Or is thanksgiving a massive animal sacrifice ritual?
Well just suppose that it is , though I don`t believe so personally, however it pales into insignificance with the massive animal sacrifice rituals that Jehovah God imposed on his chosen people .
1kings 8:62-64 "twenty two thousand cattle ,and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep that the King and all the sons of Israel might inaugurate the house of Jehovah .
Jehovah created these animals and has no qualms about offering them up as sacrifices.
Cain and Abel`s sacrifice to Jehovah Gen.4:3-6 Cain was a cultivator of the ground,whereas Abel brought the firstling`s of his flock even their fatty pieces,
Who got Jehovah`s favour ? Why Abel of course because he slaughtered one of Jehovah`s creations whereas Cain was found in disfavour because he offered up the first fruits of the ground.
I think Jehovah God got it arse about ,what do you think ?