122 million dollars$$$$$ of taxpayers money down the drain when the the same result could have been achieved by adding this question in the Census that was conducted just a few months ago and saved 122 million $$$$ of taxpayers money that could have been used for other more important things.
Where are the brains of these politicians we have in parliament today ?Both major parties are to blame .
If you want to be a motor mechanic you have to do a course of schooling x amount of years and apprenticeship before you qualify to be a motor mechanic ,5 years or more.
To be a politician ? no experience necessary and they can enjoy benefits well beyond a motor mechanic`s service of 30- 40 years in the work force ,with only 10 or 15 years in parliament.
I have nothing against gays some of my friends and relations are gay and i have good relations with them but the way this Govt.has approached this issue is surely lacking.
It`s non binding and now the Govt. has to debate it in parliament which is anybody`s guess how that will go.