the WTS used was the 6000 years of mankind's existence for a total of 3 times.
What were the dates for the end and the beginning of the 6000 years other than the year 1975 ?
I was aware of two but not three.
much as been revealed over the years to the date setting doctrines made by the wts.
such as ( 1874, 1914, 1925 , 1975 this generation, the last days, the end times etc.... which were not created by other christian based faiths.. as to critically examine why might reveal a hidden agenda to all these date setting proclamations.. the point in question is did the wts and its leaders intentionally manipulate or exploit the preaching of the gospel to enhance the proliferation of their own printed publications ?.
i would say convincingly yes, no question.
the WTS used was the 6000 years of mankind's existence for a total of 3 times.
What were the dates for the end and the beginning of the 6000 years other than the year 1975 ?
I was aware of two but not three.
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.
many countries (more than 10 countries) know that they can live without war and have never partaken in any war,
I don`t suppose it`s because they have never been threatened of being invaded and taken over by a foreign power would it ?
Otherwise it might have been a totally different story.
Isn`t that a universal truth ?
new to the forum.
hope today finds everyone well.
i’m not super familiar with jw theology concerning jesus.
His greatest commandant was to love one another after all.
How does that fit with Matt.10 :34-36 "Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth ,I came to not put peace but a sword ,for I came to cause division ,with a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a young wife against her mother in law ,indeed a mans enemies will be persons of his own household".
That doesn`t sound like you were to love one another to me !
i'm just curious to get people's views on this.. the bible students seem to start of as quite a liberal group under charles taze russell, albeit he had some whacky teachings going on.
obviously things began to change under rutherford.
but what decade did it become abundantly clear that the society was indeed high control religion or even labeled a cult?.
I think it became a high control religion the first time they changed their interpretation of a so called prophetic scripture without any explanation and then gave it another interpretation without any apology for misleading people in the first place.
i am asking that question because recent watchtowers tell adherents to not talk email or text a df person how does that jibe with being free moral agent able to make a personal choice?.
i realize that jehovah’s witnesses have been dumbed down for long time now.
still, i think there must be something that would make them really question their beliefs, even their life.. i think that if witnesses were told they could take blood or that disfellowshipping was unloving, they might stop and take a hard look at everything they have sacrificed their lives for.. i know the organization has muddled these subjects before but the i think even die hard witnesses might start to second guess the governing body..
The G.B.used to say that the annointed numbers would fall as the end got nearer pre the year`s 1890`s- 2000`s.
For about 30-40 years the numbers of the annointed never went below 8000 ,it was pretty stagnant for all that time
Then after the year 2000 the numbers of the annointed have started going up to where they are today at about 18-20000 , the official version to explain this has been to say they are either new or they are not mentally stable .?
If they are" new" then the WT is obviously not doing a good job in training new ones about the "truth" and their role in the congregation.
If they are mentally unstable ? what does that tell you about the organization apart from the fact they are still lax in educating properly the role of a JW in the congregation .
My belief for the reason of such an increase by long time JW`s is because they are sick and tired of the continued delay of Armageddon and they are cutting their losses and not relying on a time frame but know that when they die whenever that is they will get a heavenly resurrection.
Simply put the vast majority have lost faith in Armageddon being just around the corner they have come to the realization they will most likely die before Armageddon comes ,so being one of the anointed gives them security they will be resurrected to heaven.
ive been gone a long arse time and yous have really blown up the number oph posts.
holy mother oph our lord and savior osiris!.
I perused a couple of your posts Hyghlandyr ,you had a story and and a half to tell way back then .I take my hat off to you for being a survivor.
You haven`t been around here for donkeys years what have you been doing ? All positives I hope ? LOL
And of course Welcome back .Their is hardly a day goes by when their is not somebody new on the board .
We are a little flock becoming a mighty Nation. YAAAAYYYY
in this picture from the latest watchtower, what in the world is the guy watching on the left side of the picture??
it looks like a female vampire holding a lightsaber.
am i missing something?.
The guys got a split personality he watches both, one at home and the other at the Kingdom hall.
It is the same guy right ?
He must be on viagra in both pics.
please help .
more research for my book .
In a nutshell the Society frowned upon psychiatry ,psychology, and anything related to those sciences and told their members to put their faith in the Bible message ,that was the answer to all mankinds problems.
Not these new fangled ideas of Satans origin.
That`s the gist of their reasoning.
can anyone remember this?.
in a mid-80s i seem to remember a publication with a box on a page.. inside the box it was saying something like 'some have wondered if 1934 could be the correct starting date, if 587bce was the fall of jerusalem.
but history has shown it was 1914'.. does this ring any bells?.
Maybe we should focus our attention of the Last Days Of The WTB&TS ,by all accounts that`s on the cards .