new Zealanders are known as Kiwis and here in the land of OZ we refer to french people as froggies ?
And aussie slang you can add bag of fruit for suit ,walking is to go by shanks pony
greetings, friends across the two ponds:.
of course, as per other posters' recommendations, i could google this; i have and remain, not totally confused, but wanting the straight dope as well as nuanced meaning.
i'm both curious and needing to know for purposes of editing works of american and british writers.
new Zealanders are known as Kiwis and here in the land of OZ we refer to french people as froggies ?
And aussie slang you can add bag of fruit for suit ,walking is to go by shanks pony
ok i have been out for over 25 years however i was active for 33 years and every picture /illustration of the 144,000 in wt publications i ever saw always showed the anointed/144000 with jesus on the throne apparently all male with beards.. not one woman was ever depicted in their drawings/illustrations that i ever saw of those sharing kingly rule with christ jesus not one.. and the saying is : 'a picture speaks more than a thousand words".
i can hear a jw apologist saying now [ their is no gender in heaven neither male or female ] well if that is the case why are everybody illustrated wearing a beard clearly a sign of being of the male gender.?.
in the wt illustrations/pictures of angels they are not shown as having beards giving the impression they are neither male or female .however not with those taken to heaven to rule with christ the anointed.. maybe the governing body of jehovah`s witnesses are showing their true feelings about women who claim to be of the anointed .. that the g.b.
The apostle writes: “You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith in Christ … there is neither male nor female; for you are all one person in union with Christ Jesus.” (Ga 3:26-28)
Isn`t that a contradiction ? you are all,in fact sons ....their is neither male or female ?
And then the WT artists picture all the Anointed with beards which brings up another point no one with a beard nowadays anyway is going to be appointed as a GB yet when they miraculously go to heaven they will have a beard ?
ok i have been out for over 25 years however i was active for 33 years and every picture /illustration of the 144,000 in wt publications i ever saw always showed the anointed/144000 with jesus on the throne apparently all male with beards.. not one woman was ever depicted in their drawings/illustrations that i ever saw of those sharing kingly rule with christ jesus not one.. and the saying is : 'a picture speaks more than a thousand words".
i can hear a jw apologist saying now [ their is no gender in heaven neither male or female ] well if that is the case why are everybody illustrated wearing a beard clearly a sign of being of the male gender.?.
in the wt illustrations/pictures of angels they are not shown as having beards giving the impression they are neither male or female .however not with those taken to heaven to rule with christ the anointed.. maybe the governing body of jehovah`s witnesses are showing their true feelings about women who claim to be of the anointed .. that the g.b.
OK I have been out for over 25 years however I was active for 33 years and every picture /illustration of the 144,000 in WT publications I ever saw always showed the Anointed/144000 with Jesus on the throne apparently all male with beards.
Not one woman was ever depicted in their drawings/illustrations that I ever saw of those sharing kingly rule with Christ Jesus not one.
And the saying is : 'A picture speaks more than a thousand words"
I can hear a JW apologist saying now [ their is no gender in heaven neither male or female ] Well if that is the case why are everybody illustrated wearing a beard clearly a sign of being of the male gender.?
In the WT illustrations/pictures of Angels they are not shown as having beards giving the impression they are neither male or female .however not with those taken to heaven to rule with Christ the Anointed.
Maybe the Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses are showing their true feelings about women who claim to be of the Anointed .
That the G.B. really do not believe any women will be of the Anointed and rule with Jesus Christ for a thousand years .
Your thoughts ?
hi guys.
just wanted to share this with you as it's kind of got me worried.
my brother who was also raised in "the truth™" met me in town today for a coffee.
My thoughts are with you PE and your brother make sure your brother does not meet with them under any circumstance and tell the Elders in his congregation under no circumstance are they to meet with your brother without you being present and threaten them with legal action if they go against your wishes .
Best of luck.
if you are a former jw elder, can you share any examples of corruption which you personally witnessed that were kept secret from the congregation?
following is an account from a longtime elder named tommy who recently disassociated.. the minor daughter of a presiding elder in a west texas congregation committed fornication with a 19-year old baptized witness in her father’s home.
the daughter had to confess to a judicial committee which included the aforementioned tommy.
I knew of an Elder in a Congregation who was in charge of KH funds and used them for his own personal benefit as a business venture he said with the intention of paying it back ,however he was found out before he could do that .
