That was a great poem sunny expressed very well the thoughts many of us have I`m sure.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Good-bye Jehovah (poem)
by SunnyOne026 init has been several months now, since i learned ttat and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others.
after 40 years a devout believer i guess i should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and i am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles.
i frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and i wish all of you continued courage and peace.
It`s more than likely "Theocratic Warfare" in the making tell the non JW world what they want to hear and tell the Rank and File what they must OBEY.
Isn`t that what they do with the public WatchTower magazine they give to the public and that same publication they give to dedicated Jehovah`s witnesses the Rank and File is somewhat different from the public version ?
Jehovah`s Witnesses / Governing Body speak with a forked tongue ,what they say to the Rank & File members is not what you will hear spoken to the general public.
The sooner Nations and Governments recognize this the better and it`s up to us to make sure they do see the deception /obfuscation the Jehovah`s witness religion employs.
League for Human Rights presses officials to probe Jehovah’s Witnesses, other religious groups
by AndersonsInfo in
news 8.3.2018 14:14 | updated 8.3.2018 finlandleague for human rights presses officials to probe jehovah’s witnesses, other religious groups.
a number of former members of the jehovah’s witnesses have come forth saying they were prevented from reporting sexual crimes to the authorities.
Thanks Barbara for posting this.
DOC ,Bring it on ,is all I can say.
edit to say ,their seems to be more and more nations that are now looking at questionable practices by religions and other institutions than ever before whether it be sexual or other types of abuse against minors and that is a great thing
We should all do our part to keep the momentum going where we can
Sexist article about construction
by neat blue dog in
it's all about women being trained to operate heavy equipment, like it's a miracle.
they quote the male foreman, but don't tell you that only men are allowed to be foreman.
Their should be an International Mourning day For Jehovah`s Witnesses Who Died Refusing Life saving Blood Transfusions because of being indoctrinated by a Religious / Real Estate / Publishing Company more interested in making money through their so called not for profit / Charity ventures that has raked in Millions of $$$$ into their coffers.
When are the Governments of this world going to wake up to the scams these so called religious organizations take them for fools. ?
I'm getting disfellowshipped
by Letty inhi everyone i'm 19 year old and i've been a jehovahs witness for 3 years now.
i've followed the rules and i'm even a pioneer.
but i've hid the secret of a boyfriend i had from india.
I feel for you letty I just hope you take notice of the advice you receive from this forum and act on it
take care .
If all you require is faith to believe in something then ....?
by smiddy3 inbe my guest :.
santa clause .
the tooth fairy .
You might as well ?
Be my guest :
believe in :
Santa Clause
The Tooth Fairy
Big Foot
The Loch Ness Monster
The Easter Bunny
Any God of your choosing
the Governing Body of JW.
These last six are just as relevant as those who preceded them
Why ?
Because we have had exactly the same response from all of them, nothing of any value for our well being either for now or in the future.
NSW, Victoria sign up to child abuse redress scheme, with bill to reach hundreds of millions of dollars
by AndersonsInfo in
by david crowe.
8 march 2018 .
Thanks jwleaks
So this is tied up with the premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews promise to abolish that which protects Church assets from Abuse victim claims .?
"The Ellis Defence" ?
May 1969 :on a highway, somewhere this side of a life unlived
by TerryWalstrom inmay 1969. i didn't know i was in, years later, i suddenly do see it.. we're not talking drugs.
i never did drugs.
ever.nothing is worse than stone cold sober.what i did was more destructive: i had mainlined on god.a weird brand of god: jehovah god.. i was shredded and unaware.
Thank you for that insight terry about being imprisoned for being a conscientious objector on religious grounds.
I have always wondered how one would feel nowadays knowing the TTATT having undergone such an experience .
You spent 2 years incarcerated for your beliefs, and not to make light of your experience I remember in the 60`s or 70`s about Greek brothers who were sentenced to 5 years imprisonment and if they didn`t recant at the end of those 5 years were subject to another 5 years and so on .
Greece apparently had a very hard line against conscientious objectors to military service.
At the time I believe their was at least one brother who had undergone 15 years imprisonment because of his conscientious beliefs against serving in the military
I can`t imagine how he would feel if he came to a knowledge of TTATT .Though I can imagine such ones because of what they have gone through clinging on to the false hope the GB holds out to them .
I personally was fortunate that I escaped National Service at the time because about a year previous to my conversion I was not called up because of the birthdate ballot that applied at the time.
Though in Australia they were a lot more tolerant I think of conscientious objectors on religious grounds from memory.
Good post terry.
Newbies and lurkers need to know what you guys went through all those years ago for the bloody "truth"
Watchtower Teachings That Don't Make Sense
by Vanderhoven7 inthere are a number of things that don't make sense to me about your religion.
a. blood prohibitions: .
- plasma...when all components of plasma are acceptable to the society.
Here Hear Vanderhoven7
Hear Here
Here hear Here
3 for emphasis
Tongue in cheek
The G.B. are like those "Gods" described in the Bible
They have ears but they cannot hear ( TTATT)
They have eyes but they cannot see (TTATT )
They have mouths but they cannot speak (TTATT )
And their followers have become just like them.
Unable to see hear or speak the truth about the truth
Are some of the long serving Bethel servants being given marching orders?
by carefullyread indoes any one have any info on the treatment of long serving elderly bethel servants who are retiring or virtually having to retire?
with the closing & selling off of their properties & relocation's, what is happening to their elderly servants who cannot just move away & have lived at some of their jw accommodations for so long?
many of these servants have worked for very little financial rewards & i have heard some have no life savings or superannuation retirements payouts.. shouldn't the society be paying out a redundancy sum to them?
Correction to my above post ,the aged care facility is called" Jah Jire" and it is run privately by Jehovah`s witnesses and in no way associated with the WTB&TS .
Their home page states that it is firstly up to members of their families to provide care for them ,failing that members of the congregation (good luck with that ) and also to rely on Government support where applicable. and lastly their organization .
It`s also interesting to note that such ones accepted into the aged care center is that they must be in good standing in the congregation and they are expected to attend all meetings and witnessing as to their capabilities.
Apparently they have a few aged care homes throughout Europe and America.
Maybe a lot of newbies and lurkers are not aware of this.