stupid videos
Would you care to elaborate your comment and explain yourself ? Why you feel this way ?
I would love to hear it .
hey guys!
i just want you guys to know that today is a really great day.
there are so many jehovah's witnesses that saw this documentary and were disgusted by watchtowers policy.
i went with my wife to a one day ca the other day.
i haven’t been to a meeting in.
probably 8 or 9 months.
Jehovah`s witnesses are blind to the fact that the name/word "Jehovah" does not occur once ,not once in the Christian Greek text that Jehovah`s Witnesses base their New world Translation on for the new Testament.
Neither Jesus ,the Apostles ,nor any of the disciples or any body else ever uttered the name/word Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures /New Testament.
And not once in the Christian Greek Scriptures are Christians admonished to witness to,for or about Jehovah ,not once.
However their are over 30 times Christians are to bear witness to,for and about Jesus Christ .
anyone listen to the "special" talk today?
i guess it was given by one of the governing body members and shown at all the halls.
"Who Really Is Jesus Christ" ? that is a special talk ? You have to be kidding me after 2000 years that subject has been thrashed to death .
And they can`t come up with anything more original ? SHHEEESSSHHH
They really do need to get a new script writer because this one is way past his use by date .
as i journey through life, i take a path not traveled by others, or so it would seem.. i reach out, sometimes in tears, more often with hope, that another sole wanderer.
will come along with me and share the journey leading to better times and places.. it is as if, however, no one hears the murmurings of a heart wishing company,.
one with whom to share in nature's wonders, to delight in what she has wrought.. i continue to meander through life's lanes untrammeled, knowing that soon you'll.
Does`nt that prose just sum up this forum to a tee ? Well that`s what i got out of it anyway.
And in that sense I loved it .
Beautifully expressed
did you watch it?.
watchtower has had its underparts ripped out tonight on the ctv w5 documentary, exposing the pedophile paradise due to the 2 witness rule along with the blood sacrifice of its members!
huge thanks to avery haines and producer derek miller.. to all our wonderful and brave exjehovah's witnesses and supporters, a large amount of gratitude and love goes out to each one of you.
Expose` in Canada ,Australia , The United Kingdom , all about Child Sexual Abuses and cover ups not reporting these crimes to the police or child Protection Authorities by these Elders yet holding internal / in house investigations into these allegations by a Judicial committee comprising of three Elders.
And if no two witnesses are present to these allegations the victim becomes the one under investigation or is silenced with the threat of being shunned as a gossiper or trouble maker within the congregation.
Are their any other Countries other than Canada,the UK ,Australia that have Jehovah`s Witness in their sights for not protecting their Children against Sexual Abuse that you know of ?
scores of alleged victims come forward and describe culture of cover-up in religious group in uk.
more than 100 people have contacted the guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in jehovah’s witness communities across the uk.. former and current members, including 41 alleged victims of child sexual abuse, described a culture of cover-ups and lies, with senior members of the organisation, known as elders, discouraging victims from coming forward for fear of bringing “reproach on jehovah” and being exiled from the congregation and their families.. a guardian investigation also heard from 48 people who experienced other forms of abuse, including physical violence when they were children, and 35 who witnessed or heard about others who were victims of child grooming and abuse.. the stories told to the guardian ranged from events decades ago to more recent, and many of those who came forward have now contacted the police.. they told the guardian about:.
Welcome to the forum FrauBernadette feel free to share your experiences once you are comfortable being on this site .
Where you can voice your beliefs and opinions without sanctions put upon you .Oh people can disagree with you but you wont be shunned or ostracized for your opinions or your beliefs.
You can use the search option at the top right hand corner of the screen for any subject you are interested in their are some amazing contributions by learned people over the years on a variety of subjects.
Take care
well the shit has finally hit the fan here in chanda for the jws.. an hour long investigative journalist program called w5 went deep into the jws's pedophilia cover up problems that have been on going for decades within the jws religion.. .
i think its good thing for the public to realize how religions can and will coverup egregious acts which are serious crimes in most countries just to up hold a clean wholesome image around their organizations..
One thing about the video showing ex JW`s going into KH`s and disrupting their meetings which i personally don`t think are productive methods they should at least dress appropiately similar to what a JW is expected to wear at meetings .
The nine things you didn`t know about JW`s is excellent.and should be distributed more widely among the general public.
However it was good coverage by CTV.News 5
Thanks for sharing.
it became rare, i thought, when considering last weekends study article.
it became rare, that most of the message is actually quite ok. the gist was to avoid loving oneself, money and pleasures more than god.
thats ok, if you're a believer.. this was my take until i saw the pictures, and discovered the real message behind the article.. as often, they use pictures to contrast bad and good behaviour (in their eyes at least).
It amuses me now how all religions including JW`s have to keep reminding/encouraging members to give money?
I don`t recall anywhere in the NT of Jesus asking for money or guilt tripping anybody to give over their valuable things to an organization ?
GOD the ALMIGHTY needing money from his worshipers ,makes you laugh when you stop and think about it .
about 9 months ago, i started this thread:.
i have had a little spare time, so i thought i would present some of the data in a more user friendly manner, with some additional detail.. 1. median age.
With all this bad publicity going around worldwide we can only hope the decline speeds up .
Thanks for the info shepherdless interesting stats.
there are exposes right and left.
australia, canada , uk, usa.
news reports, court cases.
Sooner or later though with all this crap hitting the fan people will start to care though I share your frustration it does take a long time for any thing constructive to come out of it.