text or its Greek equivalent in the KI .
Why not ? because it has no place their.
The Tetragrammaton is four Hebrew characters translated in English as JHVH in the 13th Century more correctly in this century as YHWH
The Christian Greek Scriptures that the WT Society base their NWT on and verified by the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the WT does not contain the Hebrew Tetragrammaton or even its equivalent in the Greek language .
So their is no basis for using the name Jehovah /Yahweh at all in the Christian Greek scriptures./New Testament.
For the WT to put that name in the marginal references /text of the NWT of the Christian Greek Scriptures is an addition that clearly should not be their .
Anyone Watch Dr Phil Show today?
by zophar inare you watching dr phil with the df wife and still in husband?.
The more people who see this show the more people will be turned off about JW`s and that`s a good thing.
Certainly the live audience were well aware of what a cult the JW religion is.They were shown in a bad light not so much by what Dr.Phill said although he did make some excellent points , but by the ex JW and her husband the current JW.
He would have to be DF after going on Dr Phil and putting the JW`s in such a bad light to not only the people of the USA but also to all of the other nations around the world that receive Dr.Phil episodes.
I think we owe a debt of gratitude to these two for showing the world what the religion of Jehovah`s Witnesses are really all about.
Do You Know Any “Gay” Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus inof course the religion condemns homosexuality but did you know any gay witnesses?
i knew some bethelites that were very effeminate and i remember 4 women who were suspected of being lesbians by many in the congregation.
they eventually moved away and were very vocal against males, especially elders..
Yes I did suspect when I was in and since leaving have had it confirmed by their own admission that they are gay both male and female.I think most have left or been DF by now. however they were actively gay as Jw`s.
And this is going back to the 70`s and 80`s .
Shoud individuals be held responsible for their INACTION?
by nicolaou inif you see someone about to be struck by a car or otherwise step into harms way but choose not to call out a warning or act in some way to prevent disaster, are you responsible for any harm caused?.
what defence, if any, can be offered for choosing inaction?
Could/should the WTB&TS be held responsible for the sin of omission ? withholding certain information that you would otherwise reject their belief/interpretation of scripture if they had been forthcoming in divulging the information they withheld from you ?
A tactict they excuse as Theocratic warfare to mislead people.
Oprah For President!
by minimus ini hope hollywood helps make her the democratic nominee.
she sounds like she’s testing out the waters.
good luck ms. winfrey.
I`m sure she wouldn`t make such a spectacle of herself as Donald Trump has and made a jackass of herself as he has with his constant tweeting putting one foot in his mouth after another.