The title of Russell`s magazine was "Zions WatchTower And herald of Christs presence " first printed in 1879? until it was changed in the 1920`s ?
Russell was obviously a believer in the Zionist movement of his day {no longer believed by JW`s }
Russell also believed Christ presence began around 1874? {also no longer believed by JW`s}
Two major doctrines C.T.Russell taught for approximately 30-40 years until his death ,so why would Jesus Christ appoint the IBSA as they were known then as the Faithfull and Discreet Slave class in 1919 ? because they were then teaching false doctrines ?
Neither could they be classed as Faithfull nor could they be regarded as discreet for teaching such error over so long a time.
Anything else Russell taught such as the resurrection could also be discarded and thrown into the rubbish bin .
And for that matter anything the schism Jehovah`s Witnesses said could also be thrown in the rubbish bin as being built on a faulty foundation the International Bible Students Association .