Please forgive me for my ignorance but WTF ? What significance does the WT Telephone Directory have to do with anything ?
Am I missing something here ?
watchtower telephone booksdownload1999
Please forgive me for my ignorance but WTF ? What significance does the WT Telephone Directory have to do with anything ?
Am I missing something here ?
jehovah`s witnesses claim that all their beliefs are based on the bible.the bible clearly states early on in deut.4:2 not to add to the word....and rev.22:18 re-iterates much the same thing in not to make additions to the word of god.. i think we could agree on that the organization has raised the bar on that one with their "weasel" words on so many issues that have already been thrashed out on this forum.. so a few other things that come to my mind are : with regards to j.w`s being parasites on christendom.. 1. they claim christendom apostatized itself from true christianity by the 3rd century , yet they accept apostate christendoms determination of what books are to be included in the bible as gods word as if they were governed by holy spirit to do so.?.
2.jehovah`s witnesses have only ever followed in christendoms missionaries footsteps where they have gone preaching and poaching off of the work these missionaries that have laid the groundwork before them .. 3.jehovah`s witnesses have never opened up virgin territory and gone where no other christian missionary has ever gone before .
{ not to my knowledge anyway i stand to be corrected if i am wrong on this point}.
The canon of the Hebrew scriptures was fixed even before Jesus' was born. and the New Testament books were finalized by 180 CE (the Muratorian Fragment),. So the JW's believe that the canon was determined much before the Councils of the third century Roman Catholic Church.
The Watchtower /Jehovah`s Witnesses believe and teach that the Apostasy began by the time the last Apostle died around 100 AD
So I stand by my statement that Jehovah`s Witnesses accept the word of Apostates who determined what books are to be accepted in the Christian Greek Scriptures NT as the inspired word of God.
i get it, not a fan of yahweh the desert god.
but what about jesus?
anything wrong with his teachings like the sermon on the mount and the example he set.
All great religious figures such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed …were sent by God to restore the remembrance of God which would help people to be good citizens of their respective countries.
That doesn`t sound like an Almighty All knowing God to me ,it just sounds like some crazy mixed up dude who can`t make his mind up on how to help or direct people in this life.
jehovah`s witnesses claim that all their beliefs are based on the bible.the bible clearly states early on in deut.4:2 not to add to the word....and rev.22:18 re-iterates much the same thing in not to make additions to the word of god.. i think we could agree on that the organization has raised the bar on that one with their "weasel" words on so many issues that have already been thrashed out on this forum.. so a few other things that come to my mind are : with regards to j.w`s being parasites on christendom.. 1. they claim christendom apostatized itself from true christianity by the 3rd century , yet they accept apostate christendoms determination of what books are to be included in the bible as gods word as if they were governed by holy spirit to do so.?.
2.jehovah`s witnesses have only ever followed in christendoms missionaries footsteps where they have gone preaching and poaching off of the work these missionaries that have laid the groundwork before them .. 3.jehovah`s witnesses have never opened up virgin territory and gone where no other christian missionary has ever gone before .
{ not to my knowledge anyway i stand to be corrected if i am wrong on this point}.
Jehovah`s Witnesses claim that all their beliefs are based on the Bible.The Bible clearly states early on in Deut.4:2 not to add to the word....and Rev.22:18 re-iterates much the same thing in not to make additions to the word of God.
I think we could agree on that the organization has raised the bar on that one with their "weasel" words on so many issues that have already been thrashed out on this forum.
So a few other things that come to my mind are : With regards to J.W`s being parasites on Christendom.
1. They claim Christendom Apostatized itself from true Christianity by the 3rd Century , yet they accept Apostate Christendoms determination of what books are to be included in the Bible as Gods word as if they were governed by Holy Spirit to do so.?
2.Jehovah`s Witnesses have only ever followed in Christendoms Missionaries footsteps where they have gone preaching and poaching off of the work these missionaries that have laid the groundwork before them .
3.Jehovah`s Witnesses have never opened up virgin territory and gone where no other Christian Missionary has ever gone before . { Not to my knowledge anyway I stand to be corrected if I am wrong on this point}
They have always only followed in the footsteps of those who have gone on before them (Christendom )
4. The average rank & file JW likes to think that Jehovah`s Witnesses are the only ones that use the name Jehovah.Little do they realise that not only the Bible they use was established by the Catholic Church but also the name of God Jehovah was also. By a Spanish Catholic Monk in the 13th Century by adding vowels to the four letters of Hebrew {Tetragrammaton} translated by him as JHVH and coming up with the name Jehovah.
5.The Catholic Church and Christendoms Protestant religions have been using that name ever since the 13th Century in writings ,engraved on Churches and with biblical scholars throughout the world down to this day.
So I stand by my statement that if it wasn`t for Christendom Jehovah`s Witnesses would not have anywhere near the membership they have today and that they are parasites on Christendoms religions,
i heard this information 3rd hand, so i'm just after confirmation.
mike kramer, a little short guy.
was a bethel heavy and a company man through and through.
Just a suggestion : It`s worked for me in Australia
Seeing you have an idea about where he might live look up the phone listings on the internet and type their names in ,and with a bit of luck you will have success.
I have found people this way in Australia.
to help me deal with periodic back and neck pain and stiffness, she suggested i sleep with a pillow between my legs.
i bit my tongue, she wouldn't have gotten it anyway..
Ha,Ha,Ha, nbd,if she only knew what images that brings up.
It brings to my mind Connie Francis & Hank Williams Jr. song
" Send me The Pillow That You ( wet) Dream On "
i get it, not a fan of yahweh the desert god.
but what about jesus?
anything wrong with his teachings like the sermon on the mount and the example he set.
I think 50 reasons are a good number and their are quite a few sites that are willing to give their point of view on the subject .
the outline number 44 from this year’s regional assembly states:.
la organización de las naciones unidas es en realidad una falsificación del reino mesiánico, y es una ofensa para dios.. .
translation: “the united nations organisation is actually a counterfeit of the messianic kingdom, and it is offensive to god.”.
During the 1990`s it has been demonstrated on this forum where they in their AWAKE magazine wrote some articles that could only be described as pro UN material the good they were doing on a humanitarian level
Maybe someone who is more tech. savvy can produce those articles and certainly not condemning them as enemy`s of God.
the outline number 44 from this year’s regional assembly states:.
la organización de las naciones unidas es en realidad una falsificación del reino mesiánico, y es una ofensa para dios.. .
translation: “the united nations organisation is actually a counterfeit of the messianic kingdom, and it is offensive to god.”.
Just another example of backflips of the WTS/JW`s condemning the League Of Nations /United Nations as counterfeit`s to the Kingdom of God set up with Jesus Christ as King for many years .
Then in the 1990`s praising the work in their magazine on what good the UN was accomplishing in humanitarian aid such as UNESCO while they were associated with the UN as card carrying members NGO and DPO
That then being exposed by a UK journalist for their hypocrisy of 10 years membership and then severing ties with the UN
They now feel free to label the UN as a counterfeit to the Kingdom Of God by Christ Jesus.
i missed my first memorial last year in 60 years.
it always amazed me on this special night that the jw's forget how to park their cars in the parking lot.
i would pull in with my wife and there are 5 brothers giving directions on where and how to park my car.
Our last one was in 1993 and I think it`s quite funny how the partakers keep going up every year since we left when we were always told that the numbers of partakers would be decreasing as the END of this System of things drew near .