He was under threat of legal action if he didn`t make an effort to pay it back pronto .He was deleted as an Elder for a time and after he did repay all the money some time later he was re-instated as an Elder
It was regarded as a one off thing and out of character for this man ,it was all handled in house.
i just thought i'd share this story from my past.. back in the 80s i remember the big problem seemed to be about music.
(today, it's tight pants, i guess) the organization, society, whatever they were calling themselves, were always going on about the music we listened to.
disco, heavy metal, the whole "backwards masking" thing...couldn't escape hearing or reading about how satan was corrupting us unless we were listening to kingdom melodies or elevator music.. i was assigned to wtf in the late 80s and remember one of the articles stating that "young people know that the rhythm of rock music is the rhythm of sexual intercourse.
That was a great story ,by the way I got rid of my young sons KISS album I think he was only about 12 or 13
yesterday, i had my sister come over to tell my mother and i that she will no longer have anything to do with us, because we need to come back to the meetings, it’s what jehovah wants, and hands her a letter to read and asks for a final hug.
my mother has been dealing with a terrible lost of dad since july, and has been very ill with stress because of it.
i no longer belong to the organization either, and i have been helping my mother out thru this ordeal, it is just as rough on me.
I`m not sure how anyone could have confused your mother with your sister in not believing G,Jackson being a G.B.member ?
Sorry but it just shows what an ignorant idiot your sister is if she doesn`t even know that and I might add a bitch to boot for cutting off you and her mother.
Good riddance I say
greetings, former children:.
i really miss my childhood home, which we left in 1960. dad sold it for some 12,000 dollars; it recently sold for somewhere under 1.5 million.
it's only a tiny bungalow but in a prosperous bay area town, not too far from san francisco, california.. the art and literature that are so important to me -- and for many others of us -- got their start in my heart and mind here in the california mountains.
Sorry to say my first home that I grew up in till about 12 yrs. has long gone now, a 2 storey terrace house with a small iron fenced veranda .Similar types of houses that still exist in the inner suburbs of Melbourne (Carlton) fetch 1-2 million dollars nowadays
My second house I lived in till I got married was in the outer suburbs of Melbourne Close to the Olympic Village where the athletes stayed for the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne (Heilderberg West)
My wife and I have counted over 40 times we have moved in our lifetime mostly renting and only twice have we owned a home thanks to my last employer of over 28 years.
And yes CoCo I do have a fondness for Gum trees their was a grassed hilly roundabout situated between the Melbourne Cemetery and the Melbourne University which we called 2 tree hill where we would rest as kids after playing football or cricket in the streets.
There was`nt anywhere neer as many cars in those days as their is today.
Your painting was depicting the fall ? Autumn down here,LOL
if you are a former jw elder, can you share any examples of corruption which you personally witnessed that were kept secret from the congregation?
following is an account from a longtime elder named tommy who recently disassociated.. the minor daughter of a presiding elder in a west texas congregation committed fornication with a 19-year old baptized witness in her father’s home.
the daughter had to confess to a judicial committee which included the aforementioned tommy.
Billions of people worship and pray to their GOD everyday many people believe their prayers have been answered by their GOD however nobody has ever proved or produced facts that this is the case with any evidence to prove it.
With prayers being answered all in the mind ,maybe that is where it should stay
As far as the OP is concerned if all that is true then the relevant authorities should be contacted with the relevant information
page 15 of awake!
2017 provides an image that shows hebrew writing with the statement: “the personal name of god written in ancient hebrew characters appears abundantly in early manuscripts of the bible”.. alongside that image, the awake!
provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘god’s name’ in various languages”.. the facts do not support either assertion that the watchtower society makes:.
Jehovah`s Witnesses and the name Jehovah .
The first edition of the book "Aid To Bible Understanding" clearly stated that the name Jehovah was adopted by the WTB&TS simply because it was the most acceptable ,most commonly used and most recognizable name among those in Christendoms circles.
They also admitted in that first article that Yahweh was more likely a more accurate rendering of Gods name however they chose the name Jehovah because that was the name most people would be familiar with it being more common place in literature at that time.
And how come Jesus never rebuked the Jews for not identifying them selves as JW`s Isa.43:10 -12 and for that matter Jesus Christ never ever uttered the name Jehovah not once.