What`s with the head covering ,I thought that was for women ,by the way
He`s a passenger not a driver , i`m an Aussie
is driving so safely!
" said the surprised middle aged jw lady..
What`s with the head covering ,I thought that was for women ,by the way
He`s a passenger not a driver , i`m an Aussie
it was 2010 when i first came to this website.
it was the day after the memorial.
i swore i would never attend another memorial, ever.. my father had called me a few day prior to that memorial and encouraged me to go.
Thank your lucky stars that you have found the TTATT when you have .It has probably saved you many more years of misery and heartache.
It has also stolen my parents and my sister from me. However, it has not stolen all happiness from my life.
we can only hope that that these bonds can be restored though it is not up to you to do so the onus is upon them to do so since they are the ones that do the shunning.
At the instigation of the Governing Body Members
Doesn`t the Scriptures state "Do not put your trust in Knoble`s in whom no salvation belongs ?
Ps 146 :3 and by extension the Governing Body who have set themselves up as your spiritual Gurus on their say so and their say so only.?
red flags should go up here especially when they say words to the effect "even if you don`t agree with our direction you obediently go along with it anyway " ?
Excuse me ? you will blindly follow some direction from someone you don`t personally know because he has a label given by some other people you don`t personally know and you willingly put your life and the life of your family into the hands of these strangers ?
just thought a review the following material many have contributed to might be helpful .
you know you are in the wrong religion:1. when the all important question is not: "do you believe in the lord jesus christ?"....but....
"do you believe in the "faithful and discreet slave" appointed in 1919?"2.
When you are told by the G.B. that have to witness to, for, and about Jehovah God and the Christian Greek Scriptures say no such thing ? Look up their K.I. Translation of The Christian Greek Scriptures .
Christians are continuously told to witness about Jesus ,for Jesus and about Jesus ,over 30 times , their is not one scripture in the Christian Greek Scriptures that says Christians are to be witnesses of Jehovah , not one.
Why would the New Testament / Christian Greek Scriptures state that the name Jesus is to be held above every other name in heaven on earth or under the earth. ? and not Jehovah ?
Christians are to be witnesses of Jesus Christ not Jehovah.
hey guys!
i just want you guys to know that today is a really great day.
there are so many jehovah's witnesses that saw this documentary and were disgusted by watchtowers policy.
I wonder how many different countries have had access to this video with a potential to how many people may have viewed it ?
I`m in Australia.and I viewed it
hi does anyone know any good articles or videos about how old mankind and the earth are and carbon dating?
i've just started looking into it but there seems to be a lot of conflicting ideas over accuracy so i'm unsure what to think.
The bible teaches us that the human race is approximately 6,000 years old.
I`m not sure that is really true , I think the interpretations some Christian religions give to Bible verses would like their members to believe that ,but that is not what the Bible actually says,
or is / does it ?
i noticed a recent post where it was suggested the store was taken over by hostile means!.
the person who posted it pretended to have knowledge of why the store changed names but clearly was operating with an agenda!
one filled with lies, misinformation and deceit!.
Most Jehovah`s Witnesses are gullible with or about anything to do with this religion and sadly their are many in the religion who are opportunists who will take advantage of the gullible in the religion for their own profit and will exploit them .
Sad but true.
hey guys!
i just want you guys to know that today is a really great day.
there are so many jehovah's witnesses that saw this documentary and were disgusted by watchtowers policy.
i went with my wife to a one day ca the other day.
i haven’t been to a meeting in.
probably 8 or 9 months.
Jehovah`s witnesses are blind to the fact that the name/word "Jehovah" does not occur once ,not once in the Christian Greek text that Jehovah`s Witnesses base their New world Translation on for the new Testament.
Neither Jesus ,the Apostles ,nor any of the disciples or any body else ever uttered the name/word Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures /New Testament.
And not once in the Christian Greek Scriptures are Christians admonished to witness to,for or about Jehovah ,not once.
However their are over 30 times Christians are to bear witness to,for and about Jesus Christ .
anyone listen to the "special" talk today?
i guess it was given by one of the governing body members and shown at all the halls.
"Who Really Is Jesus Christ" ? that is a special talk ? You have to be kidding me after 2000 years that subject has been thrashed to death .
And they can`t come up with anything more original ? SHHEEESSSHHH
They really do need to get a new script writer because this one is way past his use by date .
as i journey through life, i take a path not traveled by others, or so it would seem.. i reach out, sometimes in tears, more often with hope, that another sole wanderer.
will come along with me and share the journey leading to better times and places.. it is as if, however, no one hears the murmurings of a heart wishing company,.
one with whom to share in nature's wonders, to delight in what she has wrought.. i continue to meander through life's lanes untrammeled, knowing that soon you'll.
Does`nt that prose just sum up this forum to a tee ? Well that`s what i got out of it anyway.
And in that sense I loved it .
Beautifully expressed